Source code for lomas_server.tests.test_api

import glob
import json
import os
import unittest
from io import StringIO

import opendp.prelude as dp_p
import pandas as pd
from fastapi import status
from fastapi.testclient import TestClient
from opendp.mod import enable_features
from opendp_logger import enable_logging
from pymongo.database import Database

from lomas_server.admin_database.factory import admin_database_factory
from lomas_server.admin_database.utils import get_mongodb
from import app
from lomas_server.constants import DPLibraries
from lomas_server.mongodb_admin import (
from lomas_server.tests.constants import (
from lomas_server.utils.config import CONFIG_LOADER, DBConfig
from lomas_server.utils.error_handler import InternalServerException
from lomas_server.utils.query_examples import (



[docs] class TestRootAPIEndpoint(unittest.TestCase): # pylint: disable=R0904 """ End-to-end tests of the api endpoints. This test can be both executed as an integration test (enabled by setting LOMAS_TEST_MONGO_INTEGRATION to True), or a standard test. The first requires a mongodb to be started before running while the latter will use a local YamlDatabase. """
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls) -> None: # Read correct config depending on the database we test against if os.getenv(ENV_MONGO_INTEGRATION, "0").lower() in TRUE_VALUES: CONFIG_LOADER.load_config( config_path="tests/test_configs/test_config_mongo.yaml", secrets_path="tests/test_configs/test_secrets.yaml", ) else: CONFIG_LOADER.load_config( config_path="tests/test_configs/test_config.yaml", secrets_path="tests/test_configs/test_secrets.yaml", )
[docs] @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls) -> None: pass
[docs] def setUp(self) -> None: """Set Up Header and DB for test""" self.user_name = "Dr. Antartica" self.headers = { "Content-type": "application/json", "Accept": "*/*", } self.headers["user-name"] = self.user_name # Fill up database if needed if os.getenv(ENV_MONGO_INTEGRATION, "0").lower() in TRUE_VALUES: self.db: Database = get_mongodb() add_users_via_yaml( self.db, yaml_file="tests/test_data/test_user_collection.yaml", clean=True, overwrite=True, ) if os.getenv(ENV_S3_INTEGRATION, "0").lower() in TRUE_VALUES: yaml_file = "tests/test_data/test_datasets_with_s3.yaml" else: yaml_file = "tests/test_data/test_datasets.yaml" add_datasets_via_yaml( self.db, yaml_file=yaml_file, clean=True, overwrite_datasets=True, overwrite_metadata=True, )
[docs] def tearDown(self) -> None: # Clean up database if needed if os.getenv(ENV_MONGO_INTEGRATION, "0").lower() in TRUE_VALUES: drop_collection(self.db, "metadata") drop_collection(self.db, "datasets") drop_collection(self.db, "users") drop_collection(self.db, "queries_archives") else: for file in glob.glob("tests/test_data/local_db_file_*.yaml"): os.remove(file)
[docs] def test_config_and_internal_server_exception(self) -> None: """Test set wrong configuration""" # Put unknown admin database with self.assertRaises(InternalServerException) as context: admin_database_factory(DBConfig()) self.assertEqual( str(context.exception), "Database type not supported." )
[docs] def test_root(self) -> None: """Test root endpoint redirection to state endpoint""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: response_root = client.get("/", headers=self.headers) response_state = client.get("/state", headers=self.headers) assert response_root.status_code == response_state.status_code assert json.loads( response_root.content.decode("utf8") ) == json.loads(response_state.content.decode("utf8"))
[docs] def test_state(self) -> None: """Test state endpoint""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: response = client.get("/state", headers=self.headers) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["requested_by"] == self.user_name assert response_dict["state"]["LIVE"]
[docs] def test_get_dataset_metadata(self) -> None: """test_get_dataset_metadata""" with TestClient(app) as client: # Expect to work response = "/get_dataset_metadata", json=example_get_admin_db_data, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK metadata = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert isinstance(metadata, dict), "metadata should be a dict" assert "max_ids" in metadata, "max_ids should be in metadata" assert "row_privacy" in metadata, "max_ids should be in metadata" assert "columns" in metadata, "columns should be in metadata" # Expect to fail: dataset does not exist fake_dataset = "I_do_not_exist" response = "/get_dataset_metadata", json={"dataset_name": fake_dataset}, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST assert response.json() == { "InvalidQueryException": f"Dataset {fake_dataset} does not " + "exist. Please, verify the client object initialisation." } # Expect to fail: user does have access to dataset other_dataset = "IRIS" response = "/get_dataset_metadata", json={"dataset_name": other_dataset}, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN assert response.json() == { "UnauthorizedAccessException": "" + f"{self.user_name} does not have access to {other_dataset}." }
