Source code for lomas_client.client

import base64
import json
import pickle
from enum import StrEnum
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

import opendp as dp
import pandas as pd
import requests
from diffprivlib_logger import serialise_pipeline
from opendp.mod import enable_features
from opendp_logger import enable_logging, make_load_json
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from smartnoise_synth_logger import serialise_constraints

from lomas_client.utils import validate_synthesizer

# Opendp_logger

# Client constants: may be modified
HTTP_200_OK = 200


[docs] class DPLibraries(StrEnum): """Enum of the DP librairies used in the server WARNING: MUST match those of lomas_server """ SMARTNOISE_SQL = "smartnoise_sql" SMARTNOISE_SYNTH = "smartnoise_synth" OPENDP = "opendp" DIFFPRIVLIB = "diffprivlib"
[docs] def error_message(res: requests.Response) -> str: """Generates an error message based on the HTTP response. Args: res (requests.Response): The response object from an HTTP request. Returns: str: A formatted string describing the server error, including the status code and response text. """ return f"Server error status {res.status_code}: {res.text}"
[docs] class Client: """Client class to send requests to the server Handle all serialisation and deserialisation steps """ def __init__(self, url: str, user_name: str, dataset_name: str) -> None: """Initializes the Client with the specified URL, user name, and dataset name. Args: url (str): The base URL for the API server. user_name (str): The name of the user allowed to perform queries. dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset to be accessed or manipulated. """ self.url = url self.headers = {"Content-type": "application/json", "Accept": "*/*"} self.headers["user-name"] = user_name self.dataset_name = dataset_name
[docs] def get_dataset_metadata( self, ) -> Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, bool, Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]]]: """This function retrieves metadata for the dataset. Returns: Optional[Dict[str, Union[int, bool, Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]]]: A dictionary containing dataset metadata. """ res = self._exec( "get_dataset_metadata", {"dataset_name": self.dataset_name} ) if res.status_code == HTTP_200_OK: data = res.content.decode("utf8") metadata = json.loads(data) return metadata print(error_message(res)) return None
[docs] def get_dummy_dataset( self, nb_rows: int = DUMMY_NB_ROWS, seed: int = DUMMY_SEED, ) -> Optional[pd.DataFrame]: """This function retrieves a dummy dataset with optional parameters. Args: nb_rows (int, optional): The number of rows in the dummy dataset. Defaults to DUMMY_NB_ROWS. seed (int, optional): The random seed for generating the dummy dataset. Defaults to DUMMY_SEED. Returns: Optional[pd.DataFrame]: A Pandas DataFrame representing the dummy dataset. """ res = self._exec( "get_dummy_dataset", { "dataset_name": self.dataset_name, "dummy_nb_rows": nb_rows, "dummy_seed": seed, }, ) if res.status_code == HTTP_200_OK: data = res.content.decode("utf8") response = json.loads(data) dummy_df = pd.DataFrame(response["dummy_dict"]) dummy_df = dummy_df.astype(response["dtypes"]) for col in response["datetime_columns"]: dummy_df[col] = pd.to_datetime(dummy_df[col]) return dummy_df print(error_message(res)) return None
[docs] def smartnoise_sql_query( self, query: str, epsilon: float, delta: float, mechanisms: dict[str, str] = {}, postprocess: bool = True, dummy: bool = False, nb_rows: int = DUMMY_NB_ROWS, seed: int = DUMMY_SEED, ) -> Optional[dict]: """This function executes a SmartNoise SQL query. Args: query (str): The SQL query to execute. NOTE: the table name is df, the query must end with “FROM df”. epsilon (float): Privacy parameter (e.g., 0.1). delta (float): Privacy parameter (e.g., 1e-5). mechanisms (dict[str, str], optional): Dictionary of mechanisms for the\ query `See Smartnoise-SQL postprocessing documentation. <>`__ Defaults to {}. postprocess (bool, optional): Whether to postprocess the query results.\ `See Smartnoise-SQL postprocessing documentation. <>`__ Defaults to True. dummy (bool, optional): Whether to use a dummy dataset. Defaults to False. nb_rows (int, optional): The number of rows in the dummy dataset. Defaults to DUMMY_NB_ROWS. seed (int, optional): The random seed for generating the dummy dataset. Defaults to DUMMY_SEED. Returns: Optional[dict]: A Pandas DataFrame containing the query results. """ body_json = { "query_str": query, "dataset_name": self.dataset_name, "epsilon": epsilon, "delta": delta, "mechanisms": mechanisms, "postprocess": postprocess, } if dummy: endpoint = "dummy_smartnoise_sql_query" body_json["dummy_nb_rows"] = nb_rows body_json["dummy_seed"] = seed else: endpoint = "smartnoise_sql_query" res = self._exec(endpoint, body_json) if res.status_code == HTTP_200_OK: data = res.content.decode("utf8") response_dict = json.loads(data) response_dict["query_response"] = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( response_dict["query_response"], orient="tight" ) return response_dict print(error_message(res)) return None
