Lomas Client Side: Using Smartnoise-Synth

This notebook showcases how researcher could use the Secure Data Disclosure system. It explains the different functionnalities provided by the lomas-client client library to interact with the secure server.

The secure data are never visible by researchers. They can only access to differentially private responses via queries to the server.

Each user has access to one or multiple projects and for each dataset has a limited budget with \(\epsilon\) and \(\delta\) values.

Step 1: Install the library

To interact with the secure server on which the data is stored, Dr.Antartica first needs to install the library lomas-client on her local developping environment.

It can be installed via the pip command:

[ ]:
# !pip install lomas_client

Or using a local version of the client

import sys
import os
from lomas_client import Client
import numpy as np

Step 2: Initialise the client

Once the library is installed, a Client object must be created. It is responsible for sending sending requests to the server and processing responses in the local environment. It enables a seamless interaction with the server.

To create the client, Dr. Antartica needs to give it a few parameters:

  • a url: the root application endpoint to the remote secure server.

  • user_name: her name as registered in the database (Dr. Alice Antartica)

  • dataset_name: the name of the dataset that she wants to query (PENGUIN)

She will only be able to query on the real dataset if the queen Icergina has previously made her an account in the database, given her access to the PENGUIN dataset and has given her some epsilon and delta credit (as is done in the Admin Notebook for Users and Datasets management).

APP_URL = "http://lomas_server"
USER_NAME = "Dr. Antartica"
client = Client(url=APP_URL, user_name = USER_NAME, dataset_name = DATASET_NAME)

And that’s it for the preparation. She is now ready to use the various functionnalities offered by lomas-client.

Step 3: Metadata and dummy dataset

Getting dataset metadata

Dr. Antartica has never seen the data and as a first step to understand what is available to her, she would like to check the metadata of the dataset. Therefore, she just needs to call the get_dataset_metadata() function of the client. As this is public information, this does not cost any budget.

This function returns metadata information in a format based on SmartnoiseSQL dictionary format, where among other, there is information about all the available columns, their type, bound values (see Smartnoise page for more details). Any metadata is required for Smartnoise-SQL is also required here and additional information such that the different categories in a string type column column can be added.

penguin_metadata = client.get_dataset_metadata()
{'max_ids': 1,
 'row_privacy': True,
 'censor_dims': False,
 'columns': {'species': {'type': 'string',
   'cardinality': 3,
   'categories': ['Adelie', 'Chinstrap', 'Gentoo']},
  'island': {'type': 'string',
   'cardinality': 3,
   'categories': ['Torgersen', 'Biscoe', 'Dream']},
  'bill_length_mm': {'type': 'float', 'lower': 30.0, 'upper': 65.0},
  'bill_depth_mm': {'type': 'float', 'lower': 13.0, 'upper': 23.0},
  'flipper_length_mm': {'type': 'float', 'lower': 150.0, 'upper': 250.0},
  'body_mass_g': {'type': 'float', 'lower': 2000.0, 'upper': 7000.0},
  'sex': {'type': 'string',
   'cardinality': 2,
   'categories': ['MALE', 'FEMALE']}},
 'rows': 344}

Step 3: Create a Synthetic Dataset keeping all default parameters

We want to get a synthetic model to represent the private data.

Therefore, we use a Smartnoise Synth Synthesizers.

Let’s list the potential options. There respective paramaters are then available in Smarntoise Synth documentation here.

from snsynth import Synthesizer
['mwem', 'dpctgan', 'patectgan', 'mst', 'pacsynth', 'dpgan', 'pategan', 'aim']

AIM: Adaptive Iterative Mechanism

We start by executing a query on the dummy dataset without specifying any special parameters for AIM (all optional kept as default). Also only works on categorical columns so we select “species” and “island” columns to create a synthetic dataset of these two columns.

res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
    select_cols = ["species", "island"],
species island
0 Adelie Dream
1 Gentoo Torgersen
2 Adelie Dream
3 Adelie Dream
4 Gentoo Torgersen

The algorithm works and returned a synthetic dataset. We now estimate the cost of running this command:

res_cost = client.estimate_smartnoise_synth_cost(
    select_cols = ["species", "island"],
{'epsilon_cost': 1.0, 'delta_cost': 0.0001}

Executing such a query on the private dataset would cost 1.0 epsilon and 0.0001 delta. Dr. Antartica decides to do it with now the flag dummmy to False and specifiying that the wants the aim synthesizer model in return (with return_model = True).