[docs] def test_get_dummy_dataset(self) -> None: """test_get_dummy_dataset""" with TestClient(app) as client: # Expect to work response = "/get_dummy_dataset", json=example_get_dummy_dataset, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) dummy_df = pd.DataFrame(response_dict["dummy_dict"]) dummy_df = dummy_df.astype(response_dict["dtypes"]) assert ( dummy_df.shape[0] == DUMMY_NB_ROWS ), "Dummy pd.DataFrame does not have expected number of rows" assert response_dict["datetime_columns"] == [] expected_dtypes = pd.Series(response_dict["dtypes"]) assert ( dummy_df.dtypes == expected_dtypes ).all(), ( f"Dtypes do not match: {dummy_df.dtypes} != {expected_dtypes}" ) expected_dtypes = pd.Series(response_dict["dtypes"]) assert ( dummy_df.dtypes == expected_dtypes ).all(), ( f"Dtypes do not match: {dummy_df.dtypes} != {expected_dtypes}" ) # Expect to fail: dataset does not exist fake_dataset = "I_do_not_exist" response = "/get_dummy_dataset", json={ "dataset_name": fake_dataset, "dummy_nb_rows": DUMMY_NB_ROWS, "dummy_seed": 0, }, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST assert response.json() == { "InvalidQueryException": f"Dataset {fake_dataset} does not " + "exist. Please, verify the client object initialisation." } # Expect to fail: missing argument dummy_nb_rows response = "/get_dummy_dataset", json={ "dataset_name": PENGUIN_DATASET, }, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_422_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY # Expect to fail: user does have access to dataset other_dataset = "IRIS" response = "/get_dummy_dataset", json={ "dataset_name": other_dataset, "dummy_nb_rows": DUMMY_NB_ROWS, "dummy_seed": 0, }, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN assert response.json() == { "UnauthorizedAccessException": "" + f"{self.user_name} does not have access to {other_dataset}." } # Expect to fail: user does not exist fake_user = "fake_user" new_headers = self.headers new_headers["user-name"] = fake_user response = "/get_dummy_dataset", json=example_get_dummy_dataset, headers=new_headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN assert response.json() == { "UnauthorizedAccessException": f"User {fake_user} does not " + "exist. Please, verify the client object initialisation." } # Expect to work with datetimes and another user fake_user = "BirthdayGirl" new_headers = self.headers new_headers["user-name"] = fake_user response = "/get_dummy_dataset", json={ "dataset_name": "BIRTHDAYS", "dummy_nb_rows": 10, "dummy_seed": 0, }, headers=new_headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) dummy_df = pd.DataFrame(response_dict["dummy_dict"]) dummy_df = dummy_df.astype(response_dict["dtypes"]) for col in response_dict["datetime_columns"]: dummy_df[col] = pd.to_datetime(dummy_df[col]) assert ( dummy_df.shape[0] == 10 ), "Dummy pd.DataFrame does not have expected number of rows" expected_dtypes = pd.Series(response_dict["dtypes"]) for col in response_dict["datetime_columns"]: expected_dtypes[col] = "datetime64[ns]" assert ( dummy_df.dtypes == expected_dtypes ).all(), ( f"Dtypes do not match: {dummy_df.dtypes} != {expected_dtypes}" )
[docs] def test_smartnoise_sql_query(self) -> None: """Test smartnoise-sql query""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: # Expect to work response = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=example_smartnoise_sql, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["requested_by"] == self.user_name assert response_dict["query_response"]["columns"] == ["NB_ROW"] assert response_dict["query_response"]["data"][0][0] > 0 assert response_dict["spent_epsilon"] == QUERY_EPSILON assert response_dict["spent_delta"] >= QUERY_DELTA # Expect to fail: missing parameters: delta and mechanisms response = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json={ "query_str": "SELECT COUNT(*) AS NB_ROW FROM df", "dataset_name": PENGUIN_DATASET, "epsilon": QUERY_EPSILON, "postprocess": True, }, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_422_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8"))[ "detail" ] assert response_dict[0]["type"] == "missing" assert response_dict[0]["loc"] == ["body", "delta"] assert response_dict[1]["type"] == "missing" assert response_dict[1]["loc"] == ["body", "mechanisms"] # Expect to fail: not enough budget input_smartnoise = dict(example_smartnoise_sql) input_smartnoise["epsilon"] = 0.000000001 response = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=input_smartnoise, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_422_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY assert response.json() == { "ExternalLibraryException": "Error obtaining cost: " + "Noise scale is too large using epsilon=1e-09 " + "and bounds (0, 1) with Mechanism.gaussian. " + "Try preprocessing to reduce senstivity, " + "or try different privacy parameters.", "library": "smartnoise_sql", } # Expect to fail: query does not make sense input_smartnoise = dict(example_smartnoise_sql) input_smartnoise["query_str"] = ( "SELECT AVG(bill) FROM df" # no 'bill' column ) response = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=input_smartnoise, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_422_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY assert response.json() == { "ExternalLibraryException": "Error obtaining cost: " + "Column cannot be found bill", "library": "smartnoise_sql", } # Expect to fail: dataset without access input_smartnoise = dict(example_smartnoise_sql) input_smartnoise["dataset_name"] = "IRIS" response = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=input_smartnoise, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN assert response.json() == { "UnauthorizedAccessException": "" + "Dr. Antartica does not have access to IRIS." } # Expect to fail: dataset does not exist input_smartnoise = dict(example_smartnoise_sql) input_smartnoise["dataset_name"] = "I_do_not_exist" response = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=input_smartnoise, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST assert response.json() == { "InvalidQueryException": "" + "Dataset I_do_not_exist does not exist. " + "Please, verify the client object initialisation." } # Expect to fail: user does not exist new_headers = self.headers new_headers["user-name"] = "I_do_not_exist" response = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=example_smartnoise_sql, headers=new_headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN assert response.json() == { "UnauthorizedAccessException": "" + "User I_do_not_exist does not exist. " + "Please, verify the client object initialisation." }
[docs] def test_smartnoise_sql_query_parameters(self) -> None: """Test smartnoise-sql query parameters""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: # Change the Query body = dict(example_smartnoise_sql) body["query_str"] = ( "SELECT AVG(bill_length_mm) AS avg_bill_length_mm FROM df" ) response = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=body, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) df_response = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( response_dict["query_response"], orient="tight" ) assert df_response["avg_bill_length_mm"].iloc[0] > 0.0 # Change the mechanism body["mechanisms"] = {"count": "gaussian", "sum_float": "laplace"} response = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=body, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) df_response = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( response_dict["query_response"], orient="tight" ) assert df_response["avg_bill_length_mm"].iloc[0] > 0.0 # Try postprocess False body["postprocess"] = False response = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=body, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) df_response = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( response_dict["query_response"], orient="tight" ) assert df_response.shape[1] == 2
[docs] def test_smartnoise_sql_query_datetime(self) -> None: """Test smartnoise-sql query on datetime""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: # Expect to work: query with datetimes and another user new_headers = self.headers new_headers["user-name"] = "BirthdayGirl" body = dict(example_smartnoise_sql) body["dataset_name"] = "BIRTHDAYS" body["query_str"] = ( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM df WHERE birthday >= '1950-01-01'" ) response = "/smartnoise_query", json=body, headers=new_headers, ) data = response.content.decode("utf8") df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(data)) assert isinstance( df, pd.DataFrame ), "Response should be a pd.DataFrame"