[docs] def estimate_smartnoise_sql_cost( self, query: str, epsilon: float, delta: float, mechanisms: dict[str, str] = {}, ) -> Optional[dict[str, float]]: """This function estimates the cost of executing a SmartNoise query. Args: query (str): The SQL query to estimate the cost for. NOTE: the table name \ is df, the query must end with “FROM df”. epsilon (float): Privacy parameter (e.g., 0.1). delta (float): Privacy parameter (e.g., 1e-5). mechanisms (dict[str, str], optional): Dictionary of mechanisms for the\ query `See Smartnoise-SQL postprocessing documentation. <>`__ Defaults to {}. Returns: Optional[dict[str, float]]: A dictionary containing the estimated cost. """ body_json = { "query_str": query, "dataset_name": self.dataset_name, "epsilon": epsilon, "delta": delta, "mechanisms": mechanisms, } res = self._exec("estimate_smartnoise_sql_cost", body_json) if res.status_code == HTTP_200_OK: return json.loads(res.content.decode("utf8")) print(error_message(res)) return None
[docs] def smartnoise_synth_query( self, synth_name: str, epsilon: float, delta: Optional[float] = None, select_cols: List[str] = [], synth_params: dict = {}, nullable: bool = True, constraints: dict = {}, dummy: bool = False, return_model: bool = False, condition: str = "", nb_samples: int = SNSYNTH_DEFAULT_SYMPLES_NB, nb_rows: int = DUMMY_NB_ROWS, seed: int = DUMMY_SEED, ) -> Optional[dict]: """This function executes a SmartNoise Synthetic query. Args: synth_name (str): name of the Synthesizer model to use. Available synthesizer are - "aim", - "mwem", - "dpctgan" with `disabled_dp` always forced to False and a warning due to not cryptographically secure random generator - "patectgan" - "dpgan" with a warning due to not cryptographically secure random generator Available under certain conditions: - "mst" if `return_model=False` - "pategan" if the dataset has enough rows Not available: - "pacsynth" due to Rust panic error - "quail" currently unavailable in Smartnoise Synth For further documentation on models, please see here: epsilon (float): Privacy parameter (e.g., 0.1). delta (float): Privacy parameter (e.g., 1e-5). select_cols (List[str]): List of columns to select. Defaults to None. synth_params (dict): Keyword arguments to pass to the synthesizer constructor. See, provide all parameters of the model except `epsilon` and `delta`. Defaults to None. nullable (bool): True if some data cells may be null Defaults to True. constraints: Dictionnary for custom table transformer constraints. Column that are not specified will be inferred based on metadata. Defaults to {}. For further documentation on constraints, please see here: Note: lambda function in `AnonimizationTransformer` are not supported. return_model (bool): True to get Synthesizer model, False to get samples Defaults to False condition (Optional[str]): sampling condition in `model.sample` (only relevant if return_model is False) Defaults to "". nb_samples (Optional[int]): number of samples to generate. (only relevant if return_model is False) Defaults to SNSYNTH_DEFAULT_SYMPLES_NB dummy (bool, optional): Whether to use a dummy dataset. Defaults to False. nb_rows (int, optional): The number of rows in the dummy dataset. Defaults to DUMMY_NB_ROWS. seed (int, optional): The random seed for generating the dummy dataset. Defaults to DUMMY_SEED. Returns: Optional[dict]: A Pandas DataFrame containing the query results. """ validate_synthesizer(synth_name, return_model) constraints = serialise_constraints(constraints) if constraints else "" body_json = { "dataset_name": self.dataset_name, "synth_name": synth_name, "epsilon": epsilon, "delta": delta, "select_cols": select_cols, "synth_params": synth_params, "nullable": nullable, "constraints": constraints, "return_model": return_model, "condition": condition, "nb_samples": nb_samples, } if dummy: endpoint = "dummy_smartnoise_synth_query" body_json["dummy_nb_rows"] = nb_rows body_json["dummy_seed"] = seed else: endpoint = "smartnoise_synth_query" res = self._exec( endpoint, body_json, read_timeout=SMARTNOISE_SYNTH_READ_TIMEOUT ) if res.status_code == HTTP_200_OK: response = res.json() query_response = response["query_response"] if return_model: model = base64.b64decode(query_response) response["query_response"] = pickle.loads(model) else: response["query_response"] = pd.DataFrame(query_response) return response print(error_message(res)) return None
