Source code for

from import AsyncGenerator
from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
from typing import Callable

from fastapi import Body, Depends, FastAPI, Header, Request, Response
from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse, StreamingResponse, RedirectResponse

from admin_database.utils import database_factory
from constants import (
from dataset_store.utils import dataset_store_factory
from dp_queries.dp_libraries.opendp import set_opendp_features_config
from dp_queries.dp_libraries.utils import querier_factory
from dp_queries.dp_logic import QueryHandler
from dp_queries.dummy_dataset import (
from utils.anti_timing_att import anti_timing_att
from utils.config import get_config
from utils.error_handler import (
from utils.example_inputs import (
from utils.input_models import (
from utils.loggr import LOG
from utils.utils import add_demo_data_to_admindb, server_live, stream_dataframe

[docs] @asynccontextmanager async def lifespan( app: FastAPI, ) -> ( AsyncGenerator ): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name, too-many-statements """ Lifespan function for the server. This function is executed once on server startup, yields and finishes running at server shutdown. Server initialization is performed (config loading, etc.) and the server state is updated accordingly. This can have potential side effects on the return values of the "depends" functions, which check the server state. """ # Startup"Startup message") # Set some app state app.state.admin_database = None app.state.query_handler = None app.state.dataset_store = None # General server state, can add fields if need be. app.state.server_state = { "state": [], "message": [], "LIVE": False, } app.state.server_state["state"].append("Startup event") status_ok = True # Load config try:"Loading config") app.state.server_state["message"].append("Loading config") config = get_config() except InternalServerException:"Config could not loaded") app.state.server_state["state"].append(CONFIG_NOT_LOADED) app.state.server_state["message"].append( "Server could not be started!" ) app.state.server_state["LIVE"] = False status_ok = False # Fill up user database if in develop mode ONLY if status_ok and config.develop_mode:"!! Develop mode ON !!") app.state.server_state["message"].append("!! Develop mode ON !!") if config.admin_database.db_type == AdminDBType.MONGODB:"Adding demo data to MongoDB Admin") app.state.server_state["message"].append( "Adding demo data to MongoDB Admin" ) add_demo_data_to_admindb() # Load admin database if status_ok: try:"Loading admin database") app.state.server_state["message"].append("Loading admin database") app.state.admin_database = database_factory(config.admin_database) except InternalServerException as e: LOG.exception("Failed at startup:" + str(e)) app.state.server_state["state"].append(DB_NOT_LOADED) app.state.server_state["message"].append( f"Admin database could not be loaded: {str(e)}" ) app.state.server_state["LIVE"] = False status_ok = False # Load query handler if status_ok:"Loading query handler") app.state.server_state["message"].append("Loading dataset store") app.state.dataset_store = dataset_store_factory( config.dataset_store, app.state.admin_database ) app.state.server_state["message"].append("Loading query handler") app.state.query_handler = QueryHandler( app.state.admin_database, app.state.dataset_store ) app.state.server_state["state"].append("Startup completed") app.state.server_state["message"].append("Startup completed") if app.state.query_handler is None:"QueryHandler not loaded") app.state.server_state["state"].append(QUERY_HANDLER_NOT_LOADED) app.state.server_state["message"].append( "Server could not be started!" ) app.state.server_state["LIVE"] = False status_ok = False # Set DP Libraries config set_opendp_features_config(config.dp_libraries.opendp) if status_ok:"Server start condition OK") app.state.server_state["state"].append(SERVER_LIVE) app.state.server_state["message"].append("Server start condition OK") app.state.server_state["LIVE"] = True yield # app is handling requests # Shutdown event if ( config is not None and app.state.admin_database is not None and config.admin_database.db_type == AdminDBType.YAML ): app.state.admin_database.save_current_database()
# This object holds the server object app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan) # A simple hack to hinder the timing attackers
[docs] @app.middleware("http") async def middleware( request: Request, call_next: Callable[[Request], Response] ) -> Response: """Adds delays to requests response to protect against timing attack""" return await anti_timing_att(request, call_next, get_config())
# Add custom exception handlers add_exception_handlers(app) # API Endpoints # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @app.get("/") async def root(): """Redirect root endpoint to the state endpoint Returns: JSONResponse: The state of the server instance. """ return RedirectResponse(url="/state")
# Get server state
[docs] @app.get("/state", tags=["ADMIN_USER"]) async def get_state( user_name: str = Header(None), ) -> JSONResponse: """Returns the current state dict of this server instance. Args: user_name (str, optional): The user name. Defaults to Header(None). Returns: JSONResponse: The state of the server instance. """ return JSONResponse( content={ "requested_by": user_name, "state": app.state.server_state, } )