[docs] def test_smartnoise_sql_query_on_s3_dataset(self) -> None: """Test smartnoise-sql on s3 dataset""" if os.getenv(ENV_S3_INTEGRATION, "0").lower() in TRUE_VALUES: with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: # Expect to work input_smartnoise = dict(example_smartnoise_sql) input_smartnoise["dataset_name"] = "TINTIN_S3_TEST" response = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=input_smartnoise, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["requested_by"] == self.user_name assert response_dict["query_response"]["columns"] == ["NB_ROW"] assert response_dict["spent_epsilon"] == QUERY_EPSILON assert response_dict["spent_delta"] >= QUERY_DELTA
[docs] def test_dummy_smartnoise_sql_query(self) -> None: """test_dummy_smartnoise_sql_query""" with TestClient(app) as client: # Expect to work response = "/dummy_smartnoise_sql_query", json=example_dummy_smartnoise_sql, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["query_response"]["columns"] == ["NB_ROW"] assert response_dict["query_response"]["data"][0][0] > 0 assert response_dict["query_response"]["data"][0][0] < 250 # Should fail: no header response = "/dummy_smartnoise_sql_query", json=example_dummy_smartnoise_sql, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN assert response.json() == { "UnauthorizedAccessException": "User None does not exist." + " Please, verify the client object initialisation." } # Should fail: user does not have access to dataset body = dict(example_dummy_smartnoise_sql) body["dataset_name"] = "IRIS" response = "/dummy_smartnoise_sql_query", json=body, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN assert response.json() == { "UnauthorizedAccessException": "" + f"{self.user_name} does not have access to IRIS." }
[docs] def test_smartnoise_sql_cost(self) -> None: """test_smartnoise_sql_cost""" with TestClient(app) as client: # Expect to work response = "/estimate_smartnoise_sql_cost", json=example_smartnoise_sql_cost, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["epsilon_cost"] == QUERY_EPSILON assert response_dict["delta_cost"] > QUERY_DELTA # Should fail: user does not have access to dataset body = dict(example_smartnoise_sql_cost) body["dataset_name"] = "IRIS" response = "/estimate_smartnoise_sql_cost", json=body, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN assert response.json() == { "UnauthorizedAccessException": "" + f"{self.user_name} does not have access to IRIS." }
[docs] def test_opendp_query(self) -> None: # pylint: disable=R0915 """test_opendp_query""" enable_logging() with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: # Basic test based on example with max divergence (Pure DP) response = "/opendp_query", json=example_opendp, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["requested_by"] == self.user_name assert response_dict["query_response"] > 0 assert response_dict["spent_epsilon"] > 0.1 assert response_dict["spent_delta"] == 0 # Tests on different pipeline colnames = [ "species", "island", "bill_length_mm", "bill_depth_mm", "flipper_length_mm", "body_mass_g", "sex", ] transformation_pipeline = ( dp_p.t.make_split_dataframe(separator=",", col_names=colnames) >> dp_p.t.make_select_column(key="bill_length_mm", TOA=str) >> dp_p.t.then_cast_default(TOA=float) >> dp_p.t.then_clamp(bounds=(30.0, 65.0)) >> dp_p.t.then_resize(size=346, constant=43.61) >> dp_p.t.then_variance() ) # Expect to fail: transormation instead of measurement response = "/opendp_query", json={ "dataset_name": PENGUIN_DATASET, "opendp_json": transformation_pipeline.to_json(), }, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST assert response.json() == { "InvalidQueryException": "The pipeline provided is not a " + "measurement. It cannot be processed in this server." } # Test MAX_DIVERGENCE (pure DP) md_pipeline = transformation_pipeline >> dp_p.m.then_laplace( scale=5.0 ) response = "/opendp_query", json={ "dataset_name": PENGUIN_DATASET, "opendp_json": md_pipeline.to_json(), }, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["requested_by"] == self.user_name assert response_dict["query_response"] > 0 assert response_dict["spent_epsilon"] > 0.1 assert response_dict["spent_delta"] == 0 # Test ZERO_CONCENTRATED_DIVERGENCE zcd_pipeline = transformation_pipeline >> dp_p.m.then_gaussian( scale=5.0 ) json_obj = { "dataset_name": PENGUIN_DATASET, "opendp_json": zcd_pipeline.to_json(), } # Should error because