Source code for lomas_server.mongodb_admin

import argparse
import functools
import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from warnings import warn

import boto3
import yaml
from pymongo.database import Database
from pymongo.results import _WriteResult

from lomas_core.error_handler import InternalServerException
from lomas_core.models.collections import (
from lomas_core.models.constants import PrivateDatabaseType
from lomas_server.admin_database.constants import BudgetDBKey
from lomas_server.admin_database.mongodb_database import (

[docs] def check_user_exists(enforce_true: bool) -> Callable: """Raises a ValueError if the user does (not) exist in the user collection. Depending on the enforce_true parameter. Args: enforce_true (bool): If set to True, the wrapper will enforce the user is already in the database. If set to False, it will enforce the user is NOT in the database. Returns: Callable: The wrapper function that enforces user presence (or absence) before calling the suplied function. """ def inner_func(function: Callable[[Database, argparse.Namespace], None]) -> Callable: @functools.wraps(function) def wrapper_decorator(*arguments: argparse.Namespace, **kwargs: Dict) -> None: db = arguments[0] user = arguments[1] user_count = db.users.count_documents({"user_name": user}) if enforce_true and user_count == 0: raise ValueError(f"User {user} does not exist in user collection") if not enforce_true and user_count > 0: raise ValueError(f"User {user} already exists in user collection") return function(*arguments, **kwargs) # type: ignore return wrapper_decorator return inner_func
[docs] def check_user_has_dataset(enforce_true: bool) -> Callable: """Raises a ValueError if the user has access (or not) to the supplied dataset. Depending on the enforce_true parameter. Args: enforce_true (bool): If set to true, the wrapper function will enforce the user has access to the dataset. If set to False, the wrapper function will enforce the user has NOT access to the specified dataset. Returns: Callable: The wrapper function that asserts user access (or not) to the provided dataset. """ def inner_func(function: Callable[[Database, argparse.Namespace], None]) -> Callable: @functools.wraps(function) def wrapper_decorator(*arguments: argparse.Namespace, **kwargs: Dict) -> None: db = arguments[0] user = arguments[1] dataset = arguments[2] user_and_ds_count = db.users.count_documents( { "user_name": user, "datasets_list": {"$elemMatch": {"dataset_name": dataset}}, } ) if enforce_true and user_and_ds_count == 0: raise ValueError(f"User {user} does not have dataset {dataset}") if not enforce_true and user_and_ds_count > 0: raise ValueError(f"User {user} already has dataset {dataset}") return function(*arguments, **kwargs) # type: ignore return wrapper_decorator return inner_func
[docs] def check_dataset_and_metadata_exist(enforce_true: bool) -> Callable: """Rises a ValueError if the user does not already exist in the user collection.""" def inner_func(function: Callable[[Database, argparse.Namespace], None]) -> Callable: @functools.wraps(function) def wrapper_decorator(*arguments: argparse.Namespace, **kwargs: Dict) -> None: db = arguments[0] dataset = arguments[1] dataset_count = db.datasets.count_documents({"dataset_name": dataset}) if enforce_true and dataset_count == 0: raise ValueError(f"Dataset {dataset} does not exist in dataset collection") if not enforce_true and dataset_count > 0: raise ValueError(f"Dataset {dataset} already exists in dataset collection") metadata_count = db.metadata.count_documents({dataset: {"$exists": True}}) if enforce_true and metadata_count == 0: raise ValueError(f"Metadata for dataset {dataset} does" " not exist in metadata collection") if not enforce_true and metadata_count > 0: raise ValueError(f"Metadata for dataset {dataset} already" " exists in metadata collection") return function(*arguments, **kwargs) # type: ignore return wrapper_decorator return inner_func
########################## USERS ########################## # noqa: E266
[docs] @check_user_exists(False) def add_user(db: Database, user: str) -> None: """Add new user in users collection with default values for all fields. Args: db (Database): mongo database object user (str): username to be added Raises: ValueError: If the user already exists. WriteConcernError: If the result is not acknowledged. Returns: None """ validated_user = User.model_validate( { "user_name": user, "may_query": True, "datasets_list": [], } ).model_dump() res = db.users.insert_one(validated_user) check_result_acknowledged(res) # codeQL : py/log-injection user_log = user.replace("\r\n", "").replace("\n", "")"Added user {user_log}.")