[docs] @app.get( "/get_memory_usage", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["ADMIN_USER"], ) async def get_memory_usage() -> JSONResponse: """Return the dataset store object memory usage Args: user_name (str, optional): The user name. Defaults to Header(None). Returns: JSONResponse: with DatasetStore object memory usage """ return JSONResponse( content={ "memory_usage": app.state.dataset_store.memory_usage, } )
# Metadata query
[docs] "/get_dataset_metadata", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_METADATA"], ) def get_dataset_metadata( _request: Request, query_json: GetDbData = Body(example_get_admin_db_data), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Retrieves metadata for a given dataset. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (GetDbData, optional): A JSON object containing the dataset_name key for indicating the dataset. Defaults to Body(example_get_admin_db_data). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. Returns: JSONResponse: The metadata dictionary for the specified dataset_name. """ try: ds_metadata = app.state.admin_database.get_dataset_metadata( query_json.dataset_name ) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(e) from e return ds_metadata
# Dummy dataset query
[docs] "/get_dummy_dataset", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_DUMMY"], ) def get_dummy_dataset( _request: Request, query_json: GetDummyDataset = Body(example_get_dummy_dataset), ) -> StreamingResponse: """ Generates and returns a dummy dataset. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (GetDummyDataset, optional): A JSON object containing the following: - nb_rows (int, optional): The number of rows in the dummy dataset (default: 100). - seed (int, optional): The random seed for generating the dummy dataset (default: 42). Defaults to Body(example_get_dummy_dataset). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. Returns: StreamingResponse: a pd.DataFrame representing the dummy dataset. """ try: ds_metadata = app.state.admin_database.get_dataset_metadata( query_json.dataset_name ) dummy_df = make_dummy_dataset( ds_metadata, query_json.dummy_nb_rows, query_json.dummy_seed ) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(e) from e return stream_dataframe(dummy_df)
# Smartnoise SQL query
[docs] "/smartnoise_query", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_QUERY"], ) def smartnoise_sql_handler( _request: Request, query_json: SNSQLInp = Body(example_smartnoise_sql), user_name: str = Header(None), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Handles queries for the SmartNoiseSQL library. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (SNSQLInp): A JSON object containing: - query: The SQL query to execute. NOTE: the table name is "df", the query must end with "FROM df". - epsilon (float): Privacy parameter (e.g., 0.1). - delta (float): Privacy parameter (e.g., 1e-5). - mechanisms (dict, optional): Dictionary of mechanisms for the query (default: {}). See "Smartnoise-SQL mechanisms documentation - postprocess (bool, optional): Whether to postprocess the query results (default: True). See "Smartnoise-SQL postprocessing documentation Defaults to Body(example_smartnoise_sql). user_name (str, optional): The user name. Defaults to Header(None). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. InvalidQueryException: If there is not enough budget or the dataset does not exist. UnauthorizedAccessException: A query is already ongoing for this user, the user does not exist or does not have access to the dataset. Returns: JSONResponse: A JSON object containing the following: - requested_by (str): The user name. - query_response (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing the query response. - spent_epsilon (float): The amount of epsilon budget spent for the query. - spent_delta (float): The amount of delta budget spent for the query. """ try: response = app.state.query_handler.handle_query( DPLibraries.SMARTNOISE_SQL, query_json, user_name ) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(e) from e return response
# Smartnoise SQL Dummy query
[docs] "/dummy_smartnoise_query", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_DUMMY"], ) def dummy_smartnoise_sql_handler( _request: Request, query_json: DummySNSQLInp = Body(example_dummy_smartnoise_sql), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Handles queries on dummy datasets for the SmartNoiseSQL library. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (DummySNSQLInp, optional): A JSON object containing: - query: The SQL query to execute. NOTE: the table name is "df", the query must end with "FROM df". - epsilon (float): Privacy parameter (e.g., 0.1). - delta (float): Privacy parameter (e.g., 1e-5). - mechanisms (dict, optional): Dictionary of mechanisms for the query (default: {}). See Smartnoise-SQL mechanisms documentation - postprocess (bool, optional): Whether to postprocess the query results (default: True). See Smartnoise-SQL postprocessing documentation - dummy (bool, optional): Whether to use a dummy dataset (default: False). - nb_rows (int, optional): The number of rows in the dummy dataset (default: 100). - seed (int, optional): The random seed for generating the dummy dataset (default: 42). Defaults to Body(example_dummy_smartnoise_sql). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. InvalidQueryException: If there is not enough budget or the dataset does not exist. Returns: JSONResponse: A JSON object containing: - query_response (pd.DataFrame): a DataFrame containing the query response. """ ds_private_dataset = get_dummy_dataset_for_query( app.state.admin_database, query_json ) dummy_querier = querier_factory( DPLibraries.SMARTNOISE_SQL, private_dataset=ds_private_dataset ) try: _ = dummy_querier.cost(query_json) # verify cost works response_df = dummy_querier.query(query_json) response = JSONResponse(content={"query_response": response_df}) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(e) from e return response
