In this section, you will find various examples demonstrating how to use Lomas-client in different scenarios. These examples will help you understand the practical applications and features of lomas.
You can also find additional notebooks and examples in our GitHub repository.
- Lomas: Client demo
- Lomas Client Side: Using Smartnoise-SQL
- Lomas Client Side: Using DiffPrivlib
- Lomas Client Side: Using Smartnoise-Synth
- Step 1: Install the library
- Step 2: Initialise the client
- Step 3: Metadata and dummy dataset
- Step 3: Create a Synthetic Dataset keeping all default parameters
- DPCTGAN: Differentially Private Conditional Tabular GAN
- PATEGAN: Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles
- PATECTGAN: Conditional tabular GAN using Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles
- DPGAN: DIfferentially Private GAN
- Step 6: See archives of queries
- S3 example
Here are some examples for using Lomas-client.