[docs] def estimate_smartnoise_synth_cost( self, synth_name: str, epsilon: float, delta: Optional[float] = None, select_cols: List[str] = [], synth_params: dict = {}, nullable: bool = True, constraints: dict = {}, ) -> Optional[dict[str, float]]: """This function estimates the cost of executing a SmartNoise query. Args: synth_name (str): name of the Synthesizer model to use. Available synthesizer are - "aim", - "mwem", - "dpctgan" with `disabled_dp` always forced to False and a warning due to not cryptographically secure random generator - "patectgan" - "dpgan" with a warning due to not cryptographically secure random generator Available under certain conditions: - "mst" if `return_model=False` - "pategan" if the dataset has enough rows Not available: - "pacsynth" due to Rust panic error - "quail" currently unavailable in Smartnoise Synth For further documentation on models, please see here: epsilon (float): Privacy parameter (e.g., 0.1). delta (float): Privacy parameter (e.g., 1e-5). select_cols (List[str]): List of columns to select. Defaults to None. synth_params (dict): Keyword arguments to pass to the synthesizer constructor. See, provide all parameters of the model except `epsilon` and `delta`. Defaults to None. nullable (bool): True if some data cells may be null Defaults to True. constraints (dict): Dictionnary for custom table transformer constraints. Column that are not specified will be inferred based on metadata. Defaults to {}. For further documentation on constraints, please see here: Note: lambda function in `AnonimizationTransformer` are not supported. Returns: Optional[dict[str, float]]: A dictionary containing the estimated cost. """ validate_synthesizer(synth_name) constraints = serialise_constraints(constraints) if constraints else "" body_json = { "dataset_name": self.dataset_name, "synth_name": synth_name, "epsilon": epsilon, "delta": delta, "select_cols": select_cols, "synth_params": synth_params, "nullable": nullable, "constraints": constraints, } res = self._exec( "estimate_smartnoise_synth_cost", body_json, read_timeout=SMARTNOISE_SYNTH_READ_TIMEOUT, ) if res.status_code == HTTP_200_OK: return json.loads(res.content.decode("utf8")) print(error_message(res)) return None
[docs] def opendp_query( self, opendp_pipeline: dp.Measurement, fixed_delta: Optional[float] = None, dummy: bool = False, nb_rows: int = DUMMY_NB_ROWS, seed: int = DUMMY_SEED, ) -> Optional[dict]: """This function executes an OpenDP query. Args: opendp_pipeline (dp.Measurement): The OpenDP pipeline for the query. fixed_delta (Optional[float], optional): If the pipeline measurement is of\ type “ZeroConcentratedDivergence” (e.g. with make_gaussian) then it is\ converted to “SmoothedMaxDivergence” with make_zCDP_to_approxDP\ (`See Smartnoise-SQL postprocessing documentation. <>`__). In that case a fixed_delta must be provided by the user. Defaults to None. dummy (bool, optional): Whether to use a dummy dataset. Defaults to False. nb_rows (int, optional): The number of rows in the dummy dataset.\ Defaults to DUMMY_NB_ROWS. seed (int, optional): The random seed for generating the dummy dataset.\ Defaults to DUMMY_SEED. Raises: Exception: If the server returns dataframes Returns: Optional[dict]: A Pandas DataFrame containing the query results. """ opendp_json = opendp_pipeline.to_json() body_json = { "dataset_name": self.dataset_name, "opendp_json": opendp_json, "fixed_delta": fixed_delta, } if dummy: endpoint = "dummy_opendp_query" body_json["dummy_nb_rows"] = nb_rows body_json["dummy_seed"] = seed else: endpoint = "opendp_query" res = self._exec(endpoint, body_json) if res.status_code == HTTP_200_OK: data = res.content.decode("utf8") response_dict = json.loads(data) return response_dict print(error_message(res)) return None