missing fixed_delta response ="/opendp_query", json=json_obj) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST assert response.json() == { "InvalidQueryException": "" + "fixed_delta must be set for smooth max divergence" + " and zero concentrated divergence." } # Should work because fixed_delta is set json_obj["fixed_delta"] = 1e-6 response ="/opendp_query", json=json_obj) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["requested_by"] == self.user_name assert response_dict["query_response"] > 0 assert response_dict["spent_epsilon"] > 0.1 assert response_dict["spent_delta"] == 1e-6 # Test SMOOTHED_MAX_DIVERGENCE (approx DP) sm_pipeline = dp_p.c.make_zCDP_to_approxDP(zcd_pipeline) json_obj = { "dataset_name": PENGUIN_DATASET, "opendp_json": sm_pipeline.to_json(), } # Should error because missing fixed_delta response ="/opendp_query", json=json_obj) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST assert response.json() == { "InvalidQueryException": "" + "fixed_delta must be set for smooth max divergence" + " and zero concentrated divergence." } # Should work because fixed_delta is set json_obj["fixed_delta"] = 1e-6 response ="/opendp_query", json=json_obj) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["requested_by"] == self.user_name assert response_dict["query_response"] > 0 assert response_dict["spent_epsilon"] > 0.1 assert response_dict["spent_delta"] == 1e-6
# # Test FIXED_SMOOTHED_MAX_DIVERGENCE # fms_pipeline = ( # dp_p.t.make_split_dataframe(separator=",", col_names=colnames) # >> dp_p.t.make_select_column(key="island", TOA=str) # >> dp_p.t.then_count_by(MO=dp_p.L1Distance[float], TV=float) # >> dp_p.m.then_base_laplace_threshold( # scale=2.0, threshold=28.0 # ) # ) # json_obj = { # "dataset_name": PENGUIN_DATASET, # "opendp_json": fms_pipeline.to_json(), # } # # Should error because missing fixed_delta # response ="/opendp_query", json=json_obj) # assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK # response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) # assert response_dict["requested_by"] == self.user_name # assert isinstance(response_dict["query_response"], dict) # assert response_dict["spent_epsilon"] > 0.1 # assert response_dict["spent_delta"] > 0
[docs] def test_dummy_opendp_query(self) -> None: """test_dummy_opendp_query""" with TestClient(app) as client: # Expect to work response = "/dummy_opendp_query", json=example_dummy_opendp, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["query_response"] > 0 # Should fail: user does not have access to dataset body = dict(example_dummy_opendp) body["dataset_name"] = "IRIS" response = "/dummy_opendp_query", json=body, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN assert response.json() == { "UnauthorizedAccessException": "" + f"{self.user_name} does not have access to IRIS." }
[docs] def test_opendp_cost(self) -> None: """test_opendp_cost""" with TestClient(app) as client: # Expect to work response = "/estimate_opendp_cost", json=example_opendp, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["epsilon_cost"] > 0.1 assert response_dict["delta_cost"] == 0 # Should fail: user does not have access to dataset body = dict(example_opendp) body["dataset_name"] = "IRIS" response = "/estimate_opendp_cost", json=body, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN assert response.json() == { "UnauthorizedAccessException": "" + f"{self.user_name} does not have access to IRIS." }
[docs] def test_get_initial_budget(self) -> None: """test_get_initial_budget""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: # Expect to work response = "/get_initial_budget", json=example_get_admin_db_data ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["initial_epsilon"] == INITAL_EPSILON assert response_dict["initial_delta"] == INITIAL_DELTA # Query to spend budget _ = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=example_smartnoise_sql, headers=self.headers, ) # Response should stay the same response_2 = "/get_initial_budget", json=example_get_admin_db_data ) assert response_2.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict_2 = json.loads(response_2.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict_2 == response_dict
