lomas_server.admin_database package
lomas_server.admin_database.admin_database module
- class lomas_server.admin_database.admin_database.AdminDatabase(**connection_parameters: Dict[str, str])[source]
Overall database management for server state.
- abstract does_dataset_exist(dataset_name: str) bool [source]
Checks if dataset exist in the database.
- Parameters:
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset to check
- Returns:
True if the dataset exists, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- abstract does_user_exist(user_name: str) bool [source]
Checks if user exist in the database.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user to check
- Returns:
True if the user exists, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- abstract get_and_set_may_user_query(user_name: str, may_query: bool) bool [source]
Atomic operation to check and set if the user may query the server.
(Set False before querying and True after updating budget)
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
may_query (bool) – flag give or remove access to user
- Returns:
The may_query status of the user before the update.
- Return type:
- abstract get_dataset(dataset_name: str) DSInfo [source]
Get dataset access info based on dataset_name.
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
dataset_name (str) – Name of the dataset.
- Returns:
The dataset model.
- Return type:
- abstract get_dataset_metadata(dataset_name: str) Metadata [source]
Returns the metadata dictionnary of the dataset.
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset to get the metadata
- Returns:
The metadata object.
- Return type:
- abstract get_epsilon_or_delta(user_name: str, dataset_name: str, parameter: BudgetDBKey) float [source]
Get the total spent epsilon or delta by user on dataset.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset
parameter (str) – Member of BudgetDBKey.
- Returns:
The requested budget value.
- Return type:
- get_initial_budget(user_name: str, dataset_name: str) List[float] [source]
Get the initial epsilon and delta budget.
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset
- Returns:
- The first value of the list is the epsilon value,
the second value is the delta value.
- Return type:
- get_remaining_budget(user_name: str, dataset_name: str) List[float] [source]
Get the remaining epsilon and delta budget (initial - total spent).
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset
- Returns:
- The first value of the list is the epsilon value,
the second value is the delta value.
- Return type:
- get_total_spent_budget(user_name: str, dataset_name: str) List[float] [source]
Get the total spent epsilon and delta spent by user on dataset.
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset
- Returns:
- The first value of the list is the epsilon value,
the second value is the delta value.
- Return type:
- abstract get_user_previous_queries(user_name: str, dataset_name: str) List[dict] [source]
Retrieves and return the queries already done by a user.
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset
- Returns:
List of previous queries.
- Return type:
- abstract has_user_access_to_dataset(user_name: str, dataset_name: str) bool [source]
Checks if a user may access a particular dataset.
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset
- Returns:
True if the user has access, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- prepare_save_query(user_name: str, query: LomasRequestModel, response: QueryResponse) dict [source]
Prepare the query to save in archives.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
query (LomasRequestModel) – Request object received from client
response (QueryResponse) – Response object sent to client
- Raises:
InternalServerException – If the type of query is unknown.
- Returns:
The query archive dictionary.
- Return type:
- abstract save_query(user_name: str, query: LomasRequestModel, response: QueryResponse) None [source]
Save queries of user on datasets in a separate collection (table).
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
query (LomasRequestModel) – Request object received from client
response (QueryResponse) – Response object sent to client
- abstract set_may_user_query(user_name: str, may_query: bool) bool [source]
Sets if a user may query the server..
(Set False before querying and True after updating budget)
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
may_query (bool) – flag give or remove access to user
- update_budget(user_name: str, dataset_name: str, spent_epsilon: float, spent_delta: float) None [source]
Update current epsilon and delta delta spent by user.
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset
spent_epsilon (float) – value of epsilon spent on last query
spent_delta (float) – value of delta spent on last query
- update_delta(user_name: str, dataset_name: str, spent_delta: float) None [source]
Update spent delta spent by user with spent delta of the user.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset
spent_delta (float) – value of delta spent on last query
- update_epsilon(user_name: str, dataset_name: str, spent_epsilon: float) None [source]
Update spent epsilon by user with total spent epsilon.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset
spent_epsilon (float) – value of epsilon spent on last query
- abstract update_epsilon_or_delta(user_name: str, dataset_name: str, parameter: BudgetDBKey, spent_value: float) None [source]
Update current budget spent by user with spent budget.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset
parameter (str) – One of BudgetDBKey
spent_value (float) – spending of epsilon or delta on last query
- lomas_server.admin_database.admin_database.dataset_must_exist(func: Callable) Callable [source]
Decorator function to verify that a dataset exists.
- Parameters:
func (Callable) – Function to be decorated. Wrapped function arguments must include: - args[0] (str): dataset name
- Raises:
InvalidQueryException – If the dataset does not exist.
- Returns:
- Wrapper function that checks if the dataset exists
before calling the wrapped function.
- Return type:
- lomas_server.admin_database.admin_database.user_must_exist(func: Callable) Callable [source]
Decorator function to verify that a user exists.
- Parameters:
func (Callable) – Function to be decorated. Wrapped function arguments must include: - args[0] (str): username
- Raises:
UnauthorizedAccessException – If the user does not exist.
- Returns:
- Wrapper function that verifies the user exists
before calling func.
