Source code for lomas_server.dp_queries.dp_querier

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from pydantic import BaseModel

from private_dataset.private_dataset import PrivateDataset

[docs] class DPQuerier(ABC): """ Abstract Base Class for Queriers to external DP library. A querier type is specific to a DP library and a querier instance is specific to a PrivateDataset instance. """ def __init__( self, private_dataset: PrivateDataset, ) -> None: """Initialise with specific dataset Args: private_dataset (PrivateDataset): The private dataset to query. """ self.private_dataset = private_dataset
[docs] @abstractmethod def cost(self, query_json: BaseModel) -> tuple[float, float]: """ Estimate cost of query. Args: query_json (BaseModel): The JSON request object for the query. Returns: tuple[float, float]: The tuple of costs, the first value is the epsilon cost, the second value is the delta value. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def query(self, query_json: BaseModel) -> str: """ Perform the query and return the response. Args: query_json (BaseModel): The JSON request object for the query. Returns: TODO check this. str: The JSON encoded string representation of the query result. """