Source code for lomas_server.admin_database.admin_database

import argparse
import time
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from functools import wraps
from typing import Callable, Dict, List

from constants import MODEL_INPUT_TO_LIB
from utils.error_handler import (

[docs] def user_must_exist(func: Callable) -> Callable: # type: ignore """ Decorator function to verify that a user exists. Args: func (Callable): Function to be decorated. Wrapped function arguments must include: - args[0] (str): username Raises: UnauthorizedAccessException: If the user does not exist. Returns: Callable: Wrapper function that verifies the user exists before calling func. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper_decorator( self, *args: argparse.Namespace, **kwargs: Dict[str, str] ) -> None: user_name = args[0] if not self.does_user_exist(user_name): raise UnauthorizedAccessException( f"User {user_name} does not exist. " + "Please, verify the client object initialisation.", ) return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper_decorator
[docs] def dataset_must_exist(func: Callable) -> Callable: # type: ignore """ Decorator function to verify that a dataset exists. Args: func (Callable): Function to be decorated. Wrapped function arguments must include: - args[0] (str): dataset name Raises: InvalidQueryException: If the dataset does not exist. Returns: Callable: Wrapper function that checks if the dataset exists before calling the wrapped function. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper_decorator( self, *args: argparse.Namespace, **kwargs: Dict[str, str] ) -> None: dataset_name = args[0] if not self.does_dataset_exist(dataset_name): raise InvalidQueryException( f"Dataset {dataset_name} does not exist. " + "Please, verify the client object initialisation.", ) return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper_decorator
[docs] def user_must_have_access_to_dataset( func: Callable, ) -> Callable: # type: ignore """ Decorator function to enforce a user has access to a dataset Args: func (Callable): Function to be decorated. Wrapped function arguments must include: - args[0] (str): user name - args[1] (str): dataset name Raises: UnauthorizedAccessException: If the user does not have access to the dataset. Returns: Callable: Wrapper function that checks if the user has access to the dataset before calling the wrapped function. """ @wraps(func) def wrapper_decorator( self, *args: argparse.Namespace, **kwargs: Dict[str, str] ) -> None: user_name = args[0] dataset_name = args[1] if not self.has_user_access_to_dataset(user_name, dataset_name): raise UnauthorizedAccessException( f"{user_name} does not have access to {dataset_name}.", ) return func(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper_decorator
[docs] class AdminDatabase(ABC): """ Overall database management for server state. This is an abstract class. """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self, **connection_parameters: Dict[str, str]) -> None: """ Connects to the DB Args: **connection_parameters (Dict[str, str]): parameters required to access the db """
[docs] @abstractmethod def does_user_exist(self, user_name: str) -> bool: """ Checks if user exist in the database Args: user_name (str): name of the user to check Returns: bool: True if the user exists, False otherwise. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def does_dataset_exist(self, dataset_name: str) -> bool: """ Checks if dataset exist in the database Args: dataset_name (str): name of the dataset to check Returns: bool: True if the dataset exists, False otherwise. """
[docs] @abstractmethod @dataset_must_exist @user_must_have_access_to_dataset def get_dataset_metadata(self, dataset_name: str) -> dict: """ Returns the metadata dictionnary of the dataset. Wrapped by :py:func:`dataset_must_exist`. Args: dataset_name (str): name of the dataset to get the metadata Returns: dict: The metadata dict. """
[docs] @abstractmethod @user_must_exist def set_may_user_query(self, user_name: str, may_query: bool) -> bool: """ Sets if a user may query the server.. (Set False before querying and True after updating budget) Wrapped by :py:func:`user_must_exist`. Args: user_name (str): name of the user may_query (bool): flag give or remove access to user """
[docs] @abstractmethod @user_must_exist def get_and_set_may_user_query( self, user_name: str, may_query: bool ) -> bool: """ Atomic operation to check and set if the user may query the server. (Set False before querying and True after updating budget) Wrapped by :py:func:`user_must_exist`. Args: user_name (str): name of the user may_query (bool): flag give or remove access to user Returns: bool: The may_query status of the user before the update. """
[docs] @abstractmethod @user_must_exist def has_user_access_to_dataset( self, user_name: str, dataset_name: str ) -> bool: """ Checks if a user may access a particular dataset Wrapped by :py:func:`user_must_exist`. Args: user_name (str): name of the user dataset_name (str): name of the dataset Returns: bool: True if the user has access, False otherwise. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_epsilon_or_delta( self, user_name: str, dataset_name: str, parameter: str ) -> float: """ Get the total spent epsilon or delta by a specific user on a specific dataset Args: user_name (str): name of the user dataset_name (str): name of the dataset parameter (str): total_spent_epsilon or total_spent_delta Returns: float: The requested budget value. """
