Source code for lomas_server.utils.config

from typing import Dict, List, Literal, Union

import yaml
from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field

from lomas_server.constants import (
from lomas_server.utils.error_handler import InternalServerException

[docs] class TimeAttack(BaseModel): """BaseModel for configs to prevent timing attacks""" method: TimeAttackMethod magnitude: float
[docs] class Server(BaseModel): """BaseModel for uvicorn server configs""" time_attack: TimeAttack host_ip: str host_port: int log_level: str reload: bool workers: int
[docs] class DBConfig(BaseModel): """BaseModel for database type config"""
[docs] class YamlDBConfig(DBConfig): """BaseModel for dataset store configs in case of a Yaml database""" db_type: Literal[AdminDBType.YAML] # type: ignore db_file: str
[docs] class MongoDBConfig(DBConfig): """BaseModel for dataset store configs in case of a MongoDB database""" db_type: Literal[AdminDBType.MONGODB] # type: ignore address: str port: int username: str password: str db_name: str
[docs] class PrivateDBCredentials(BaseModel): """BaseModel for private database credentials."""
[docs] class S3CredentialsConfig(PrivateDBCredentials): """BaseModel for S3 database credentials.""" model_config = ConfigDict(extra="allow") db_type: Literal[PrivateDatabaseType.S3] # type: ignore credentials_name: str access_key_id: str secret_access_key: str
[docs] class OpenDPConfig(BaseModel): """BaseModel for openDP librairy config""" contrib: bool floating_point: bool honest_but_curious: bool
[docs] class DPLibraryConfig(BaseModel): """BaseModel for DP librairies config""" opendp: OpenDPConfig
[docs] class Config(BaseModel): """ Server runtime config. """ # Develop mode develop_mode: bool # Server configs server: Server # A limit on the rate which users can submit answers submit_limit: float admin_database: Union[MongoDBConfig, YamlDBConfig] = Field( ..., discriminator="db_type" ) private_db_credentials: List[Union[S3CredentialsConfig]] = Field( ..., discriminator="db_type" ) dp_libraries: DPLibraryConfig
[docs] class ConfigLoader: """Singleton object that holds the config for the server. Initialises the config by calling load_config() with its default arguments. The config can be reloaded by calling load_config with other arguments. """ _instance = None _config: Config | None = None def __new__(cls): if cls._instance is None: cls._instance = super().__new__(cls) return cls._instance
[docs] def load_config( self, config_path: str = CONFIG_PATH, secrets_path: str = SECRETS_PATH ) -> None: """ Loads the config and the secret data from disk, merges them and returns the config object. Args: config_path (str, optional): The config filepath. Defaults to CONFIG_PATH. secrets_path (str, optional): The secrets filepath. Defaults to SECRETS_PATH. Raises: InternalServerException: If the config cannot be correctly interpreted. """ try: with open(config_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: config_data = yaml.safe_load(f)[ConfigKeys.RUNTIME_ARGS][ ConfigKeys.SETTINGS ] # Merge secret data into config data with open(secrets_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: secret_data = yaml.safe_load(f) config_data = self._merge_dicts(config_data, secret_data) self._config = Config.model_validate(config_data) except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException( f"Could not read config from disk at {config_path}" + f" or missing fields: {e}" ) from e
def _merge_dicts(self, d: Dict, u: Dict) -> Dict: """Recursively add dictionnary u to dictionnary v Args: d (Dict): dictionnary to add data to u (Dict): dictionnary to be added to d Returns: d (Dict): dictionnary d and u merged recursively """ for k, v in u.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): d[k] = self._merge_dicts(d.get(k, {}), v) else: d[k] = v return d
[docs] def set_config(self, config: Config) -> None: """ Set the singleton's config to config. Args: config (Config): The new config. """ self._config = config
[docs] def get_config(self) -> Config: """ Get the config. Returns: Config: The config. """ if self._config is None: self.load_config() assert isinstance(self._config, Config) # Helps mypy return self._config
CONFIG_LOADER = ConfigLoader()
[docs] def get_config() -> Config: """ Get the config from the ConfigLoader Singleton instance. Returns: Config: The config. """ return CONFIG_LOADER.get_config()