Source code for lomas_server.utils.query_models

from typing import List, Optional, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

from lomas_server.constants import (
from lomas_server.utils.error_handler import InternalServerException

[docs] class GetDbData(BaseModel): """Model input to get information about a dataset""" dataset_name: str
[docs] class GetDummyDataset(BaseModel): """Model input to get a dummy dataset""" dataset_name: str dummy_nb_rows: int = Field(..., gt=0) dummy_seed: int
[docs] class RequestModel(BaseModel): """ Base input model for any request on a dataset. We differentiate between requests and queries: - a request does not necessarily require an algorithm to be executed on the private dataset (e.g. some cost requests). - a query requires executing an algorithm on a private dataset (or a potentially a dummy). """ dataset_name: str
[docs] class QueryModel(RequestModel): """ Base input model for any query on a dataset. We differentiate between requests and queries: - a request does not necessarily require an algorithm to be executed on the private dataset (e.g. some cost requests). - a query requires executing an algorithm on a private dataset (or a potentially a dummy). """
[docs] class DummyQueryModel(QueryModel): """ Input model for a query on a dummy dataset. """ dummy_nb_rows: int = Field(..., gt=0) dummy_seed: int
# SmartnoiseSQL # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class SmartnoiseSQLRequestModel(RequestModel): """Base input model for a smarnoise-sql request""" query_str: str epsilon: float = Field(..., gt=0) delta: float = Field(..., gt=0) mechanisms: dict
[docs] class SmartnoiseSQLQueryModel(SmartnoiseSQLRequestModel, QueryModel): """Base input model for a smartnoise-sql query""" postprocess: bool
[docs] class SmartnoiseSQLDummyQueryModel(SmartnoiseSQLQueryModel, DummyQueryModel): """Input model for a smartnoise-sql query on a dummy dataset."""
# SmartnoiseSynth # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class SmartnoiseSynthRequestModel(RequestModel): """Base input model for a SmartnoiseSynth request""" synth_name: Union[SSynthMarginalSynthesizer, SSynthGanSynthesizer] epsilon: float = Field(..., gt=0) delta: Optional[float] = None select_cols: List synth_params: dict nullable: bool constraints: str
[docs] class SmartnoiseSynthQueryModel(SmartnoiseSynthRequestModel, QueryModel): """Base input model for a smarnoise-synth query""" return_model: bool condition: str nb_samples: int
[docs] class SmartnoiseSynthDummyQueryModel( SmartnoiseSynthQueryModel, DummyQueryModel ): """Input model for a smarnoise-synth query on a dummy dataset""" # Same as normal query. return_model: bool condition: str nb_samples: int
# OpenDP # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class OpenDPRequestModel(RequestModel): """Base input model for an opendp request""" opendp_json: str fixed_delta: Optional[float] = None
[docs] class OpenDPQueryModel(OpenDPRequestModel, QueryModel): """Base input model for an opendp query"""
[docs] class OpenDPDummyQueryModel(OpenDPRequestModel, DummyQueryModel): """Input model for an opendp query on a dummy dataset"""
# DiffPrivLib # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] class DiffPrivLibRequestModel(RequestModel): """Base input model for a diffprivlib request""" diffprivlib_json: str feature_columns: list target_columns: Optional[list] test_size: float = Field(..., gt=0.0, lt=1.0) test_train_split_seed: int imputer_strategy: str
[docs] class DiffPrivLibQueryModel(DiffPrivLibRequestModel, QueryModel): """Base input model for a diffprivlib query"""
[docs] class DiffPrivLibDummyQueryModel(DiffPrivLibQueryModel, DummyQueryModel): """Input model for a DiffPrivLib query on a dummy dataset"""
# Utils # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def model_input_to_lib(request: RequestModel) -> DPLibraries: """Return the type of DP library given a RequestModel. Args: request (RequestModel): The user request Raises: InternalServerException: If the library type cannot be determined. Returns: DPLibraries: The type of library for the request. """ match request: case SmartnoiseSQLRequestModel(): return DPLibraries.SMARTNOISE_SQL case SmartnoiseSynthRequestModel(): return DPLibraries.SMARTNOISE_SYNTH case OpenDPRequestModel(): return DPLibraries.OPENDP case DiffPrivLibRequestModel(): return DPLibraries.DIFFPRIVLIB case _: raise InternalServerException( "Cannot find library type for given model." )