[docs] @check_user_exists(False) def add_user_with_budget(db: Database, user: str, dataset: str, epsilon: float, delta: float) -> None: """Add new user in users collection with default values for all fields. Args: db (Database): mongo database object user (str): username to be added dataset (str): name of the dataset to add to user epsilon (float): epsilon value for initial budget of user delta (float): delta value for initial budget of user Raises: ValueError: _description_ Returns: None """ validated_user = User.model_validate( { "user_name": user, "may_query": True, "datasets_list": [ { "dataset_name": dataset, BudgetDBKey.EPSILON_INIT: epsilon, BudgetDBKey.DELTA_INIT: delta, BudgetDBKey.EPSILON_SPENT: 0.0, BudgetDBKey.DELTA_SPENT: 0.0, } ], } ).model_dump() res = db.users.insert_one(validated_user) check_result_acknowledged(res) # codeQL : py/log-injection user_log = user.replace("\r\n", "").replace("\n", "") dataset_log = dataset.replace("\r\n", "").replace("\n", "") epsilon_log = str(epsilon).replace("\r\n", "").replace("\n", "") delta_log = str(delta).replace("\r\n", "").replace("\n", "") f"Added access to user {user_log} with dataset {dataset_log}, " + f"budget epsilon {epsilon_log} and delta {delta_log}." )
[docs] @check_user_exists(True) def del_user(db: Database, user: str) -> None: """Delete all related information for user from the users collection. Args: db (Database): mongo database object user (str): username to be deleted Returns: None """ res = db.users.delete_many({"user_name": user}) check_result_acknowledged(res)"Deleted user {user}.")
[docs] @check_user_exists(True) @check_user_has_dataset(False) def add_dataset_to_user(db: Database, user: str, dataset: str, epsilon: float, delta: float) -> None: """Add dataset to user with initialized budget values. Adds to list of datasets, that the user has access to. Will not add if already added (no error will be raised in that case). Args: db (Database): mongo database object user (str): username of the user to check dataset (str): name of the dataset to add to user epsilon (float): epsilon value for initial budget of user delta (float): delta value for initial budget of user Raises: ValueError: _description_ Returns: None """ validated_budget = DatasetOfUser.model_validate( { "dataset_name": dataset, BudgetDBKey.EPSILON_INIT: epsilon, BudgetDBKey.DELTA_INIT: delta, BudgetDBKey.EPSILON_SPENT: 0.0, BudgetDBKey.DELTA_SPENT: 0.0, } ).model_dump() res = db.users.update_one( { "user_name": user, "datasets_list.dataset_name": {"$ne": dataset}, }, {"$push": {"datasets_list": validated_budget}}, ) check_result_acknowledged(res) f"Added access to dataset {dataset}" f" to user {user}" f" with budget epsilon {epsilon}" f" and delta {delta}." )
[docs] @check_user_exists(True) @check_user_has_dataset(True) def del_dataset_to_user(db: Database, user: str, dataset: str) -> None: """Remove access from user to dataset(and all related budget info). Args: db (Database): mongo database object user (str): username of the user to which to delete a dataset dataset (str): name of the dataset to remove from user Returns: None """ res = db.users.update_one( {"user_name": user}, {"$pull": {"datasets_list": {"dataset_name": {"$eq": dataset}}}}, ) check_result_acknowledged(res)"Remove access to dataset {dataset}" + f" from user {user}.")
[docs] @check_user_exists(True) @check_user_has_dataset(True) def set_budget_field(db: Database, user: str, dataset: str, field: str, value: float) -> None: """Set (for some reason) a budget field to a given value. (Only) If given user exists and has access to given dataset. Args: db (Database): mongo database object user (str): username of the user to set budget to dataset (str): name of the dataset to set budget to field (str): one of 'epsilon' or 'delta' value (float): value to set as epsilon or delta Returns: None """ res = db.users.update_one( { "user_name": user, "datasets_list.dataset_name": dataset, }, {"$set": {f"datasets_list.$.{field}": value}}, ) check_result_acknowledged(res)"Set budget of {user} for dataset {dataset}" f" of {field} to {value}.")
