Source code for lomas_server.tests.test_api_diffprivlib

import json
import warnings

from diffprivlib import models
from diffprivlib.utils import (
from diffprivlib_logger import serialise_pipeline
from fastapi import status
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

from import app
from lomas_server.constants import DPLibraries
from lomas_server.tests.test_api import TestRootAPIEndpoint
from lomas_server.utils.query_examples import (

[docs] def validate_pipeline(response): """Validate that the pipeline ran successfully Returns a model and a score. """ assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert "score" in response_dict["query_response"] # might be 0 assert response_dict["query_response"]["model"]
[docs] class TestDiffPrivLibEndpoint(TestRootAPIEndpoint): # pylint: disable=R0904 """ Test DiffPrivLib Endpoint with different models """
[docs] def test_diffprivlib_query(self) -> None: """Test diffprivlib query""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: # Expect to work response = "/diffprivlib_query", json=example_diffprivlib, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["requested_by"] == self.user_name assert response_dict["query_response"]["score"] >= 0 assert response_dict["query_response"]["model"] assert response_dict["spent_epsilon"] > 0 assert response_dict["spent_delta"] == 0 # # Should work for different imputation strategy (but does not yet #255) def test_imputation(diffprivlib_body, imputer_strategy): diffprivlib_body = dict(diffprivlib_body) diffprivlib_body["imputer_strategy"] = imputer_strategy response = "/diffprivlib_query", json=diffprivlib_body, headers=self.headers, ) return response response = test_imputation(example_diffprivlib, "mean") response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response = test_imputation(example_diffprivlib, "median") assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response = test_imputation(example_diffprivlib, "most_frequent") assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK # Should not work unknow imputation strategy response = test_imputation(example_diffprivlib, "i_do_not_exist") assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST assert response.json() == { "InvalidQueryException": "" + "Imputation strategy i_do_not_exist not supported." } # Should not work: Privacy Leak Warning warnings.simplefilter("error", PrivacyLeakWarning) diffprivlib_body = dict(example_diffprivlib) dpl_pipeline = Pipeline( [ ("scaler", models.StandardScaler(epsilon=0.5)), ("classifier", models.LogisticRegression(epsilon=1.0)), ] ) dpl_string = serialise_pipeline(dpl_pipeline) diffprivlib_body["diffprivlib_json"] = dpl_string response = "/diffprivlib_query", json=diffprivlib_body, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_422_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY assert response.json() == { "ExternalLibraryException": "PrivacyLeakWarning: " + "Bounds parameter hasn't been specified, so falling back to " + "determining bounds from the data.\n " + "This will result in additional privacy leakage. " + "To ensure differential privacy with no additional privacy " + "loss, specify `bounds` for each valued returned by " + "np.mean().. " + "Lomas server cannot fit pipeline on data, " + "PrivacyLeakWarning is a blocker.", "library": DPLibraries.DIFFPRIVLIB, } # Should not work: Compatibility Warning warnings.simplefilter("error", DiffprivlibCompatibilityWarning) with self.assertRaises(DiffprivlibCompatibilityWarning): Pipeline( [ ("scaler", models.StandardScaler(epsilon=0.5)), ( "classifier", models.LogisticRegression( epsilon=1.0, svd_solver="full" ), ), ] )
[docs] def test_logistic_regression_models(self) -> None: """Test diffprivlib query: Logistic Regression""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: bounds = ([30.0, 13.0, 150.0, 2000.0], [65.0, 23.0, 250.0, 7000.0]) # Test Logistic Regression pipeline = Pipeline( [ ( "scaler", models.StandardScaler(epsilon=0.5, bounds=bounds), ), ( "classifier", models.LogisticRegression( epsilon=1.0, data_norm=83.69 ), ), ] ) diffprivlib_body = dict(example_diffprivlib) diffprivlib_body["diffprivlib_json"] = serialise_pipeline(pipeline) response = "/diffprivlib_query", json=diffprivlib_body, headers=self.headers, ) validate_pipeline(response)