NOTE: if she does not set the parameter return_model = True, then it is False by default and she will get a synthetic dataframe as response directly.

res = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
    select_cols = ["species", "island"],
    return_model = True
/usr/local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/mbi/__init__.py:15: UserWarning: MixtureInference disabled, please install jax and jaxlib
  warnings.warn('MixtureInference disabled, please install jax and jaxlib')
<snsynth.aim.aim.AIMSynthesizer at 0x75edc6e1ffd0>

She can now get the model and sample results with it. She choose to sample 10 samples.

synth = res['query_response']
species island
0 Gentoo Biscoe
1 Gentoo Dream
2 Gentoo Dream
3 Adelie Torgersen
4 Chinstrap Dream
5 Adelie Dream
6 Adelie Torgersen
7 Chinstrap Biscoe
8 Chinstrap Torgersen
9 Chinstrap Torgersen

She now wants to specify some specific parameters to the AIM model. Therefore, she needs to set some parameters in synth_params based on the Smartnoise-Synth documentation here. She decides that she wants to modify the max_model_size to 50 (the default was 80) and tries on the dummy.

res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
    select_cols = ["species", "island"],
    return_model = True,
    synth_params = {"max_model_size": 50}
<snsynth.aim.aim.AIMSynthesizer at 0x75edc6883650>
synth = res_dummy['query_response']
species island
0 Gentoo Dream
1 Adelie None
2 Adelie Biscoe
3 Gentoo Torgersen
4 Chinstrap Torgersen

Now that the workflow is understood for AIM, she wants to experiment with various synthesizer on the dummy.

MWEM: Multiplicative Weights Exponential Mechanism

She tries MWEM on all columns with all default parameters. As return_model is not specified she will directly receive a synthetic dataframe back.

res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex
0 Gentoo Torgersen 42.25 22.5 155.0 2250.0 FEMALE
1 Chinstrap Biscoe 63.25 13.5 235.0 5250.0 FEMALE
2 Gentoo Torgersen 42.25 22.5 155.0 2750.0 FEMALE
3 Chinstrap Torgersen 63.25 13.5 235.0 5250.0 FEMALE
4 Chinstrap Dream 63.25 13.5 235.0 5250.0 FEMALE

She now specifies 3 columns and some parameters explained here.

res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
    select_cols = ["species", "island", "sex"],
    synth_params = {"measure_only": False, "max_retries_exp_mechanism": 5},
species island sex
0 Chinstrap Torgersen FEMALE
1 Gentoo Torgersen FEMALE
2 Gentoo Torgersen FEMALE
3 Gentoo Torgersen FEMALE
4 Chinstrap Biscoe FEMALE

Finally it MWEM, she wants to go more in depth and create her own data preparation pipeline. Therefore, she can use Smartnoise-Synth “Data Transformers” explained here and send her own constraints dictionnary for specific steps. This is more for advanced user.

By default, if no constraints are specified, the server creates its automatically a data transformer based on selected columns, synthesizer and metadata.

Here she wants to add a clamping transformation on the continuous columns before training the synthesizer. She add the bounds based on metadata.

bl_bounds = penguin_metadata["columns"]["bill_length_mm"]
bd_bounds = penguin_metadata["columns"]["bill_depth_mm"]
bl_bounds, bd_bounds
({'type': 'float', 'lower': 30.0, 'upper': 65.0},
 {'type': 'float', 'lower': 13.0, 'upper': 23.0})
from snsynth.transform import BinTransformer, ClampTransformer, ChainTransformer, LabelTransformer

my_own_constraints = {
    "bill_length_mm": ChainTransformer(
            ClampTransformer(lower = bl_bounds["lower"] + 10, upper = bl_bounds["upper"] - 10),
            BinTransformer(bins = 20, lower = bl_bounds["lower"] + 10, upper = bl_bounds["upper"] - 10),
    "bill_depth_mm": ChainTransformer(
            ClampTransformer(lower = bd_bounds["lower"] + 2, upper = bd_bounds["upper"] - 2),
            BinTransformer(bins=20, lower = bd_bounds["lower"] + 2, upper = bd_bounds["upper"] - 2),
    "species": LabelTransformer(nullable=True)
res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
    select_cols = ["bill_length_mm", "bill_depth_mm", "species"],
    constraints = my_own_constraints,
bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm species
0 48.625 16.05 Chinstrap
1 51.625 18.75 Gentoo
2 51.625 18.75 Gentoo
3 51.625 18.75 Gentoo
4 44.875 15.15 Adelie

Also a subset of constraints can be specified for certain columns and the server will automatically generate those for the missing columns.

my_own_constraints = {
    "bill_length_mm": ChainTransformer(
            ClampTransformer(lower = bl_bounds["lower"] + 10, upper = bl_bounds["upper"] - 10),
            BinTransformer(bins = 20, lower = bl_bounds["lower"] + 10, upper = bl_bounds["upper"] - 10),

