Source code for lomas_server.routes.routes_admin

from fastapi import APIRouter, Body, Depends, Header, Request
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse, RedirectResponse

from lomas_server.data_connector.data_connector import get_column_dtypes
from lomas_server.dp_queries.dummy_dataset import make_dummy_dataset
from lomas_server.routes.utils import server_live
from lomas_server.utils.error_handler import (
from lomas_server.utils.query_examples import (
from lomas_server.utils.query_models import GetDbData, GetDummyDataset

router = APIRouter()

[docs] @router.get("/") async def root(): """Redirect root endpoint to the state endpoint Returns: JSONResponse: The state of the server instance. """ return RedirectResponse(url="/state")
# Get server state
[docs] @router.get("/state", tags=["ADMIN_USER"]) async def get_state( request: Request, user_name: str = Header(None), ) -> JSONResponse: """Returns the current state dict of this server instance. Args: request (Request): Raw request object user_name (str, optional): The user name. Defaults to Header(None). Returns: JSONResponse: The state of the server instance. """ app = return JSONResponse( content={ "requested_by": user_name, "state": app.state.server_state, } )
# Metadata query
[docs] "/get_dataset_metadata", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_METADATA"], ) def get_dataset_metadata( request: Request, query_json: GetDbData = Body(example_get_admin_db_data), user_name: str = Header(None), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Retrieves metadata for a given dataset. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (GetDbData, optional): A JSON object containing the dataset_name key for indicating the dataset. Defaults to Body(example_get_admin_db_data). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. Returns: JSONResponse: The metadata dictionary for the specified dataset_name. """ app = dataset_name = query_json.dataset_name if not app.state.admin_database.has_user_access_to_dataset( user_name, dataset_name ): raise UnauthorizedAccessException( f"{user_name} does not have access to {dataset_name}.", ) try: ds_metadata = app.state.admin_database.get_dataset_metadata( dataset_name ) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(str(e)) from e return ds_metadata
# Dummy dataset query
[docs] "/get_dummy_dataset", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_DUMMY"], ) def get_dummy_dataset( request: Request, query_json: GetDummyDataset = Body(example_get_dummy_dataset), user_name: str = Header(None), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Generates and returns a dummy dataset. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (GetDummyDataset, optional): A JSON object containing the following: - nb_rows (int, optional): The number of rows in the dummy dataset (default: 100). - seed (int, optional): The random seed for generating the dummy dataset (default: 42). Defaults to Body(example_get_dummy_dataset). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. Returns: JSONResponse: a dict with the dataframe as a dict, the column types and the list of datetime columns. """ app = dataset_name = query_json.dataset_name if not app.state.admin_database.has_user_access_to_dataset( user_name, dataset_name ): raise UnauthorizedAccessException( f"{user_name} does not have access to {dataset_name}.", ) try: ds_metadata = app.state.admin_database.get_dataset_metadata( query_json.dataset_name ) dtypes, datetime_columns = get_column_dtypes(ds_metadata) dummy_df = make_dummy_dataset( ds_metadata, query_json.dummy_nb_rows, query_json.dummy_seed, ) for col in datetime_columns: dummy_df[col] = dummy_df[col].dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(str(e)) from e return JSONResponse( content={ "dummy_dict": dummy_df.to_dict(orient="records"), "dtypes": dtypes, "datetime_columns": datetime_columns, } )
# MongoDB get initial budget
[docs] "/get_initial_budget", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_BUDGET"], ) def get_initial_budget( request: Request, query_json: GetDbData = Body(example_get_admin_db_data), user_name: str = Header(None), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Returns the initial budget for a user and dataset. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (GetDbData, optional): A JSON object containing: - dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset. Defaults to Body(example_get_admin_db_data). user_name (str, optional): The user name. Defaults to Header(None). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. InvalidQueryException: The dataset does not exist. UnauthorizedAccessException: The user does not exist or the user does not have access to the dataset. Returns: JSONResponse: a JSON object with: - initial_epsilon (float): initial epsilon budget. - initial_delta (float): initial delta budget. """ app = try: ( initial_epsilon, initial_delta, ) = app.state.admin_database.get_initial_budget( user_name, query_json.dataset_name ) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(str(e)) from e return JSONResponse( content={ "initial_epsilon": initial_epsilon, "initial_delta": initial_delta, } )
# MongoDB get total spent budget
[docs] "/get_total_spent_budget", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_BUDGET"], ) def get_total_spent_budget( request: Request, query_json: GetDbData = Body(example_get_admin_db_data), user_name: str = Header(None), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Returns the spent budget for a user and dataset. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (GetDbData, optional): A JSON object containing: - dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset. Defaults to Body(example_get_admin_db_data). user_name (str, optional): The user name. Defaults to Header(None). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. InvalidQueryException: The dataset does not exist. UnauthorizedAccessException: The user does not exist or the user does not have access to the dataset. Returns: JSONResponse: a JSON object with: - total_spent_epsilon (float): total spent epsilon budget. - total_spent_delta (float): total spent delta budget. """ app = try: ( total_spent_epsilon, total_spent_delta, ) = app.state.admin_database.get_total_spent_budget( user_name, query_json.dataset_name ) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(str(e)) from e return JSONResponse( content={ "total_spent_epsilon": total_spent_epsilon, "total_spent_delta": total_spent_delta, } )
# MongoDB get remaining budget
[docs] "/get_remaining_budget", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_BUDGET"], ) def get_remaining_budget( request: Request, query_json: GetDbData = Body(example_get_admin_db_data), user_name: str = Header(None), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Returns the remaining budget for a user and dataset. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (GetDbData, optional): A JSON object containing: - dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset. Defaults to Body(example_get_admin_db_data). user_name (str, optional): The user name. Defaults to Header(None). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. InvalidQueryException: The dataset does not exist. UnauthorizedAccessException: The user does not exist or the user does not have access to the dataset. Returns: JSONResponse: a JSON object with: - remaining_epsilon (float): remaining epsilon budget. - remaining_delta (float): remaining delta budget. """ app = try: rem_epsilon, rem_delta = app.state.admin_database.get_remaining_budget( user_name, query_json.dataset_name ) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(str(e)) from e return JSONResponse( content={ "remaining_epsilon": rem_epsilon, "remaining_delta": rem_delta, } )
# MongoDB get archives
[docs] "/get_previous_queries", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_BUDGET"], ) def get_user_previous_queries( request: Request, query_json: GetDbData = Body(example_get_admin_db_data), user_name: str = Header(None), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Returns the query history of a user on a specific dataset. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (GetDbData, optional): A JSON object containing: - dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset. Defaults to Body(example_get_admin_db_data). user_name (str, optional): The user name. Defaults to Header(None). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. InvalidQueryException: The dataset does not exist. UnauthorizedAccessException: The user does not exist or the user does not have access to the dataset. Returns: JSONResponse: A JSON object containing: - previous_queries (list[dict]): a list of dictionaries containing the previous queries. """ app = try: previous_queries = app.state.admin_database.get_user_previous_queries( user_name, query_json.dataset_name ) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(str(e)) from e return JSONResponse(content={"previous_queries": previous_queries})