lomas_server.routes package
lomas_server.routes.middlewares module
- class lomas_server.routes.middlewares.FastAPIMetricMiddleware(app: Callable[[MutableMapping[str, Any], Callable[[], Awaitable[MutableMapping[str, Any]]], Callable[[MutableMapping[str, Any]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], app_name: str = 'lomas-server-app')[source]
Middleware to collect and expose Prometheus metrics for a FastAPI application.
This middleware tracks various metrics related to HTTP requests, including: - Total requests (fastapi_requests_total) - Total responses (fastapi_responses_total) - Exceptions raised (fastapi_exceptions_total) - Request processing duration (fastapi_requests_duration_seconds) - Current requests in progress (fastapi_requests_in_progress)
It also supports integration with an OpenTelemetry exporter for exporting metrics to a metrics collector (e.g., Prometheus or any other OTLP-compatible collector).
- async dispatch(request: Request, call_next: Callable[[Request], Awaitable[Response]]) Response [source]
Processes HTTP request, records metrics and returns the HTTP response.
This method performs the following steps: 1. Tracks the current request in progress using the
fastapi_requests_in_progress gauge.
Records the request count with the fastapi_requests_total counter.
- Records the time taken to process the request using the
fastapi_requests_duration_seconds histogram.
- Handles exceptions, if raised, and records the exception details using the
fastapi_exceptions_total counter.
Records the response status code with the fastapi_responses_total counter.
Decrements the in-progress request gauge after processing.
- Parameters:
request (Request) – The incoming HTTP request to be processed.
call_next (RequestResponseEndpoint) – The endpoint function that processes the request and returns a response.
- Returns:
The HTTP response after processing the request.
- Return type:
- Raises:
BaseException – If an exception occurs during request processing, it is raised after logging it.
- static get_path(request: Request) Tuple[str, bool] [source]
Attempts to match the request’ route to a defined route.
- Parameters:
request (Request) – The HTTP request to check for a matching path.
- Returns:
- A tuple containing:
The matched path (str) from the request URL.
Boolean (True if the path was handled by one of the routes).
- Return type:
Tuple[str, bool]
- class lomas_server.routes.middlewares.LoggingAndTracingMiddleware(app: Callable[[MutableMapping[str, Any], Callable[[], Awaitable[MutableMapping[str, Any]]], Callable[[MutableMapping[str, Any]], Awaitable[None]]], Awaitable[None]], dispatch: Callable[[Request, Callable[[Request], Awaitable[Response]]], Awaitable[Response]] | None = None)[source]
Middleware for logging and tracing incoming HTTP requests.
This middleware logs the incoming requests, including the user name the route being accessed, and any query parameters. Additionally, it creates a trace span to trace the user’s request and adds attributes to the span related to the user name and query parameters.
- async dispatch(request: Request, call_next)[source]
Handles the request and performs logging and tracing.
Logs the user name, the route and the query parameters. Creates a trace span to monitor the request and adds relevant attributes.
- Parameters:
request (Request) – The incoming request object.
call_next (Callable) – A function that, when called, passes the request to the next middleware or request handler.
- Returns:
The HTTP response generated by calling call_next(request).
- Return type:
lomas_server.routes.routes_admin module
- lomas_server.routes.routes_admin.get_dataset_metadata(request: Request, query_json: LomasRequestModel = Body({'dataset_name': 'PENGUIN'}), user_name: str = Header(None)) Metadata [source]
Retrieves metadata for a given dataset.
- Parameters:
request (Request) – Raw request object
query_json (LomasRequestModel, optional) – A JSON object containing the dataset_name key for indicating the dataset. Defaults to Body(example_get_admin_db_data).
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
- Returns:
- The metadata object for the specified
- Return type:
- lomas_server.routes.routes_admin.get_dummy_dataset(request: Request, query_json: GetDummyDataset = Body({'dataset_name': 'PENGUIN', 'dummy_nb_rows': 100, 'dummy_seed': 42}), user_name: str = Header(None)) DummyDsResponse [source]
Generates and returns a dummy dataset.
- Parameters:
request (Request) – Raw request object
query_json (GetDummyDataset, optional) –
- A JSON object containing the following:
nb_rows (int, optional): The number of rows in the dummy dataset (default: 100).
seed (int, optional): The random seed for generating the dummy dataset (default: 42).