[docs] "/estimate_smartnoise_cost", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_QUERY"], ) def estimate_smartnoise_cost( _request: Request, query_json: SNSQLInpCost = Body(example_smartnoise_sql_cost), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Estimates the privacy loss budget cost of a SmartNoiseSQL query. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (SNSQLInpCost, optional): A JSON object containing the following: - query: The SQL query to estimate the cost for. NOTE: the table name is "df", the query must end with "FROM df". - epsilon (float): Privacy parameter (e.g., 0.1). - delta (float): Privacy parameter (e.g., 1e-5). - mechanisms (dict, optional): Dictionary of mechanisms for the query (default: {}). See Smartnoise-SQL mechanisms documentation Defaults to Body(example_smartnoise_sql_cost). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. InvalidQueryException: The dataset does not exist. Returns: JSONResponse: A JSON object containing: - epsilon_cost (float): The estimated epsilon cost. - delta_cost (float): The estimated delta cost. """ try: response = app.state.query_handler.estimate_cost( DPLibraries.SMARTNOISE_SQL, query_json, ) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(e) from e return JSONResponse(content=response)
[docs] "/opendp_query", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_QUERY"] ) def opendp_query_handler( _request: Request, query_json: OpenDPInp = Body(example_opendp), user_name: str = Header(None), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Handles queries for the OpenDP Library. Args: request (Request): Raw request object. query_json (OpenDPInp, optional): A JSON object containing the following: - opendp_pipeline: The OpenDP pipeline for the query. - fixed_delta: If the pipeline measurement is of type "ZeroConcentratedDivergence" (e.g. with "make_gaussian") then it is converted to "SmoothedMaxDivergence" with "make_zCDP_to_approxDP" (see "opendp measurements documentation at # noqa # pylint: disable=C0301 In that case a "fixed_delta" must be provided by the user. Defaults to Body(example_opendp). user_name (str, optional): The user name. Defaults to Header(None). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. InvalidQueryException: The pipeline does not contain a "measurement", there is not enough budget or the dataset does not exist. UnauthorizedAccessException: A query is already ongoing for this user, the user does not exist or does not have access to the dataset. Returns: JSONResponse: A JSON object containing the following: - requested_by (str): The user name. - query_response (pd.DataFrame): A DataFrame containing the query response. - spent_epsilon (float): The amount of epsilon budget spent for the query. - spent_delta (float): The amount of delta budget spent for the query. """ try: response = app.state.query_handler.handle_query( DPLibraries.OPENDP, query_json, user_name ) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(e) from e return JSONResponse(content=response)
[docs] "/dummy_opendp_query", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_DUMMY"], ) def dummy_opendp_query_handler( _request: Request, query_json: DummyOpenDPInp = Body(example_dummy_opendp), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Handles queries on dummy datasets for the OpenDP library. Args: request (Request): Raw request object. query_json (DummyOpenDPInp, optional): A JSON object containing the following: - opendp_pipeline: The OpenDP pipeline for the query. - fixed_delta: If the pipeline measurement is of type\ "ZeroConcentratedDivergence" (e.g. with "make_gaussian") then it is converted to "SmoothedMaxDivergence" with "make_zCDP_to_approxDP" (see opendp measurements documentation at # noqa # pylint: disable=C0301 In that case a "fixed_delta" must be provided by the user. - dummy (bool, optional): Whether to use a dummy dataset (default: False). - nb_rows (int, optional): The number of rows in the dummy dataset (default: 100). - seed (int, optional): The random seed for generating the dummy dataset (default: 42). Defaults to Body(example_dummy_opendp). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. InvalidQueryException: If there is not enough budget or the dataset does not exist. Returns: JSONResponse: A JSON object containing: - query_response (pd.DataFrame): a DataFrame containing the query response. """ ds_private_dataset = get_dummy_dataset_for_query( app.state.admin_database, query_json ) dummy_querier = querier_factory( DPLibraries.OPENDP, private_dataset=ds_private_dataset ) try: _ = dummy_querier.cost(query_json) # verify cost works response_df = dummy_querier.query(query_json) response = {"query_response": response_df} except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(e) from e return JSONResponse(content=response)
[docs] "/estimate_opendp_cost", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_QUERY"], ) def estimate_opendp_cost( _request: Request, query_json: OpenDPInp = Body(example_opendp), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Estimates the privacy loss budget cost of an OpenDP query. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (OpenDPInp, optional): A JSON object containing the following: - "opendp_pipeline": The OpenDP pipeline for the query. Defaults to Body(example_opendp). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. InvalidQueryException: The dataset does not exist or the pipeline does not contain a measurement. Returns: JSONResponse: A JSON object containing: - epsilon_cost (float): The estimated epsilon cost. - delta_cost (float): The estimated delta cost. """ try: response = app.state.query_handler.estimate_cost( DPLibraries.OPENDP, query_json, ) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(e) from e return JSONResponse(content=response)
# MongoDB get initial budget
[docs] "/get_initial_budget", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_BUDGET"], ) def get_initial_budget( _request: Request, query_json: GetDbData = Body(example_get_admin_db_data), user_name: str = Header(None), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Returns the initial budget for a user and dataset. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (GetDbData, optional): A JSON object containing: - dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset. Defaults to Body(example_get_admin_db_data). user_name (str, optional): The user name. Defaults to Header(None). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. InvalidQueryException: The dataset does not exist. UnauthorizedAccessException: The user does not exist or the user does not have access to the dataset. Returns: JSONResponse: a JSON object with: - initial_epsilon (float): initial epsilon budget. - initial_delta (float): initial delta budget. """ try: ( initial_epsilon, initial_delta, ) = app.state.admin_database.get_initial_budget( user_name, query_json.dataset_name ) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(e) from e return JSONResponse( content={ "initial_epsilon": initial_epsilon, "initial_delta": initial_delta, } )
# MongoDB get total spent budget
[docs] "/get_total_spent_budget", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_BUDGET"], ) def get_total_spent_budget( _request: Request, query_json: GetDbData = Body(example_get_admin_db_data), user_name: str = Header(None), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Returns the spent budget for a user and dataset. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (GetDbData, optional): A JSON object containing: - dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset. Defaults to Body(example_get_admin_db_data). user_name (str, optional): The user name. Defaults to Header(None). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. InvalidQueryException: The dataset does not exist. UnauthorizedAccessException: The user does not exist or the user does not have access to the dataset. Returns: JSONResponse: a JSON object with: - total_spent_epsilon (float): total spent epsilon budget. - total_spent_delta (float): total spent delta budget. """ try: ( total_spent_epsilon, total_spent_delta, ) = app.state.admin_database.get_total_spent_budget( user_name, query_json.dataset_name ) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(e) from e return JSONResponse( content={ "total_spent_epsilon": total_spent_epsilon, "total_spent_delta": total_spent_delta, } )
# MongoDB get remaining budget
[docs] "/get_remaining_budget", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_BUDGET"], ) def get_remaining_budget( _request: Request, query_json: GetDbData = Body(example_get_admin_db_data), user_name: str = Header(None), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Returns the remaining budget for a user and dataset. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (GetDbData, optional): A JSON object containing: - dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset. Defaults to Body(example_get_admin_db_data). user_name (str, optional): The user name. Defaults to Header(None). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. InvalidQueryException: The dataset does not exist. UnauthorizedAccessException: The user does not exist or the user does not have access to the dataset. Returns: JSONResponse: a JSON object with: - remaining_epsilon (float): remaining epsilon budget. - remaining_delta (float): remaining delta budget. """ try: rem_epsilon, rem_delta = app.state.admin_database.get_remaining_budget( user_name, query_json.dataset_name ) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(e) from e return JSONResponse( content={ "remaining_epsilon": rem_epsilon, "remaining_delta": rem_delta, } )
# MongoDB get archives
[docs] "/get_previous_queries", dependencies=[Depends(server_live)], tags=["USER_BUDGET"], ) def get_user_previous_queries( _request: Request, query_json: GetDbData = Body(example_get_admin_db_data), user_name: str = Header(None), ) -> JSONResponse: """ Returns the query history of a user on a specific dataset. Args: request (Request): Raw request object query_json (GetDbData, optional): A JSON object containing: - dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset. Defaults to Body(example_get_admin_db_data). user_name (str, optional): The user name. Defaults to Header(None). Raises: ExternalLibraryException: For exceptions from libraries external to this package. InternalServerException: For any other unforseen exceptions. InvalidQueryException: The dataset does not exist. UnauthorizedAccessException: The user does not exist or the user does not have access to the dataset. Returns: JSONResponse: A JSON object containing: - previous_queries (list[dict]): a list of dictionaries containing the previous queries. """ try: previous_queries = app.state.admin_database.get_user_previous_queries( user_name, query_json.dataset_name ) except KNOWN_EXCEPTIONS as e: raise e except Exception as e: raise InternalServerException(e) from e return JSONResponse(content={"previous_queries": previous_queries})