[docs] def estimate_opendp_cost( self, opendp_pipeline: dp.Measurement, fixed_delta: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Optional[dict[str, float]]: """This function estimates the cost of executing an OpenDP query. Args: opendp_pipeline (dp.Measurement): The OpenDP pipeline for the query. fixed_delta (Optional[float], optional): If the pipeline measurement is of\ type “ZeroConcentratedDivergence” (e.g. with make_gaussian) then it is\ converted to “SmoothedMaxDivergence” with make_zCDP_to_approxDP\ (`See Smartnoise-SQL postprocessing documentation.\ <>`__).\ In that case a fixed_delta must be provided by the user.\ Defaults to None. Returns: Optional[dict[str, float]]: A dictionary containing the estimated cost. """ opendp_json = opendp_pipeline.to_json() body_json = { "dataset_name": self.dataset_name, "opendp_json": opendp_json, "fixed_delta": fixed_delta, } res = self._exec("estimate_opendp_cost", body_json) if res.status_code == HTTP_200_OK: return json.loads(res.content.decode("utf8")) print(error_message(res)) return None
[docs] def diffprivlib_query( self, pipeline: Pipeline, feature_columns: List[str], target_columns: Optional[List[str]] = None, test_size: float = 0.2, test_train_split_seed: int = 1, imputer_strategy: str = "drop", dummy: bool = False, nb_rows: int = DUMMY_NB_ROWS, seed: int = DUMMY_SEED, ) -> Pipeline: """This function trains a DiffPrivLib pipeline on the sensitive data and return a trained Pipeline. Args: pipeline (sklearn.pipeline): DiffPrivLib pipeline with three conditions: - The pipeline MUST start with a `models.StandardScaler`. Otherwise a PrivacyLeakWarning is raised by DiffPrivLib library and is treated as an error in lomas server. - `random_state` fields can only be int (`RandomState` will not work). - `accountant` fields must be None. Note: as in DiffPrivLib, avoid any DiffprivlibCompatibilityWarning to ensure that the pipeline does what is intended. feature_columns (list[str]): the list of feature column to train target_columns (list[str], optional): the list of target column to predict \ May be None for certain models. test_size (float, optional): proportion of the test set \ Defaults to 0.2. test_train_split_seed (int, optional): seed for random train test split \ Defaults to 1. imputer_strategy (str, optional): imputation strategy. Defaults to "drop". "drop": will drop all rows with missing values "mean": will replace values by the mean of the column values "median": will replace values by the median of the column values "most_frequent": : will replace values by the most frequent values dummy (bool, optional): Whether to use a dummy dataset. Defaults to False. nb_rows (int, optional): The number of rows in the dummy dataset.\ Defaults to DUMMY_NB_ROWS. seed (int, optional): The random seed for generating the dummy dataset.\ Defaults to DUMMY_SEED. Returns: Optional[Pipeline]: A trained DiffPrivLip pipeline """ body_json = { "dataset_name": self.dataset_name, "diffprivlib_json": serialise_pipeline(pipeline), "feature_columns": feature_columns, "target_columns": target_columns, "test_size": test_size, "test_train_split_seed": test_train_split_seed, "imputer_strategy": imputer_strategy, } if dummy: endpoint = "dummy_diffprivlib_query" body_json["dummy_nb_rows"] = nb_rows body_json["dummy_seed"] = seed else: endpoint = "diffprivlib_query" res = self._exec( endpoint, body_json, read_timeout=DIFFPRIVLIB_READ_TIMEOUT ) if res.status_code == HTTP_200_OK: response = res.json() model = base64.b64decode(response["query_response"]["model"]) response["query_response"]["model"] = pickle.loads(model) return response print( f"Error while processing DiffPrivLib request in server \ status code: {res.status_code} message: {res.text}" ) return res.text
[docs] def estimate_diffprivlib_cost( self, pipeline: Pipeline, feature_columns: List[str] = [""], target_columns: List[str] = [""], test_size: float = 0.2, test_train_split_seed: int = 1, imputer_strategy: str = "drop", ) -> dict: """This function estimates the cost of executing a DiffPrivLib query. Args: pipeline (sklearn.pipeline): DiffPrivLib pipeline with three conditions: - The pipeline MUST start with a `models.StandardScaler`. Otherwise a PrivacyLeakWarning is raised by DiffPrivLib library and is treated as an error in lomas server. - `random_state` fields can only be int (`RandomState` will not work). - `accountant` fields must be None. Note: as in DiffPrivLib, avoid any DiffprivlibCompatibilityWarning to ensure that the pipeline does what is intended. feature_columns (list[str]): the list of feature column to train target_columns (list[str], optional): the list of target column to predict \ May be None for certain models. test_size (float, optional): proportion of the test set \ Defaults to 0.2. test_train_split_seed (int, optional): seed for random train