[docs] @check_user_exists(True) def set_may_query(db: Database, user: str, value: bool) -> None: """Set (for some reason) the 'may query' field to a given value. (Only) if given user exists. Args: db (Database): mongo database object user (str): username of the user to enable/disable value (bool): may query value (True or False) Returns: None """ res = db.users.update_one( {"user_name": user}, {"$set": {"may_query": (value == "True")}}, ) check_result_acknowledged(res)"Set user {user} may query to {value}.")
[docs] @check_user_exists(True) def get_user(db: Database, user: str) -> dict: """Show a user. Args: db (Database): mongo database object user (str): username of the user to show Returns: user (dict): all information of user from 'users' collection """ user_info = list(db.users.find({"user_name": user}))[0] user_info.pop("_id", None) return user_info
[docs] def add_users_via_yaml( db: Database, yaml_file: Union[str, Dict], clean: bool, overwrite: bool, ) -> None: """Add all users from yaml file to the user collection. Args: db (Database): mongo database object yaml_file (Union[str, Dict]): if str: a path to the YAML file location if Dict: a dictionnary containing the collection data clean (bool): boolean flag True if drop current user collection False if keep current user collection overwrite (bool): boolean flag True if overwrite already existing users False errors if new values for already existing users Returns: None """ if clean: # Collection created from scratch db.users.drop()"Cleaning done. \n") # Load yaml data and insert it if isinstance(yaml_file, str): with open(yaml_file, encoding="utf-8") as f: yaml_dict: dict = yaml.safe_load(f) else: yaml_dict = yaml_file user_dict = UserCollection(**yaml_dict) # Filter out duplicates new_users = [] existing_users = [] for user in user_dict.users: if not db.users.find_one({"user_name": user.user_name}): new_users.append(user) else: existing_users.append(user) # Overwrite values for existing user with values from yaml if existing_users: if overwrite: for user in existing_users: user_filter = {"user_name": user.user_name} update_operation = {"$set": user.model_dump()} res: _WriteResult = db.users.update_many(user_filter, update_operation) check_result_acknowledged(res)"Existing users updated. ") else: warn("Some users already present in database. Overwrite is set to False.") if new_users: # Insert new users new_users_dicts = [user.model_dump() for user in new_users] res = db.users.insert_many(new_users_dicts) check_result_acknowledged(res)"Added user data from yaml.") else:"No new users added, they already exist in the server")
[docs] @check_user_exists(True) def get_archives_of_user(db: Database, user: str) -> List[dict]: """Show all previous queries from a user. Args: db (Database): mongo database object user (str): username of the user to show archives Returns: archives (List): list of previous queries from the user """ archives_infos: List[dict] = list(db.queries_archives.find({"user_name": user})) return archives_infos
[docs] def get_list_of_users(db: Database) -> list: """Get the list of all users is 'users' collection. Args: db (Database): mongo database object Returns: user_names (list): list of names of all users """ user_names = [] for elem in db.users.find(): user_names.append(elem["user_name"]) return user_names
[docs] @check_user_exists(True) def get_list_of_datasets_from_user(db: Database, user: str) -> list: """Get the list of all datasets from the user. Args: db (Database): mongo database object user (str): username of the user to show archives Returns: user_datasets (list): list of names of all users """ user_data = db.users.find_one({"user_name": user}) assert user_data is not None, "User must exist"[dataset["dataset_name"] for dataset in user_data["datasets_list"]]) return [dataset["dataset_name"] for dataset in user_data["datasets_list"]]
################### DATASET TO DATABASE ################### # noqa: E266
