Source code for

from import AsyncGenerator
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from typing import Callable

from fastapi import FastAPI, Request, Response

import routes_admin
import routes_dp
from admin_database.utils import database_factory
from constants import (
from dataset_store.utils import dataset_store_factory
from dp_queries.dp_libraries.opendp import set_opendp_features_config
from dp_queries.dp_logic import QueryHandler
from utils.anti_timing_att import anti_timing_att
from utils.config import get_config
from utils.error_handler import InternalServerException, add_exception_handlers
from utils.loggr import LOG
from utils.utils import add_demo_data_to_admindb

[docs] @asynccontextmanager async def lifespan( app: FastAPI, ) -> ( AsyncGenerator ): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name, too-many-statements """ Lifespan function for the server. This function is executed once on server startup, yields and finishes running at server shutdown. Server initialization is performed (config loading, etc.) and the server state is updated accordingly. This can have potential side effects on the return values of the "depends" functions, which check the server state. """ # Startup"Startup message") # Set some app state app.state.admin_database = None app.state.query_handler = None app.state.dataset_store = None # General server state, can add fields if need be. app.state.server_state = { "state": [], "message": [], "LIVE": False, } app.state.server_state["state"].append("Startup event") status_ok = True # Load config try:"Loading config") app.state.server_state["message"].append("Loading config") config = get_config() except InternalServerException:"Config could not loaded") app.state.server_state["state"].append(CONFIG_NOT_LOADED) app.state.server_state["message"].append( "Server could not be started!" ) app.state.server_state["LIVE"] = False status_ok = False # Fill up user database if in develop mode ONLY if status_ok and config.develop_mode:"!! Develop mode ON !!") app.state.server_state["message"].append("!! Develop mode ON !!") if config.admin_database.db_type == AdminDBType.MONGODB:"Adding demo data to MongoDB Admin") app.state.server_state["message"].append( "Adding demo data to MongoDB Admin" ) add_demo_data_to_admindb() # Load admin database if status_ok: try:"Loading admin database") app.state.server_state["message"].append("Loading admin database") app.state.admin_database = database_factory(config.admin_database) except InternalServerException as e: LOG.exception("Failed at startup:" + str(e)) app.state.server_state["state"].append(DB_NOT_LOADED) app.state.server_state["message"].append( f"Admin database could not be loaded: {str(e)}" ) app.state.server_state["LIVE"] = False status_ok = False # Load query handler if status_ok:"Loading query handler") app.state.server_state["message"].append("Loading dataset store") app.state.dataset_store = dataset_store_factory( config.dataset_store, app.state.admin_database ) app.state.server_state["message"].append("Loading query handler") app.state.query_handler = QueryHandler( app.state.admin_database, app.state.dataset_store ) app.state.server_state["state"].append("Startup completed") app.state.server_state["message"].append("Startup completed") if app.state.query_handler is None:"QueryHandler not loaded") app.state.server_state["state"].append(QUERY_HANDLER_NOT_LOADED) app.state.server_state["message"].append( "Server could not be started!" ) app.state.server_state["LIVE"] = False status_ok = False # Set DP Libraries config set_opendp_features_config(config.dp_libraries.opendp) if status_ok:"Server start condition OK") app.state.server_state["state"].append(SERVER_LIVE) app.state.server_state["message"].append("Server start condition OK") app.state.server_state["LIVE"] = True yield # app is handling requests # Shutdown event if ( config is not None and app.state.admin_database is not None and config.admin_database.db_type == AdminDBType.YAML ): app.state.admin_database.save_current_database()
# This object holds the server object app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan) # A simple hack to hinder the timing attackers
[docs] @app.middleware("http") async def middleware( request: Request, call_next: Callable[[Request], Response] ) -> Response: """Adds delays to requests response to protect against timing attack""" return await anti_timing_att(request, call_next, get_config())
# Add custom exception handlers add_exception_handlers(app) # Add endpoints app.include_router(routes_dp.router) app.include_router(routes_admin.router)