test split \ Defaults to 1. imputer_strategy (str, optional): imputation strategy. Defaults to "drop". "drop": will drop all rows with missing values "mean": will replace values by the mean of the column values "median": will replace values by the median of the column values "most_frequent": : will replace values by the most frequent values Returns: Optional[dict[str, float]]: A dictionary containing the estimated cost. """ body_json = { "dataset_name": self.dataset_name, "diffprivlib_json": serialise_pipeline(pipeline), "feature_columns": feature_columns, "target_columns": target_columns, "test_size": test_size, "test_train_split_seed": test_train_split_seed, "imputer_strategy": imputer_strategy, } res = self._exec( "estimate_diffprivlib_cost", body_json, read_timeout=DIFFPRIVLIB_READ_TIMEOUT, ) if res.status_code == HTTP_200_OK: return json.loads(res.content.decode("utf8")) print( f"Error while executing provided query in server:\n" f"status code: {res.status_code} message: {res.text}" ) return res.text
[docs] def get_initial_budget(self) -> Optional[dict[str, float]]: """This function retrieves the initial budget. Returns: Optional[dict[str, float]]: A dictionary containing the initial budget. """ body_json = { "dataset_name": self.dataset_name, } res = self._exec("get_initial_budget", body_json) if res.status_code == HTTP_200_OK: return json.loads(res.content.decode("utf8")) print(error_message(res)) return None
[docs] def get_total_spent_budget(self) -> Optional[dict[str, float]]: """This function retrieves the total spent budget. Returns: Optional[dict[str, float]]: A dictionary containing the total spent budget. """ body_json = { "dataset_name": self.dataset_name, } res = self._exec("get_total_spent_budget", body_json) if res.status_code == HTTP_200_OK: return json.loads(res.content.decode("utf8")) print(error_message(res)) return None
[docs] def get_remaining_budget(self) -> Optional[dict[str, float]]: """This function retrieves the remaining budget. Returns: Optional[dict[str, float]]: A dictionary containing the remaining budget. """ body_json = { "dataset_name": self.dataset_name, } res = self._exec("get_remaining_budget", body_json) if res.status_code == HTTP_200_OK: return json.loads(res.content.decode("utf8")) print(error_message(res)) return None
[docs] def get_previous_queries(self) -> Optional[List[dict]]: """This function retrieves the previous queries of the user. Raises: ValueError: If an unknown query type is encountered during deserialization. Returns: Optional[List[dict]]: A list of dictionary containing the different queries on the private dataset. """ body_json = { "dataset_name": self.dataset_name, } res = self._exec("get_previous_queries", body_json) if res.status_code == HTTP_200_OK: queries = json.loads(res.content.decode("utf8"))[ "previous_queries" ] if not queries: return queries deserialised_queries = [] for query in queries: match query["dp_librairy"]: case DPLibraries.SMARTNOISE_SQL: pass case DPLibraries.SMARTNOISE_SYNTH: return_model = query["client_input"]["return_model"] res = query["response"]["query_response"] if return_model: query["response"]["query_response"] = pickle.loads( base64.b64decode(res) ) else: query["response"]["query_response"] = pd.DataFrame( res ) case DPLibraries.OPENDP: opdp_query = make_load_json( query["client_input"]["opendp_json"] ) query["client_input"]["opendp_json"] = opdp_query case DPLibraries.DIFFPRIVLIB: model = base64.b64decode( query["response"]["query_response"]["model"] ) query["response"]["query_response"]["model"] = ( pickle.loads(model) ) case _: raise ValueError( "Cannot deserialise unknown query type:" + f"{query['dp_librairy']}" ) deserialised_queries.append(query) return deserialised_queries print(error_message(res)) return None
def _exec( self, endpoint: str, body_json: dict = {}, read_timeout: int = DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT, ) -> requests.Response: """Executes a POST request to the specified endpoint with the provided JSON body. Args: endpoint (str): The API endpoint to which the request will be sent. body_json (dict, optional): The JSON body to include in the POST request.\ Defaults to {}. read_timeout (int): number of seconds that client wait for the server to send a response. Defaults to DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT. Returns: requests.Response: The response object resulting from the POST request. """ r = self.url + "/" + endpoint, json=body_json, headers=self.headers, timeout=(CONNECT_TIMEOUT, read_timeout), ) return r