- Return type:
- lomas_server.admin_database.admin_database.user_must_have_access_to_dataset(func: Callable) Callable [source]
Decorator function to enforce a user has access to a dataset.
- Parameters:
func (Callable) – Function to be decorated. Wrapped function arguments must include: - args[0] (str): user name - args[1] (str): dataset name
- Raises:
UnauthorizedAccessException – If the user does not have access to the dataset.
- Returns:
- Wrapper function that checks if the user has access
to the dataset before calling the wrapped function.
- Return type:
lomas_server.admin_database.constants module
- class lomas_server.admin_database.constants.BudgetDBKey(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]
Key for selecting budget values in admin db for given.
dataset and user.
- DELTA_INIT = 'initial_delta'
- DELTA_SPENT = 'total_spent_delta'
- EPSILON_INIT = 'initial_epsilon'
- EPSILON_SPENT = 'total_spent_epsilon'
lomas_server.admin_database.factory module
- lomas_server.admin_database.factory.admin_database_factory(config: DBConfig) AdminDatabase [source]
Instantiates and returns database type described in config.
- Parameters:
config (DBConfig) – An instance of DBconfig.
- Raises:
InternalServerException – If the specified database type
is not supported. –
- Returns:
A instance of the correct type of AdminDatabase.
- Return type:
lomas_server.admin_database.mongodb_database module
- class lomas_server.admin_database.mongodb_database.AdminMongoDatabase(connection_string: str, database_name: str)[source]
Overall MongoDB database management for server state.
- does_dataset_exist(dataset_name: str) bool [source]
Checks if dataset exist in the database.
- Parameters:
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset to check
- Returns:
True if the dataset exists, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- does_user_exist(user_name: str) bool [source]
Checks if user exist in the database.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user to check
- Returns:
True if the user exists, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- get_and_set_may_user_query(user_name: str, may_query: bool) bool [source]
Atomic operation to check and set if the user may query the server.
(Set False before querying and True after updating budget)
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
may_query (bool) – flag give or remove access to user
- Returns:
The may_query status of the user before the update.
- Return type:
- get_dataset(dataset_name: str) DSInfo [source]
Get dataset access info based on dataset_name.
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
dataset_name (str) – Name of the dataset.
- Returns:
The dataset model.
- Return type:
- get_dataset_metadata(dataset_name: str) Metadata [source]
Returns the metadata dictionnary of the dataset.
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset to get the metadata
- Returns:
The metadata model.
- Return type:
- get_epsilon_or_delta(user_name: str, dataset_name: str, parameter: BudgetDBKey) float [source]
Get total spent epsilon or delta by a user on dataset.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset
parameter (BudgetDBKey) – One of BudgetDBKey.
- Returns:
The requested budget value.
- Return type:
- get_user_previous_queries(user_name: str, dataset_name: str) List[dict] [source]
Retrieves and return the queries already done by a user.
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset
- Returns:
List of previous queries.
- Return type:
- has_user_access_to_dataset(user_name: str, dataset_name: str) bool [source]
Checks if a user may access a particular dataset.
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset
- Returns:
True if the user has access, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- save_query(user_name: str, query: LomasRequestModel, response: QueryResponse) None [source]
Save queries of user on datasets in a separate collection (table).
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
query (LomasRequestModel) – Request object received from client
response (QueryResponse) – Response object sent to client
- Raises:
WriteConcernError – If the result is not acknowledged.
- set_may_user_query(user_name: str, may_query: bool) None [source]
Sets if a user may query the server.
(Set False before querying and True after updating budget)
Wrapped by
.- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
may_query (bool) – flag give or remove access to user
- Raises:
WriteConcernError – If the result is not acknowledged.
- update_epsilon_or_delta(user_name: str, dataset_name: str, parameter: str, spent_value: float) None [source]
Update current budget of user with the last spent budget.
- Parameters:
user_name (str) – name of the user
dataset_name (str) – name of the dataset
parameter (str) – “current_epsilon” or “current_delta”
spent_value (float) – spending of epsilon or delta on last query
- Raises:
WriteConcernError – If the result is not acknowledged.
lomas_server.admin_database.utils module
- lomas_server.admin_database.utils.add_demo_data_to_mongodb_admin(user_yaml: str = '/data/collections/user_collection.yaml', dataset_yaml: str = '/data/collections/dataset_collection.yaml') None [source]
Adds the demo data to the mongodb admindb.
Meant to be used in the develop mode of the service.
- Parameters:
user_yaml (str) – path to user collection yaml file
dataset_yaml (str) – path to dataset collection yaml file
- lomas_server.admin_database.utils.get_mongodb() Database [source]
Get URL of the administration MongoDB.
- Parameters:
config (DBConfig) – An instance of DBConfig.
- Returns:
- A correctly formatted url for connecting to the
MongoDB database.
- Return type:
- lomas_server.admin_database.utils.get_mongodb_url(config: MongoDBConfig) str [source]
Get URL of the administration MongoDB.
- Parameters:
config (MongoDBConfig) – An instance of DBConfig.
- Returns:
- A correctly formatted url for connecting to the
MongoDB database.
- Return type: