Source code for lomas_server.dp_queries.dp_libraries.smartnoise_sql

from typing import Optional

import pandas as pd
from snsql import Mechanism, Privacy, Stat, from_connection
from snsql.reader.base import Reader

from lomas_server.admin_database.admin_database import AdminDatabase
from lomas_server.constants import SSQL_MAX_ITERATION, SSQL_STATS, DPLibraries
from lomas_server.data_connector.data_connector import DataConnector
from lomas_server.dp_queries.dp_querier import DPQuerier
from lomas_server.utils.collection_models import Metadata
from lomas_server.utils.error_handler import (
from lomas_server.utils.query_models import (

[docs] class SmartnoiseSQLQuerier( DPQuerier[SmartnoiseSQLRequestModel, SmartnoiseSQLQueryModel] ): """ Concrete implementation of the DPQuerier ABC for the SmartNoiseSQL library. """ def __init__( self, data_connector: DataConnector, admin_database: AdminDatabase, ) -> None: super().__init__(data_connector, admin_database) self.reader: Optional[Reader] = None
[docs] def cost( self, query_json: SmartnoiseSQLRequestModel ) -> tuple[float, float]: """Estimate cost of query Args: query_json (SmartnoiseSQLModelCost): JSON request object for the query. Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. Returns: tuple[float, float]: The tuple of costs, the first value is the epsilon cost, the second value is the delta value. """ privacy = Privacy(epsilon=query_json.epsilon, privacy = set_mechanisms(privacy, query_json.mechanisms) metadata = self.data_connector.get_metadata() smartnoise_metadata = convert_to_smartnoise_metadata(metadata) self.reader = from_connection( self.data_connector.get_pandas_df(), privacy=privacy, metadata=smartnoise_metadata, ) try: epsilon, delta = self.reader.get_privacy_cost(query_json.query_str) except Exception as e: raise ExternalLibraryException( DPLibraries.SMARTNOISE_SQL, "Error obtaining cost: " + str(e), ) from e return epsilon, delta
[docs] def query(self, query_json: SmartnoiseSQLQueryModel) -> dict: """Performs the query and returns the response. Args: query_json (SmartnoiseSQLQueryModel): The request model object. Returns: dict: The dictionary encoding of the result pd.DataFrame. """ return self.query_with_iter(query_json)
[docs] def query_with_iter( self, query_json: SmartnoiseSQLQueryModel, nb_iter: int = 0 ) -> dict: """Perform the query and return the response. Args: query_json (SmartnoiseSQLQueryModel): Request object for the query. nb_iter (int, optional): Number of trials if output is Nan. Defaults to 0. Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InvalidQueryException: If the budget values are too small to perform the query. Returns: dict: The dictionary encoding of the resulting pd.DataFrame. """ epsilon, delta = query_json.epsilon, if self.reader is None: raise InternalServerException( "Smartnoise SQL `query` method called before `cost` method" ) try: result = self.reader.execute( query_json.query_str, postprocess=query_json.postprocess ) except Exception as e: raise ExternalLibraryException( DPLibraries.SMARTNOISE_SQL, "Error executing query:" + str(e), ) from e if not query_json.postprocess: result = list(result)[0] cols = [f"res_{i}" for i in range(len(result))] result = [result] else: cols = result.pop(0) if result == []: raise ExternalLibraryException( DPLibraries.SMARTNOISE_SQL, f"SQL Reader generated empty results. " f"Epsilon: {epsilon} and Delta: {delta} are too small" " to generate output.", ) df_res = pd.DataFrame(result, columns=cols) if df_res.isnull().values.any(): # Try again up to SSQL_MAX_ITERATION if nb_iter < SSQL_MAX_ITERATION: nb_iter += 1 return self.query_with_iter(query_json, nb_iter) raise InvalidQueryException( f"SQL Reader generated NAN results. " f"Epsilon: {epsilon} and Delta: {delta} are too small " "to generate output.", ) return df_res.to_dict(orient="tight")
[docs] def set_mechanisms(privacy: Privacy, mechanisms: dict[str, str]) -> Privacy: """Set privacy mechanisms on the Privacy object. For more information see: Args: privacy (Privacy): Privacy object. mechanisms (dict[str, str]): Mechanisms to set. Returns: Privacy: The updated Privacy object. """ for stat in SSQL_STATS: if stat in mechanisms.keys():[Stat[stat]] = Mechanism[mechanisms[stat]] return privacy
[docs] def convert_to_smartnoise_metadata(metadata: Metadata) -> dict: """Convert Lomas metadata to smartnoise metadata format (for SQL) Args: metadata (Metadata): Dataset metadata from admin database Returns: dict: metadata of the dataset in smartnoise-sql format """ metadata_dict = metadata.model_dump() metadata_dict.update(metadata_dict["columns"]) del metadata_dict["columns"] return {"": {"": {"df": metadata_dict}}}