Defaults to Body(example_get_dummy_dataset).
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
- Returns:
- a dict with the dataframe as a dict, the column types
and the list of datetime columns.
- Return type:
- lomas_server.routes.routes_admin.get_initial_budget(request: Request, query_json: LomasRequestModel = Body({'dataset_name': 'PENGUIN'}), user_name: str = Header(None)) InitialBudgetResponse [source]
Returns the initial budget for a user and dataset.
- Parameters:
request (Request) – Raw request object
query_json (LomasRequestModel, optional) –
A JSON object containing: - dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset.
Defaults to Body(example_get_admin_db_data).
user_name (str, optional) – The user name. Defaults to Header(None).
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – The dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – The user does not exist or the user does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
- a JSON object with:
initial_epsilon (float): initial epsilon budget.
initial_delta (float): initial delta budget.
- Return type:
- lomas_server.routes.routes_admin.get_remaining_budget(request: Request, query_json: LomasRequestModel = Body({'dataset_name': 'PENGUIN'}), user_name: str = Header(None)) RemainingBudgetResponse [source]
Returns the remaining budget for a user and dataset.
- Parameters:
request (Request) – Raw request object
query_json (LomasRequestModel, optional) –
A JSON object containing: - dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset.
Defaults to Body(example_get_admin_db_data).
user_name (str, optional) – The user name. Defaults to Header(None).
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – The dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – The user does not exist or the user does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
- a JSON object with:
remaining_epsilon (float): remaining epsilon budget.
remaining_delta (float): remaining delta budget.
- Return type:
- async lomas_server.routes.routes_admin.get_state(user_name: str = Header(None)) JSONResponse [source]
Returns the current state dict of this server instance.
- Parameters:
request (Request) – Raw request object
user_name (str, optional) – The user name. Defaults to Header(None).
- Returns:
The state of the server instance.
- Return type:
- lomas_server.routes.routes_admin.get_total_spent_budget(request: Request, query_json: LomasRequestModel = Body({'dataset_name': 'PENGUIN'}), user_name: str = Header(None)) SpentBudgetResponse [source]
Returns the spent budget for a user and dataset.
- Parameters:
request (Request) – Raw request object
query_json (LomasRequestModel, optional) –
A JSON object containing: - dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset.
Defaults to Body(example_get_admin_db_data).
user_name (str, optional) – The user name. Defaults to Header(None).
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – The dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – The user does not exist or the user does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
- a JSON object with:
total_spent_epsilon (float): total spent epsilon budget.
total_spent_delta (float): total spent delta budget.
- Return type:
- lomas_server.routes.routes_admin.get_user_previous_queries(request: Request, query_json: LomasRequestModel = Body({'dataset_name': 'PENGUIN'}), user_name: str = Header(None)) JSONResponse [source]
Returns the query history of a user on a specific dataset.
- Parameters:
request (Request) – Raw request object
query_json (LomasRequestModel, optional) –
A JSON object containing: - dataset_name (str): The name of the dataset.
Defaults to Body(example_get_admin_db_data).
user_name (str, optional) – The user name. Defaults to Header(None).
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – The dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – The user does not exist or the user does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
- A JSON object containing:
previous_queries (list[dict]): a list of dictionaries containing the previous queries.
- Return type:
- async lomas_server.routes.routes_admin.health_handler()[source]
HealthCheck endpoint: server alive.
- Returns:
- Return type:
lomas_server.routes.routes_dp module
- async lomas_server.routes.routes_dp.diffprivlib_query_handler(user_name: Annotated[str, Header(PydanticUndefined)], request: Request, diffprivlib_query: DiffPrivLibQueryModel) Job [source]
Handles queries for the DiffPrivLib Library.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – The user name.
request (Request) – Raw request object
diffprivlib_query (DiffPrivLibQueryModel) – The diffprivlib query body.
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – If there is not enough budget or the dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – A query is already ongoing for this user, the user does not exist or does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
a scheduled Job resulting in a QueryResponse containing a DiffPrivLibQueryResult.