In this case, only the bill_length will be clamped.

res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
    select_cols = ["bill_length_mm", "bill_depth_mm", "species"],
    constraints = my_own_constraints,
bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm species
0 41.125 20.5 Chinstrap
1 53.875 20.5 Adelie
2 49.375 21.5 Chinstrap
3 53.875 20.5 Adelie
4 41.125 22.5 Chinstrap

MST: Maximum Spanning Tree

She now experiments with MST. As the synthesizer is very needy in terms of computation, she selects a subset of column for it. See MST here.

res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
    select_cols = ["species", "sex"],
species sex
1 Adelie FEMALE
2 Gentoo MALE
3 Gentoo MALE
4 Adelie

She can also specify a specific number of samples to get (if return_model is not True):

res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
    select_cols = ["species", "sex"],
    nb_samples = 4,
species sex
0 Adelie FEMALE
1 Chinstrap
2 Adelie MALE
3 Adelie FEMALE

And a condition on these samples. For instance, here, she only wants female samples.

res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
    select_cols = ["sex", "species"],
    nb_samples = 4,
    condition = "sex = FEMALE",
sex species
0 Gentoo
1 Gentoo
2 Chinstrap
3 Gentoo

DPCTGAN: Differentially Private Conditional Tabular GAN

She now tries DPCTGAN. A first warning let her know that the random noise generation for this model is not cryptographically secure and if it is not ok for her, she can decode to stop using this synthesizer. Then she does not get a response but an error 422 with an explanation.

res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
/code/lomas_client/utils.py:37: UserWarning: Warning:dpctgan synthesizer random generator for noise and shuffling is not cryptographically secure. (pseudo-rng in vanilla PyTorch).
Server error status 422: {"ExternalLibraryException":"Error fitting model: sample_rate=5.0 is not a valid value. Please provide a float between 0 and 1. Try decreasing batch_size in synth_params (default batch_size=500).","library":"smartnoise_synth"}

The default parameters of DPCTGAN do not work for PENGUIN dataset. Hence, as advised in the error message, she decreases the batch_size (also she chekcks the documentation here.

res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
    synth_params = {"batch_size": 50},
species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex
0 Gentoo Torgersen 47.809876 17.548668 188.346262 5152.039871 MALE
1 Gentoo Torgersen 45.505892 15.785036 215.527822 4079.444863 FEMALE
2 Chinstrap Biscoe 39.293022 19.115118 176.019657 3719.095856 MALE
3 Adelie Dream 47.029771 17.322245 202.441730 4394.811036 MALE
4 Gentoo Dream 44.393938 17.215382 200.788893 4653.589007 FEMALE
[ ]:

PATEGAN: Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles

Unfortunatelly, she is not able to train the pategan synthetizer on the PENGUIN dataset. Hence, she must try another one.

res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
Server error status 422: {"ExternalLibraryException":"pategan not reliable with this dataset.","library":"smartnoise_synth"}

PATECTGAN: Conditional tabular GAN using Private Aggregation of Teacher Ensembles

res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex
0 Adelie Torgersen 44.929629 17.136712 206.450379 3677.639037 MALE
1 Chinstrap Biscoe 41.911177 15.958753 219.224480 3503.649727 MALE
2 Chinstrap Biscoe 39.371106 18.538643 215.860750 6183.452576 MALE
3 Gentoo Dream 39.778699 19.392393 220.403337 6291.852415 MALE
4 Gentoo Torgersen 41.940040 18.712894 209.865149 3379.273981 FEMALE
res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
    select_cols = ["island", "bill_length_mm", "body_mass_g"],
    synth_params = {
        "embedding_dim": 256,
        "generator_dim": (128, 128),
        "discriminator_dim": (256, 256),
        "generator_lr": 0.0003,
        "generator_decay": 1e-05,
        "discriminator_lr": 0.0003,
        "discriminator_decay": 1e-05,
        "batch_size": 500
    nb_samples = 100,
island bill_length_mm body_mass_g
0 Torgersen 48.482846 4627.040502
1 Biscoe 36.627252 4458.971380
2 Biscoe 50.437214 4419.834249
3 Torgersen 57.515079 4114.015296
4 Dream 37.914762 3729.208380

DPGAN: DIfferentially Private GAN

For DPGAN, there is the same warning as for DPCTGAN with the cryptographically secure random noise generation.

res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
/code/lomas_client/utils.py:37: UserWarning: Warning:dpgan synthesizer random generator for noise and shuffling is not cryptographically secure. (pseudo-rng in vanilla PyTorch).
species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex
0 Chinstrap Torgersen 47.418710 23.000000 192.233215 4478.892826 MALE
1 Adelie Biscoe 45.057986 17.836150 195.967093 5085.548207 MALE
2 Adelie Dream 46.495445 17.600734 195.489978 3655.695215 MALE
3 Gentoo Torgersen 58.334219 19.706083 250.000000 7000.000000 FEMALE
4 Adelie Biscoe 65.000000 16.195120 206.065695 4478.947320 FEMALE

One final time she samples with conditions:

res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
    condition = "body_mass_g > 5000",
/code/lomas_client/utils.py:37: UserWarning: Warning:dpgan synthesizer random generator for noise and shuffling is not cryptographically secure. (pseudo-rng in vanilla PyTorch).
species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex
0 Adelie Torgersen 43.485997 19.496153 180.303064 6134.536535 MALE
1 Gentoo Torgersen 63.116608 21.453384 189.907485 7000.000000 MALE
2 Adelie Dream 65.000000 20.504224 189.021906 5361.825123 MALE
3 Adelie Dream 65.000000 20.310123 193.809981 5012.155779 FEMALE
4 Adelie Torgersen 64.386925 16.037792 188.511754 6332.941920 MALE

And now on the real dataset

res_dummy = client.smartnoise_synth_query(
    condition = "body_mass_g > 5000",
    nb_samples = 10,
/code/lomas_client/utils.py:37: UserWarning: Warning:dpgan synthesizer random generator for noise and shuffling is not cryptographically secure. (pseudo-rng in vanilla PyTorch).
species island bill_length_mm bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm body_mass_g sex
0 Adelie Torgersen 43.332719 16.996525 197.196980 6542.874247 FEMALE
1 Gentoo Biscoe 53.666000 19.943369 184.627506 5256.182522 FEMALE
2 Adelie Torgersen 47.092630 21.298139 193.409859 5405.979574 FEMALE
3 Chinstrap Biscoe 54.154047 15.847898 192.380197 6358.633310 MALE
4 Adelie Biscoe 44.494324 16.248922 188.783114 5486.318067 FEMALE
5 Gentoo Biscoe 45.828992 16.119691 209.792230 6048.840851 FEMALE
6 Chinstrap Biscoe 45.586326 17.164572 196.064838 6345.135689 FEMALE
7 Gentoo Biscoe 52.858690 18.386937 190.213206 5387.799114 MALE
8 Chinstrap Biscoe 65.000000 17.667682 203.667950 7000.000000 FEMALE
9 Chinstrap Biscoe 65.000000 19.445511 195.644815 5514.548540 FEMALE

Step 6: See archives of queries

She now wants to verify all the queries that she did on the real data. It is possible because an archive of all queries is kept in a secure database. With a function call she can see her queries, budget and associated responses.

previous_queries = client.get_previous_queries()

Let’s check the last query

last_query = previous_queries[-1]
{'user_name': 'Dr. Antartica',
 'dataset_name': 'PENGUIN',
 'dp_librairy': 'smartnoise_synth',
 'client_input': {'dataset_name': 'PENGUIN',
  'synth_name': 'dpgan',
  'epsilon': 1.0,
  'delta': None,
  'select_cols': [],
  'synth_params': {},
  'nullable': True,
  'constraints': '',
  'return_model': False,
  'condition': 'body_mass_g > 5000',
  'nb_samples': 10},
 'response': {'requested_by': 'Dr. Antartica',
  'query_response':      species     island  bill_length_mm  bill_depth_mm  flipper_length_mm  \
  0     Adelie  Torgersen       43.332719      16.996525         197.196980
  1     Gentoo     Biscoe       53.666000      19.943369         184.627506
  2     Adelie  Torgersen       47.092630      21.298139         193.409859
  3  Chinstrap     Biscoe       54.154047      15.847898         192.380197
  4     Adelie     Biscoe       44.494324      16.248922         188.783114
  5     Gentoo     Biscoe       45.828992      16.119691         209.792230
  6  Chinstrap     Biscoe       45.586326      17.164572         196.064838
  7     Gentoo     Biscoe       52.858690      18.386937         190.213206
  8  Chinstrap     Biscoe       65.000000      17.667682         203.667950
  9  Chinstrap     Biscoe       65.000000      19.445511         195.644815

     body_mass_g     sex
  0  6542.874247  FEMALE
  1  5256.182522  FEMALE
  2  5405.979574  FEMALE
  3  6358.633310    MALE
  4  5486.318067  FEMALE
  5  6048.840851  FEMALE
  6  6345.135689  FEMALE
  7  5387.799114    MALE
  8  7000.000000  FEMALE
  9  5514.548540  FEMALE  ,
  'spent_epsilon': 1.0,
  'spent_delta': 0.00015673368198174188},
 'timestamp': 1724943669.4523578}
[ ]: