This section provides detailed instructions on how to use the CLI to perform various administrative tasks efficiently.


The CLI allows data owners to interact with the administrative database directly from the command line. It provides functionalities for managing users, datasets, metatada and queries_archive collections within the MongoDB environment.

NOTE: it is possible to use a streamlit app to interact with the database instead.

MongoDB Connection

The CLI requires connection parameters to establish a connection with MongoDB. These parameters must always for provided (for all functions):

  • -db_u, --username: MongoDB username (default: “user”)

  • -db_pwd, --password: MongoDB password (default: “user_pwd”)

  • -db_a, --address: MongoDB server address (default: “mongodb”)

  • -db_p, --port: MongoDB server port (default: 27017)

  • -db_n, --db_name: MongoDB database name (default: “defaultdb”)

MongoDB Administration


  • add_user: Add a user to the users collection.

    • -u, --user: Username of the user to be added (required).

  • add_user_with_budget: Add a user with a budget to the users collection.

    • -u, --user: Username of the user to be added (required).

    • -d, --dataset: Name of the dataset for the user (required).

    • -e, --epsilon: Epsilon value for the dataset (required).

    • -del, --delta: Delta value for the dataset (required).

  • del_user: Delete a user from the users collection.

    • -u, --user: Username of the user to be deleted (required).

  • add_dataset_to_user: Add a dataset with initialized budget values for a user.

    • -u, --user: Username of the user (required).

    • -d, --dataset: Name of the dataset to be added (required).

    • -e, --epsilon: Epsilon value for the dataset (required).

    • -del, --delta: Delta value for the dataset (required).

  • del_dataset_to_user: Delete a dataset for a user from the users collection.

    • -u, --user: Username of the user (required).

    • -d, --dataset: Name of the dataset to be deleted (required).

  • set_budget_field: Set a budget field to a given value for a specified user and dataset.

    • -u, --user: Username of the user (required).

    • -d, --dataset: Name of the dataset (required).

    • -f, --field: Field to be set (“initial_epsilon” or “initial_delta”) (required).

    • -v, --value: Value to set for the field (required).

  • set_may_query: Set the “may query” field to a given value for a specified user.

    • -u, --user: Username of the user (required).

    • -v, --value: Value to set for “may query” (choices: “False” or “True”) (required).

  • get_user: Show all information about a user in the users collection.

    • -u, --user: Username of the user to be shown (required).

  • add_users_via_yaml: Create users collection from a YAML file.

    • -yf, --yaml_file: Path to the YAML file (required).

    • -c, --clean: Clean the existing users collection (optional, default: False).

    • -o, --overwrite: Overwrite the existing users collection (optional, default: False).

  • get_archives: Show all previous queries from a user.

    • -u, --user: Username of the user to show archives (required).

  • get_users: Get the list of all users in the ‘users’ collection.

  • get_user_datasets: Get the list of all datasets from a user.

    • -u, --user: Username of the user to show datasets (required).


  • add_dataset: Add a dataset to the datasets collection.

    • -d, --dataset_name: Name of the dataset (required).

    • -db, --database_type: Type of the database where the dataset is stored (required).

    • -d_path, --dataset_path: Path to the dataset (required if database_type is ‘PATH_DB’).

    • -s3b, --bucket: S3 bucket name for the dataset file (required if database_type is ‘S3_DB’).

    • -s3k, --key: S3 key for the dataset file (required if database_type is ‘S3_DB’).

    • -s3_url, --endpoint_url: S3 endpoint URL for the dataset file (required if database_type is ‘S3_DB’).

    • -s3_ak, --access_key_id: AWS access key ID for S3 for the dataset file (required if database_type is ‘S3_DB’).

    • -s3_sak, --secret_access_key: AWS secret access key for S3 for the dataset file (required if database_type is ‘S3_DB’).

    • -m_db, --metadata_database_type: Type of the database where metadata is stored (required).

    • -mp, --metadata_path: Path to the metadata (required if metadata_database_type is ‘PATH_DB’).

    • -m_s3b, --metadata_bucket: S3 bucket name for metadata (required if metadata_database_type is ‘S3_DB’).

    • -m_s3k, --metadata_key: S3 key for metadata (required if metadata_database_type is ‘S3_DB’).

    • -m_s3_url, --metadata_endpoint_url: S3 endpoint URL for metadata (required if metadata_database_type is ‘S3_DB’).

    • -m_s3_ak, --metadata_access_key_id: AWS access key ID for metadata (required if metadata_database_type is ‘S3_DB’).

    • -m_s3_sak, --metadata_secret_access_key: AWS secret access key for metadata (required if metadata_database_type is ‘S3_DB’).

  • add_datasets_via_yaml: Create datasets to database type collection based on a yaml file.

    • -yf, --yaml_file: Path to the YAML file (required).

    • -c, --clean: Clean the existing datasets collection (optional, default: False).

    • -od, --overwrite_datasets: Overwrite the existing datasets collection (optional, default: False).

    • -om, --overwrite_metadata: Overwrite the existing metadata collection (optional, default: False).

  • del_dataset: Delete dataset and metadata from datasets and metadata collection.

    • -d, --dataset: Name of the dataset to be deleted (required).

  • get_dataset: Show a dataset from the dataset collection.

    • -d, --dataset: Name of the dataset to show (required).

  • get_metadata: Show metadata from the metadata collection.

    • -d, --dataset: Name of the dataset of the metadata to show (required).

  • get_datasets: Get the list of all datasets in the ‘datasets’ collection.


  • drop_collection: Delete a collection from the database.

    • -c, --collection: Name of the collection to be deleted. Choices: “users”, “datasets”, “metadata”, “queries_archives” (required).

  • get_collection: Print a collection.

    • -c, --collection: Name of the collection to be shown. Choices: “users”, “datasets”, “metadata”, “queries_archives” (required).


# Add a user
python add_user -u username

# Add a user with budget
python add_user_with_budget -u username -d dataset_name -e 0.5 -del 0.1

# Delete a user
python del_user -u username

# Add a dataset to a user
python add_dataset_to_user -u username -d dataset_name -e 0.5 -del 0.1

# Delete a dataset from a user
python del_dataset_to_user -u username -d dataset_name

# Set budget field for a user and dataset
python set_budget_field -u username -d dataset_name -f initial_epsilon -v 0.5

# Set may query field for a user
python set_may_query -u username -v True

# Show user metadata
python get_user -u username

# Create users collection from a YAML file
python add_users_via_yaml -yf users.yaml -c

# Show all previous queries from user "username"
python get_archives -u username

# Get the list of all users
python get_users

# Get the list of all datasets from user "username"
python get_user_datasets -u username

# Add a dataset
python add_dataset -d dataset_name -db database_type -d_path dataset_path -m_db metadata_database_type

# Create datasets from a YAML file
python add_datasets_via_yaml -yf datasets.yaml -c -od -om

# Delete a dataset
python del_dataset -d dataset_name

# Show dataset "dataset_name"
python get_dataset -d dataset_name

# Show metadata for dataset "dataset_name"
python get_metadata -d dataset_name

# Drop a collection
python drop_collection -c users

# Show a collection
python get_collection -c datasets