[docs] def test_get_total_spent_budget(self) -> None: """test_get_total_spent_budget""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: # Expect to work response = "/get_total_spent_budget", json=example_get_admin_db_data ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["total_spent_epsilon"] == 0 assert response_dict["total_spent_delta"] == 0 # Query to spend budget _ = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=example_smartnoise_sql, headers=self.headers, ) # Response should have updated spent budget response_2 = "/get_total_spent_budget", json=example_get_admin_db_data ) assert response_2.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict_2 = json.loads(response_2.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict_2 != response_dict assert response_dict_2["total_spent_epsilon"] == QUERY_EPSILON assert response_dict_2["total_spent_delta"] >= QUERY_DELTA
[docs] def test_get_remaining_budget(self) -> None: """test_get_remaining_budget""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: # Expect to work response = "/get_remaining_budget", json=example_get_admin_db_data ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["remaining_epsilon"] == INITAL_EPSILON assert response_dict["remaining_delta"] == INITIAL_DELTA # Query to spend budget _ = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=example_smartnoise_sql, headers=self.headers, ) # Response should have removed spent budget response_2 = "/get_remaining_budget", json=example_get_admin_db_data ) assert response_2.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict_2 = json.loads(response_2.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict_2 != response_dict assert ( response_dict_2["remaining_epsilon"] == INITAL_EPSILON - QUERY_EPSILON ) assert ( response_dict_2["remaining_delta"] <= INITIAL_DELTA - QUERY_DELTA )
[docs] def test_get_previous_queries(self) -> None: """test_get_previous_queries""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: # Expect to work response = "/get_previous_queries", json=example_get_admin_db_data ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["previous_queries"] == [] # Query to archive 1 (smartnoise) query_res = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=example_smartnoise_sql, headers=self.headers, ) query_res = json.loads(query_res.content.decode("utf8")) # Response should have one element in list response_2 = "/get_previous_queries", json=example_get_admin_db_data ) assert response_2.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict_2 = json.loads(response_2.content.decode("utf8")) assert len(response_dict_2["previous_queries"]) == 1 assert ( response_dict_2["previous_queries"][0]["dp_librairy"] == DPLibraries.SMARTNOISE_SQL ) assert ( response_dict_2["previous_queries"][0]["client_input"] == example_smartnoise_sql ) assert ( response_dict_2["previous_queries"][0]["response"] == query_res ) # Query to archive 2 (opendp) query_res = "/opendp_query", json=example_opendp, ) query_res = json.loads(query_res.content.decode("utf8")) # Response should have two elements in list response_3 = "/get_previous_queries", json=example_get_admin_db_data ) assert response_3.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict_3 = json.loads(response_3.content.decode("utf8")) assert len(response_dict_3["previous_queries"]) == 2 assert ( response_dict_3["previous_queries"][0] == response_dict_2["previous_queries"][0] ) assert ( response_dict_3["previous_queries"][1]["dp_librairy"] == DPLibraries.OPENDP ) assert ( response_dict_3["previous_queries"][1]["client_input"] == example_opendp ) assert ( response_dict_3["previous_queries"][1]["response"] == query_res )
[docs] def test_subsequent_budget_limit_logic(self) -> None: """test_subsequent_budget_limit_logic""" with TestClient(app, headers=self.headers) as client: # Should fail: too much budget after three queries smartnoise_body = dict(example_smartnoise_sql) smartnoise_body["epsilon"] = 4.0 # spend 4.0 (total_spent = 4.0 <= INTIAL_BUDGET = 10.0) response = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=smartnoise_body, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["requested_by"] == self.user_name # spend 2*4.0 (total_spent = 8.0 <= INTIAL_BUDGET = 10.0) response = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=smartnoise_body, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_200_OK response_dict = json.loads(response.content.decode("utf8")) assert response_dict["requested_by"] == self.user_name # spend 3*4.0 (total_spent = 12.0 > INITIAL_BUDGET = 10.0) response = "/smartnoise_sql_query", json=smartnoise_body, headers=self.headers, ) assert response.status_code == status.HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST assert response.json() == { "InvalidQueryException": "Not enough budget for this query " + "epsilon remaining 2.0, " + "delta remaining 0.004970000100000034." }