Source code for lomas_server.admin_database.yaml_database

from datetime import datetime
from typing import List

import yaml

from admin_database.admin_database import (
from utils.error_handler import InternalServerException

[docs] class AdminYamlDatabase(AdminDatabase): """ Overall Yaml database management for server state """ def __init__(self, yaml_db_path: str) -> None: """Load DB from disk. Args: yaml_db_path (str): path to yaml db file. """ self.path: str = yaml_db_path with open(yaml_db_path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: self.database = yaml.safe_load(f)
[docs] def does_user_exist(self, user_name: str) -> bool: """Checks if user exist in the database Args: user_name (str): name of the user to check Returns: bool: True if the user exists, False otherwise. """ for user in self.database["users"]: if user["user_name"] == user_name: return True return False
[docs] def does_dataset_exist(self, dataset_name: str) -> bool: """Checks if dataset exist in the database Args: dataset_name (str): name of the dataset to check Returns: bool: True if the dataset exists, False otherwise. """ for dt in self.database["datasets"]: if dt["dataset_name"] == dataset_name: return True return False
[docs] @dataset_must_exist def get_dataset_metadata(self, dataset_name: str) -> dict: """Returns the metadata dictionnary of the dataset. Wrapped by :py:func:`dataset_must_exist`. Args: dataset_name (str): name of the dataset to get the metadata Returns: dict: The metadata dict. """ for dt in self.database["datasets"]: if dt["dataset_name"] == dataset_name: metadata_path = dt["metadata"]["metadata_path"] with open(metadata_path, mode="r", encoding="utf-8") as f: metadata = yaml.safe_load(f) return metadata
[docs] @user_must_exist def set_may_user_query(self, user_name: str, may_query: bool) -> None: """Sets if a user may query the server. (Set False before querying and True after updating budget) Wrapped by :py:func:`user_must_exist`. Args: user_name (str): name of the user may_query (bool): flag give or remove access to user """ users = self.database["users"] for user in users: if user["user_name"] == user_name: user["may_query"] = may_query self.database["users"] = users
[docs] @user_must_exist def get_and_set_may_user_query( self, user_name: str, may_query: bool ) -> bool: """ Atomic operation to check and set if the user may query the server. (Set False before querying and True after updating budget) Wrapped by :py:func:`user_must_exist`. Args: user_name (str): name of the user may_query (bool): flag give or remove access to user Returns: bool: The may_query status of the user before the update. """ previous_may_query = False users = self.database["users"] new_users = [] for user in users: if user["user_name"] == user_name: previous_may_query = user["may_query"] user["may_query"] = may_query new_users.append(user) self.database["users"] = new_users return previous_may_query
[docs] @user_must_exist def has_user_access_to_dataset( self, user_name: str, dataset_name: str ) -> bool: """Checks if a user may access a particular dataset Wrapped by :py:func:`user_must_exist`. Args: user_name (str): name of the user dataset_name (str): name of the dataset Returns: bool: True if the user has access, False otherwise. """ for user in self.database["users"]: if user["user_name"] == user_name: for dataset in user["datasets_list"]: if dataset["dataset_name"] == dataset_name: return True return False
[docs] def get_epsilon_or_delta( self, user_name: str, dataset_name: str, parameter: str ) -> float: """Get the total spent epsilon or delta by a specific user on a specific dataset Args: user_name (str): name of the user dataset_name (str): name of the dataset parameter (str): total_spent_epsilon or total_spent_delta Returns: float: The requested budget value. """ for user in self.database["users"]: if user["user_name"] == user_name: for dataset in user["datasets_list"]: if dataset["dataset_name"] == dataset_name: return dataset[parameter] return False
[docs] def update_epsilon_or_delta( self, user_name: str, dataset_name: str, parameter: str, spent_value: float, ) -> None: """Update the current budget spent by a specific user with the last spent budget. Args: user_name (str): name of the user dataset_name (str): name of the dataset parameter (str): "current_epsilon" or "current_delta" spent_value (float): spending of epsilon or delta on last query """ users = self.database["users"] for user in users: if user["user_name"] == user_name: for dataset in user["datasets_list"]: if dataset["dataset_name"] == dataset_name: dataset[parameter] += spent_value self.database["users"] = users
[docs] @dataset_must_exist def get_dataset_field( self, dataset_name: str, key: str ) -> str: # type: ignore """Get dataset field type based on dataset name and key Wrapped by :py:func:`dataset_must_exist`. Args: dataset_name (str): Name of the dataset. key (str): Key for the value to get in the dataset dict. Returns: str: The requested value. """ for dt in self.database["datasets"]: if dt["dataset_name"] == dataset_name: return dt[key] raise InternalServerException( f"Field {key} does not exist for dataset {dataset_name}." )
[docs] @user_must_have_access_to_dataset def get_user_previous_queries( self, user_name: str, dataset_name: str, ) -> List[dict]: """Retrieves and return the queries already done by a user Wrapped by :py:func:`user_must_have_access_to_dataset`. Args: user_name (str): name of the user dataset_name (str): name of the dataset Returns: List[dict]: List of previous queries. """ previous_queries = [] for q in self.database["queries"]: if ( q["user_name"] == user_name and q["dataset_name"] == dataset_name ): previous_queries.append(q) return previous_queries
[docs] def save_query( self, user_name: str, query_json: dict, response: dict ) -> None: """Save queries of user on datasets in a separate collection (table) named "queries_archives" in the DB Args: user_name (str): name of the user query_json (dict): json received from client response (dict): response sent to the client """ to_archive = super().prepare_save_query( user_name, query_json, response ) self.database["queries"].append(to_archive)
[docs] def save_current_database(self) -> None: """Saves the current database with updated parameters in new yaml with the date and hour in the path Might be useful to verify state of DB during development """ new_path = self.path.replace( ".yaml", f'_{"%m_%d_%Y__%H_%M_%S")}.yaml' ) with open(new_path, mode="w", encoding="utf-8") as file: yaml.dump(self.database, file)