Source code for lomas_server.utils.anti_timing_att

import random
import time
from typing import Callable

from fastapi import Request, Response

from utils.config import Config
from utils.error_handler import InternalServerException

[docs] async def anti_timing_att( request: Request, call_next: Callable, config: Config ) -> Response: """ Anti-timing attack mechanism. Changes the response time to either a minimum or by adding random noïse in order to avoid timing attacks. Args: request (Request): The FastApi request. call_next (Callable): The FastApi endpoint to call. config (Config): The server config. Returns: Response: The reponse from call_next. """ start_time = time.time() response = await call_next(request) process_time = time.time() - start_time if config.server.time_attack: match config.server.time_attack.method: case "stall": # if stall is used slow fast callbacks # to a minimum response time defined by magnitude if process_time < config.server.time_attack.magnitude: time.sleep( config.server.time_attack.magnitude - process_time ) case "jitter": # if jitter is used it just adds some time # between 0 and magnitude secs time.sleep( config.server.time_attack.magnitude * random.uniform(0, 1) ) case _: raise InternalServerException( "Time attack method not supported." ) return response