[docs] @check_dataset_and_metadata_exist(False) def add_dataset( # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments, too-many-locals db: Database, dataset_name: str, database_type: str, metadata_database_type: str, dataset_path: Optional[str] = "", metadata_path: Optional[str] = "", bucket: Optional[str] = "", key: Optional[str] = "", endpoint_url: Optional[str] = "", credentials_name: Optional[str] = "", metadata_bucket: Optional[str] = "", metadata_key: Optional[str] = "", metadata_endpoint_url: Optional[str] = "", metadata_access_key_id: Optional[str] = "", metadata_secret_access_key: Optional[str] = "", metadata_credentials_name: Optional[str] = "", ) -> None: """Set a database type to a dataset in dataset collection. Args: db (Database): mongo database object dataset_name (str): Dataset name database_type (str): Type of the database metadata_database_type (str): Metadata database type dataset_path (str): Path to the dataset (for local db type) metadata_path (str): Path to metadata (for local db type) bucket (str): S3 bucket name key (str): S3 key endpoint_url (str): S3 endpoint URL credentials_name (str): The name of the credentials in the\ server config to retrieve the dataset from S3 storage. metadata_bucket (str): Metadata S3 bucket name metadata_key (str): Metadata S3 key metadata_endpoint_url (str): Metadata S3 endpoint URL metadata_access_key_id (str): Metadata AWS access key ID metadata_secret_access_key (str): Metadata AWS secret access key metadata_credentials_name (str): The name of the credentials in the\ server config for retrieving the metadata. Raises: ValueError: If the dataset already exists or if the database type is unknown. Returns: None """ # Step 1: Build dataset dataset: Dict[str, Any] = {"dataset_name": dataset_name} dataset_access: Dict[str, Any] = { "database_type": database_type, } if database_type == PrivateDatabaseType.PATH: dataset_access["path"] = dataset_path elif database_type == PrivateDatabaseType.S3: dataset_access["bucket"] = bucket dataset_access["key"] = key dataset_access["endpoint_url"] = endpoint_url dataset_access["credentials_name"] = credentials_name else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown database type {database_type}") dataset["dataset_access"] = dataset_access # Step 2: Build metadata metadata_access: Dict[str, Any] = {"database_type": metadata_database_type} if metadata_database_type == PrivateDatabaseType.PATH: # Store metadata from yaml to metadata collection with open(metadata_path, encoding="utf-8") as f: # type: ignore metadata_dict = yaml.safe_load(f) metadata_access["path"] = metadata_path elif metadata_database_type == PrivateDatabaseType.S3: client = boto3.client( "s3", endpoint_url=metadata_endpoint_url, aws_access_key_id=metadata_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=metadata_secret_access_key, ) response = client.get_object(Bucket=metadata_bucket, Key=metadata_key) try: metadata_dict = yaml.safe_load(response["Body"]) except yaml.YAMLError as e: raise e metadata_access["bucket"] = metadata_bucket metadata_access["key"] = metadata_key metadata_access["endpoint_url"] = metadata_endpoint_url metadata_access["credentials_name"] = metadata_credentials_name else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown database type {metadata_database_type}") dataset["metadata_access"] = metadata_access # Step 3: Validate ds_info = DSInfo.model_validate(dataset) validated_dataset = ds_info.model_dump() validated_metadata = Metadata.model_validate(metadata_dict).model_dump() # Step 4: Insert into db res = db.datasets.insert_one(validated_dataset) check_result_acknowledged(res) res = db.metadata.insert_one({dataset_name: validated_metadata}) check_result_acknowledged(res) # codeQL : py/log-injection dataset_name_log = dataset_name.replace("\r\n", "").replace("\n", "") database_type_log = database_type.replace("\r\n", "").replace("\n", "") f"Added dataset {dataset_name_log} with database {database_type_log} and associated metadata." )
[docs] def add_datasets_via_yaml( # pylint: disable=R0912, R0914, R0915 db: Database, yaml_file: Union[str, Dict], clean: bool, overwrite_datasets: bool, overwrite_metadata: bool, ) -> None: """Set all database types to datasets in dataset collection based. on yaml file. Args: db (Database): mongo database object yaml_file (Union[str, Dict]): if str: a path to the YAML file location if Dict: a dictionnary containing the collection data clean (bool): Whether to clean the collection before adding. overwrite_datasets (bool): Whether to overwrite existing datasets. overwrite_metadata (bool): Whether to overwrite existing metadata. Raises: ValueError: If there are errors in the YAML file format. Returns: None """ if clean: # Collection created from scratch db.datasets.drop() db.metadata.drop()"Cleaning done. \n") if isinstance(yaml_file, str): with open(yaml_file, encoding="utf-8") as f: yaml_dict: dict = yaml.safe_load(f) else: yaml_dict = yaml_file dataset_dict = DatasetsCollection(**yaml_dict) # Step 1: add datasets new_datasets = [] existing_datasets = [] for d in dataset_dict.datasets: # Fill datasets_list if not db.datasets.find_one({"dataset_name": d.dataset_name}): new_datasets.append(d) else: existing_datasets.append(d) # Overwrite values for existing dataset