[docs] def test_linear_regression_models(self) -> None: """Test diffprivlib query: Linear Regression""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: # Test Linear Regression pipeline = Pipeline( [ ( "lr", models.LinearRegression( epsilon=2.0, bounds_X=(30.0, 65.0), bounds_y=(13.0, 23.0), ), ), ] ) diffprivlib_body = dict(example_diffprivlib) diffprivlib_body["diffprivlib_json"] = serialise_pipeline(pipeline) diffprivlib_body["feature_columns"] = ["bill_length_mm"] diffprivlib_body["target_columns"] = ["bill_length_mm"] response = "/diffprivlib_query", json=diffprivlib_body, headers=self.headers, ) validate_pipeline(response)
[docs] def test_naives_bayes_model(self) -> None: """Test diffprivlib query: Gaussian Naives Bayes""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: bounds = ([30.0, 13.0, 150.0, 2000.0], [65.0, 23.0, 250.0, 7000.0]) # Test Gaussian Naives Bayes pipeline = Pipeline( [ ( "scaler", models.StandardScaler(epsilon=0.5, bounds=bounds), ), ( "gaussian", models.GaussianNB( epsilon=1.0, bounds=bounds, priors=(0.3, 0.3, 0.4) ), ), ] ) diffprivlib_body = dict(example_diffprivlib) diffprivlib_body["diffprivlib_json"] = serialise_pipeline(pipeline) response = "/diffprivlib_query", json=diffprivlib_body, headers=self.headers, ) validate_pipeline(response)
[docs] def test_trees_models(self) -> None: """Test diffprivlib query: Random Forest, Decision Tree""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: bounds = ([30.0, 13.0, 150.0, 2000.0], [65.0, 23.0, 250.0, 7000.0]) # Test Random Forest pipeline = Pipeline( [ ( "rf", models.RandomForestClassifier( n_estimators=10, epsilon=2.0, bounds=bounds, classes=["Adelie", "Chinstrap", "Gentoo"], ), ), ] ) diffprivlib_body = dict(example_diffprivlib) diffprivlib_body["diffprivlib_json"] = serialise_pipeline(pipeline) response = "/diffprivlib_query", json=diffprivlib_body, headers=self.headers, ) validate_pipeline(response) # Test Decision Tree Classifier pipeline = Pipeline( [ ( "dtc", models.DecisionTreeClassifier( epsilon=2.0, bounds=bounds, classes=["Adelie", "Chinstrap", "Gentoo"], ), ), ] ) diffprivlib_body = dict(example_diffprivlib) diffprivlib_body["diffprivlib_json"] = serialise_pipeline(pipeline) response = "/diffprivlib_query", json=diffprivlib_body, headers=self.headers, ) validate_pipeline(response)
[docs] def test_clustering_models(self) -> None: """Test diffprivlib query: K-Means""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: bounds = ([30.0, 13.0, 150.0, 2000.0], [65.0, 23.0, 250.0, 7000.0]) # Test K-MEANS pipeline = Pipeline( [ ( "kmeans", models.KMeans( n_clusters=8, epsilon=2.0, bounds=bounds ), ), ] ) diffprivlib_body = dict(example_diffprivlib) diffprivlib_body["diffprivlib_json"] = serialise_pipeline(pipeline) response = "/diffprivlib_query", json=diffprivlib_body, headers=self.headers, ) validate_pipeline(response) diffprivlib_body["target_columns"] = None response = "/diffprivlib_query", json=diffprivlib_body, headers=self.headers, ) validate_pipeline(response)
[docs] def test_dimension_reduction_models(self) -> None: """Test diffprivlib query: PCA""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: bounds = ([30.0, 13.0, 150.0, 2000.0], [65.0, 23.0, 250.0, 7000.0]) # Test PCA pipeline = Pipeline( [ ( "pca", models.PCA( n_components=8, epsilon=2.0, bounds=bounds, data_norm=100, ), ), ] ) diffprivlib_body = dict(example_diffprivlib) diffprivlib_body["diffprivlib_json"] = serialise_pipeline(pipeline) response = "/diffprivlib_query", json=diffprivlib_body, headers=self.headers, ) validate_pipeline(response)
[docs] def test_dummy_diffprivlib_query(self) -> None: """test_dummy_diffprivlib_query""" with TestClient(app) as client: # Expect to work response = "/dummy_diffprivlib_query", json=example_dummy_diffprivlib, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["query_response"]["score"] > 0 assert response_dict["query_response"]["model"] # Expect to fail: user does have access to dataset body = dict(example_dummy_diffprivlib) body["dataset_name"] = "IRIS" response = "/dummy_diffprivlib_query", json=body, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN assert response.json() == { "UnauthorizedAccessException": "" + f"{self.user_name} does not have access to IRIS." }
[docs] def test_diffprivlib_cost(self) -> None: """test_diffprivlib_cost""" with TestClient(app) as client: # Expect to work response = "/estimate_diffprivlib_cost", json=example_diffprivlib, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["epsilon_cost"] == 1.5 assert response_dict["delta_cost"] == 0 # Expect to fail: user does have access to dataset body = dict(example_diffprivlib) body["dataset_name"] = "IRIS" response = "/estimate_diffprivlib_cost", json=body, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN assert response.json() == { "UnauthorizedAccessException": "" + f"{self.user_name} does not have access to IRIS." }