Source code for lomas_server.admin_database.utils

from types import SimpleNamespace

from pymongo import MongoClient
from pymongo.database import Database

from admin_database.admin_database import AdminDatabase
from admin_database.mongodb_database import AdminMongoDatabase
from admin_database.yaml_database import AdminYamlDatabase
from constants import AdminDBType
from utils.config import DBConfig, get_config
from utils.error_handler import InternalServerException

[docs] def database_factory(config: DBConfig) -> AdminDatabase: """Instantiates and returns the correct database type described in the provided config. Args: config (DBConfig): An instance of DBconfig. Raises: InternalServerException: If the specified database type is not supported. Returns: AdminDatabase: A instance of the correct type of AdminDatabase. """ db_type = config.db_type match db_type: case AdminDBType.MONGODB: db_url = get_mongodb_url(config) db_name = config.db_name return AdminMongoDatabase(db_url, db_name) case AdminDBType.YAML: yaml_database_file = config.db_file return AdminYamlDatabase(yaml_database_file) case _: raise InternalServerException( f"Database type {db_type} not supported." )
[docs] def get_mongodb_url(config: DBConfig) -> str: """Get URL of the administration MongoDB. Args: config (DBConfig): An instance of DBConfig. Returns: str: A correctly formatted url for connecting to the MongoDB database. """ db_username = config.username db_password = config.password db_address = config.address db_port = config.port db_name = config.db_name db_url = ( f"mongodb://{db_username}:{db_password}@{db_address}:" f"{db_port}/{db_name}?authSource=defaultdb" ) return db_url
[docs] def get_mongodb() -> Database: """Get URL of the administration MongoDB. Args: config (DBConfig): An instance of DBConfig. Returns: str: A correctly formatted url for connecting to the MongoDB database. """ db_args = SimpleNamespace(**vars(get_config().admin_database)) db_url = get_mongodb_url(db_args) return MongoClient(db_url)[db_args.db_name]