[docs] @user_must_have_access_to_dataset def get_total_spent_budget( self, user_name: str, dataset_name: str ) -> List[float]: """ Get the total spent epsilon and delta spent by a specific user on a specific dataset (since the initialisation) Wrapped by :py:func:`user_must_have_access_to_dataset`. Args: user_name (str): name of the user dataset_name (str): name of the dataset Returns: List[float]: The first value of the list is the epsilon value, the second value is the delta value. """ return [ self.get_epsilon_or_delta( user_name, dataset_name, "total_spent_epsilon" ), self.get_epsilon_or_delta( user_name, dataset_name, "total_spent_delta" ), ]
[docs] @user_must_have_access_to_dataset def get_initial_budget( self, user_name: str, dataset_name: str ) -> List[float]: """ Get the initial epsilon and delta budget Wrapped by :py:func:`user_must_have_access_to_dataset`. Args: user_name (str): name of the user dataset_name (str): name of the dataset Returns: List[float]: The first value of the list is the epsilon value, the second value is the delta value. """ return [ self.get_epsilon_or_delta( user_name, dataset_name, "initial_epsilon" ), self.get_epsilon_or_delta( user_name, dataset_name, "initial_delta" ), ]
[docs] @user_must_have_access_to_dataset def get_remaining_budget( self, user_name: str, dataset_name: str ) -> List[float]: """ Get the remaining epsilon and delta budget (initial - total spent) Wrapped by :py:func:`user_must_have_access_to_dataset`. Args: user_name (str): name of the user dataset_name (str): name of the dataset Returns: List[float]: The first value of the list is the epsilon value, the second value is the delta value. """ init_eps, init_delta = self.get_initial_budget(user_name, dataset_name) spent_eps, spent_delta = self.get_total_spent_budget( user_name, dataset_name ) return [init_eps - spent_eps, init_delta - spent_delta]
[docs] @abstractmethod def update_epsilon_or_delta( self, user_name: str, dataset_name: str, parameter: str, spent_value: float, ) -> None: """ Update the current budget spent by a specific user with the last spent budget. Args: user_name (str): name of the user dataset_name (str): name of the dataset parameter (str): "current_epsilon" or "current_delta" spent_value (float): spending of epsilon or delta on last query """
[docs] def update_epsilon( self, user_name: str, dataset_name: str, spent_epsilon: float ) -> None: """ Update the spent epsilon by a specific user with the total spent epsilon Args: user_name (str): name of the user dataset_name (str): name of the dataset spent_epsilon (float): value of epsilon spent on last query """ return self.update_epsilon_or_delta( user_name, dataset_name, "total_spent_epsilon", spent_epsilon )
[docs] def update_delta( self, user_name: str, dataset_name: str, spent_delta: float ) -> None: """ Update the spent delta spent by a specific user with the total spent delta of the user Args: user_name (str): name of the user dataset_name (str): name of the dataset spent_delta (float): value of delta spent on last query """ self.update_epsilon_or_delta( user_name, dataset_name, "total_spent_delta", spent_delta )
[docs] @user_must_have_access_to_dataset def update_budget( self, user_name: str, dataset_name: str, spent_epsilon: float, spent_delta: float, ) -> None: """ Update the current epsilon and delta spent by a specific user with the last spent delta Wrapped by :py:func:`user_must_have_access_to_dataset`. Args: user_name (str): name of the user dataset_name (str): name of the dataset spent_epsilon (float): value of epsilon spent on last query spent_delta (float): value of delta spent on last query """ self.update_epsilon(user_name, dataset_name, spent_epsilon) self.update_delta(user_name, dataset_name, spent_delta)
[docs] @abstractmethod @dataset_must_exist def get_dataset_field(self, dataset_name: str, key: str) -> str: """ Get dataset field type based on dataset name and key Wrapped by :py:func:`dataset_must_exist`. Args: dataset_name (str): Name of the dataset. key (str): Key for the value to get in the dataset dict. Returns: str: The requested value. """
[docs] @abstractmethod @user_must_have_access_to_dataset def get_user_previous_queries( self, user_name: str, dataset_name: str, ) -> List[dict]: """ Retrieves and return the queries already done by a user Wrapped by :py:func:`user_must_have_access_to_dataset`. Args: user_name (str): name of the user dataset_name (str): name of the dataset Returns: List[dict]: List of previous queries. """
[docs] def prepare_save_query( self, user_name: str, query_json: dict, response: dict ) -> dict: """ Prepare the query to save in archives Args: user_name (str): name of the user query_json (dict): json received from client response (dict): response sent to the client Raises: InternalServerException: If the type of query is unknown. Returns: dict: The query archive dictionary. """ model_input = query_json.__class__.__name__ to_archive = { "user_name": user_name, "dataset_name": query_json.dataset_name, "dp_librairy": MODEL_INPUT_TO_LIB[model_input], "client_input": query_json.model_dump(), "response": response, "timestamp": time.time(), } return to_archive
[docs] @abstractmethod def save_query( self, user_name: str, query_json: dict, response: dict ) -> None: """ Save queries of user on datasets in a separate collection (table) named "queries_archives" in the DB Args: user_name (str): name of the user query_json (dict): json received from client response (dict): response sent to the client """