- Return type:
- async lomas_server.routes.routes_dp.dummy_diffprivlib_query_handler(user_name: Annotated[str, Header(PydanticUndefined)], request: Request, query_json: DiffPrivLibDummyQueryModel) Job [source]
Handles queries on dummy datasets for the DiffPrivLib library.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – The user name.
request (Request) – Raw request object
diffprivlib_query (DiffPrivLibDummyQueryModel) – The diffprivlib query body.
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – If there is not enough budget or the dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – A query is already ongoing for this user, the user does not exist or does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
a scheduled Job resulting in a QueryResponse containing a DiffPrivLibQueryResult.
- Return type:
- async lomas_server.routes.routes_dp.dummy_opendp_query_handler(user_name: Annotated[str, Header(PydanticUndefined)], request: Request, opendp_query: OpenDPDummyQueryModel) Job [source]
Handles queries on dummy datasets for the OpenDP library.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – The user name.
request (Request) – Raw request object.
opendp_query (OpenDPQueryModel) – The opendp query object.
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – The pipeline does not contain a “measurement”, there is not enough budget or the dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – A query is already ongoing for this user, the user does not exist or does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
a scheduled Job resulting in a QueryResponse containing an OpenDPQueryResult.
- Return type:
- async lomas_server.routes.routes_dp.dummy_smartnoise_sql_handler(user_name: Annotated[str, Header(PydanticUndefined)], request: Request, smartnoise_sql_query: SmartnoiseSQLDummyQueryModel) Job [source]
Handles queries on dummy datasets for the SmartNoiseSQL library.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – The user name.
request (Request) – Raw request object
smartnoise_sql_query (SmartnoiseSQLDummyQueryModel) – The smartnoise_sql query body.
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – If there is not enough budget or the dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – A query is already ongoing for this user, the user does not exist or does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
a scheduled Job resulting in a QueryResponse containing a SmartnoiseSQLQueryResult.
- Return type:
- async lomas_server.routes.routes_dp.dummy_smartnoise_synth_handler(user_name: Annotated[str, Header(PydanticUndefined)], request: Request, smartnoise_synth_query: SmartnoiseSynthDummyQueryModel) Job [source]
Handles queries on dummy datasets for the SmartNoiseSynth library.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – The user name.
request (Request) – Raw request object
smartnoise_synth_query (SmartnoiseSynthDummyQueryModel) – The smartnoise_synth query body.
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – If there is not enough budget or the dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – A query is already ongoing for this user, the user does not exist or does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
a scheduled Job resulting in a QueryResponse containing a SmartnoiseSynthModel or SmartnoiseSynthSamples.
- Return type:
- async lomas_server.routes.routes_dp.estimate_diffprivlib_cost(user_name: Annotated[str, Header(PydanticUndefined)], request: Request, diffprivlib_query: DiffPrivLibRequestModel) Job [source]
Estimates the privacy loss budget cost of an DiffPrivLib query.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – The user name.
request (Request) – Raw request object
diffprivlib_query (DiffPrivLibRequestModel) – The diffprivlib query body.
following (A JSON object containing the) –
pipeline: The DiffPrivLib pipeline for the query.
feature_columns: the list of feature column to train
target_columns: the list of target column to predict
test_size: proportion of the test set
test_train_split_seed: seed for the random train test split,
imputer_strategy: imputation strategy
Defaults to Body(example_dummy_diffprivlib).
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – If there is not enough budget or the dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – A query is already ongoing for this user, the user does not exist or does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
a scheduled Job resulting in a CostResponse containing the privacy loss cost of the input query.
- Return type:
- async lomas_server.routes.routes_dp.estimate_opendp_cost(user_name: Annotated[str, Header(PydanticUndefined)], request: Request, opendp_query: OpenDPRequestModel) Job [source]
Estimates the privacy loss budget cost of an OpenDP query.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – The user name.
request (Request) – Raw request object.
opendp_query (OpenDPRequestModel) – The opendp query object.
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – The pipeline does not contain a “measurement”, there is not enough budget or the dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – A query is already ongoing for this user, the user does not exist or does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
a scheduled Job resulting in a CostResponse containing the privacy loss cost of the input query.
- Return type:
- async lomas_server.routes.routes_dp.estimate_smartnoise_sql_cost(user_name: Annotated[str, Header(PydanticUndefined)], request: Request, smartnoise_sql_query: SmartnoiseSQLRequestModel) Job [source]
Estimates the privacy loss budget cost of a SmartNoiseSQL query.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – The user name.
request (Request) – Raw request object
smartnoise_sql_query (SmartnoiseSQLRequestModel) – The smartnoise_sql request body.
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – The dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – A query is already ongoing for this user, the user does not exist or does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
a scheduled Job resulting in a CostResponse containing the privacy loss cost of the input query.
- Return type:
- async lomas_server.routes.routes_dp.estimate_smartnoise_synth_cost(user_name: Annotated[str, Header(PydanticUndefined)], request: Request, smartnoise_synth_query: SmartnoiseSynthRequestModel) Job [source]
Computes the privacy loss budget cost of a SmartNoiseSynth query.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – The user name.
request (Request) – Raw request object
smartnoise_synth_query (SmartnoiseSynthRequestModel) – The smartnoise_synth query body.
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – If there is not enough budget or the dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – A query is already ongoing for this user, the user does not exist or does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
a scheduled Job resulting in a CostResponse containing the privacy loss cost of the input query.
- Return type:
- async lomas_server.routes.routes_dp.opendp_query_handler(user_name: Annotated[str, Header(PydanticUndefined)], request: Request, opendp_query: OpenDPQueryModel) Job [source]
Handles queries for the OpenDP Library.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – The user name.
request (Request) – Raw request object.
opendp_query (OpenDPQueryModel) – The opendp query object.
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – The pipeline does not contain a “measurement”, there is not enough budget or the dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – A query is already ongoing for this user, the user does not exist or does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
a scheduled Job resulting in a QueryResponse containing an OpenDPQueryResult.
- Return type:
- async lomas_server.routes.routes_dp.smartnoise_sql_handler(user_name: Annotated[str, Header(PydanticUndefined)], request: Request, smartnoise_sql_query: SmartnoiseSQLQueryModel) Job [source]
Handles queries for the SmartNoiseSQL library.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – The user name.
request (Request) – Raw request object
smartnoise_sql_query (SmartnoiseSQLQueryModel) – The smartnoise_sql query body.
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – If there is not enough budget or the dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – A query is already ongoing for this user, the user does not exist or does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
a scheduled Job resulting in a QueryResponse containing a SmartnoiseSQLQueryResult.
- Return type:
- async lomas_server.routes.routes_dp.smartnoise_synth_handler(user_name: Annotated[str, Header(PydanticUndefined)], request: Request, smartnoise_synth_query: SmartnoiseSynthQueryModel) Job [source]
Handles queries for the SmartNoiseSynth library.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – The user name.
request (Request) – Raw request object
smartnoise_synth_query (SmartnoiseSynthQueryModel) – The smartnoise_synth query body.
- Raises:
ExternalLibraryException – For exceptions from libraries external to this package.
InternalServerException – For any other unforseen exceptions.
InvalidQueryException – If there is not enough budget or the dataset does not exist.
UnauthorizedAccessException – A query is already ongoing for this user, the user does not exist or does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
a scheduled Job resulting in a QueryResponse containing a SmartnoiseSynthModel or SmartnoiseSynthSamples.
- Return type:
lomas_server.routes.utils module
- lomas_server.routes.utils.handle_query_to_job(request: Request, query: DummyQueryModel | QueryModel | LomasRequestModel, user_name: str, dp_library: DPLibraries) Job [source]
Submit Job to handles queries on private, dummy and cost datasets on a worker.
- Parameters:
request (Request) – Raw request object
query (DummyQueryModel|QueryModel|LomasRequestModel) – A Request or Query to be scheduled
user_name (str) – The user name
dp_library (DPLibraries) – Name of the DP library to use for the request
- Raises:
UnauthorizedAccessException – A query is already ongoing for this user, the user does not exist or does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
- A scheduled Job resulting in a QueryResponse containing the result of the query
(specific to the library) as well as the cost of the query. or a CostResponse containing the epsilon, delta and privacy-loss budget cost for the request.
- Return type:
- async lomas_server.routes.utils.process_response(queue, cls, jobs_var)[source]
Process responses queue into Jobs.