with values from yaml if existing_datasets: if overwrite_datasets: for d in existing_datasets: dataset_filter = {"dataset_name": d.dataset_name} update_operation = {"$set": d.model_dump()} res: _WriteResult = db.datasets.update_many(dataset_filter, update_operation) check_result_acknowledged(res)"Existing datasets updated with new collection") else: warn("Some datasets already present in database. Overwrite is set to False.") # Add dataset collection if new_datasets: new_datasets_dicts = [d.model_dump() for d in new_datasets] res = db.datasets.insert_many(new_datasets_dicts) check_result_acknowledged(res)"Added datasets collection from yaml.") # Step 2: add metadata collections (one metadata per dataset) for d in dataset_dict.datasets: dataset_name = d.dataset_name metadata_access = d.metadata_access match metadata_access: case DSPathAccess(): with open(metadata_access.path, encoding="utf-8") as f: metadata_dict = yaml.safe_load(f) case DSS3Access(): client = boto3.client( "s3", endpoint_url=metadata_access.endpoint_url, aws_access_key_id=metadata_access.access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key=metadata_access.secret_access_key, ) response = client.get_object( Bucket=metadata_access.bucket, Key=metadata_access.key, ) try: metadata_dict = yaml.safe_load(response["Body"]) except yaml.YAMLError as e: return e case _: raise InternalServerException( f"Unknown metadata_db_type PrivateDatabaseType: {metadata_access.database_type}" ) # Overwrite or not depending on config if metadata already exists metadata_filter = {dataset_name: metadata_dict} metadata = db.metadata.find_one(metadata_filter) if metadata and overwrite_metadata:"Metadata updated for dataset : {dataset_name}.") res = db.metadata.update_one(metadata_filter, {"$set": {dataset_name: metadata_dict}}) check_result_acknowledged(res) elif metadata:"Metadata already exist. Use the command -om to overwrite with new values.") else: res = db.metadata.insert_one({dataset_name: metadata_dict}) check_result_acknowledged(res)"Added metadata of {dataset_name} dataset. ")
[docs] @check_dataset_and_metadata_exist(True) def del_dataset(db: Database, dataset: str) -> None: """Delete dataset from dataset collection. Args: db (Database): mongo database object dataset (str): Dataset name to be deleted Returns: None """ res = db.datasets.delete_many({"dataset_name": dataset}) check_result_acknowledged(res) res = db.metadata.delete_many({dataset: {"$exists": True}}) check_result_acknowledged(res)"Deleted dataset and metadata for {dataset}.")
[docs] @check_dataset_and_metadata_exist(True) def get_dataset(db: Database, dataset: str) -> dict: """Show a dataset from dataset collection. Args: db (Database): mongo database object dataset (str): name of the dataset to show Returns: dataset_info (dict): informations about the dataset """ dataset_info = list(db.datasets.find({"dataset_name": dataset}))[0] dataset_info.pop("_id", None) return dataset_info
[docs] @check_dataset_and_metadata_exist(True) def get_metadata_of_dataset(db: Database, dataset: str) -> dict: """Show a metadata from metadata collection. Args: db (Database): mongo database object dataset (str): name of the dataset of the metadata to show Returns: metadata (dict): informations about the metadata """ # Retrieve the document containing metadata for the specified dataset metadata_document = db.metadata.find_one({dataset: {"$exists": True}}) assert metadata_document is not None, "Metadata must exist" # Extract metadata for the specified dataset metadata_info = metadata_document[dataset] return metadata_info
[docs] def get_list_of_datasets(db: Database) -> list: """Get the list of all dataset is 'datasets' collection. Args: db (Database): mongo database object Returns: dataset_names (list): list of names of all datasets """ dataset_names = [] for elem in db.datasets.find(): dataset_names.append(elem["dataset_name"]) return dataset_names
####################### COLLECTIONS ####################### # noqa: E266
[docs] def drop_collection(db: Database, collection: str) -> None: """Delete collection. Args: db (Database): mongo database object collection (str): Collection name to be deleted. Returns: None """ db.drop_collection(collection)"Deleted collection {collection}.")
[docs] def get_collection(db: Database, collection: str) -> list: """Show a collection. Args: db (Database): mongo database object collection (str): Collection name to be shown. Returns: None """ collection_query = db[collection].find({}) collections = [] for document in collection_query: document.pop("_id", None) collections.append(document) return collections