Source code for lomas_server.tests.test_mongodb_admin_cli

import os
import subprocess
import unittest
from typing import List

import yaml
from pymongo import MongoClient

from lomas_core.models.collections import DSInfo, Metadata
from lomas_core.models.config import MongoDBConfig
from lomas_core.models.constants import PrivateDatabaseType
from lomas_server.admin_database.utils import get_mongodb_url
from lomas_server.tests.constants import ENV_MONGO_INTEGRATION
from lomas_server.utils.config import CONFIG_LOADER, get_config

[docs] @unittest.skipIf( ENV_MONGO_INTEGRATION not in os.environ and os.getenv(ENV_MONGO_INTEGRATION, "0").lower() in ("false", "0", "f"), f"""Not an MongoDB integration test: {ENV_MONGO_INTEGRATION} environment variable not set to True.""", ) class TestMongoDBAdmin(unittest.TestCase): # pylint: disable=R0904 """ Tests for the functions in This is an integration test and requires a mongodb database to be started before being executed. The test is only executed if the LOMAS_TEST_MONGO_INTEGRATION environment variable is set to True. """
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls) -> None: """Connection to database.""" CONFIG_LOADER.load_config( config_path="tests/test_configs/test_config_mongo.yaml", secrets_path="tests/test_configs/test_secrets.yaml", ) # Access to MongoDB admin_config = get_config().admin_database if isinstance(admin_config, MongoDBConfig): mongo_config: MongoDBConfig = admin_config else: raise TypeError("Loaded config does not contain a MongoDBConfig.") db_url = get_mongodb_url(mongo_config) cls.db = MongoClient(db_url)[mongo_config.db_name] # CLI args to connect to DB cls.db_connection_cli = [ "--username", admin_config.username, "--password", admin_config.password, "--address", admin_config.address, "--port", str(admin_config.port), "--db_name", admin_config.db_name, "--db_max_pool_size", str(admin_config.max_pool_size), "--db_min_pool_size", str(admin_config.min_pool_size), "--db_max_connecting", str(admin_config.max_connecting), ]
[docs] def tearDown(self) -> None: """Drop all data from database.""" self.run_cli_command("drop_collection", ["--collection", "metadata"]) self.run_cli_command("drop_collection", ["--collection", "datasets"]) self.run_cli_command("drop_collection", ["--collection", "users"]) self.run_cli_command("drop_collection", ["--collection", "queries_archives"])
[docs] def run_cli_command(self, command: str, args: List) -> None: """Run a MongoDB administration CLI command. Args: command (str): The subcommand to run. args (List[str]): A list of arguments for the subcommand. Raises: ValueError: If the command returns a non-zero exit status. """ str_args = [str(arg) for arg in args] cli_command = ["python", "", command] + self.db_connection_cli + str_args try:, capture_output=True, text=True, check=True) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: error_message = ( f"Command: {cli_command}\n" f"Return Code: {e.returncode}\n" f"Output: {e.output.strip()}\n" f"Error: {e.stderr.strip()}" ) raise ValueError(error_message) from e
[docs] def test_add_user_cli(self) -> None: """Test adding a user via cli.""" user = "Tintin" # Add user self.run_cli_command("add_user", ["--user", user]) expected_user = { "user_name": user, "may_query": True, "datasets_list": [], } user_found = self.db.users.find_one({"user_name": "Tintin"}) del user_found["_id"] self.assertEqual(user_found, expected_user) # Adding existing user raises error with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.run_cli_command("add_user", ["-u", user]) # Not giving required argument with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.run_cli_command("add_user", ["--nope", "willfail"])
[docs] def test_add_user_wb_cli(self) -> None: """Test adding a user with a dataset via cli.""" user = "Tintin" dataset = "Bijoux de la Castafiore" epsilon = 10.0 delta = 0.02 self.run_cli_command( "add_user_with_budget", [ "--user", user, "--dataset", dataset, "--epsilon", epsilon, "--delta", delta, ], ) expected_user = { # pylint: disable=duplicate-code "user_name": user, "may_query": True, "datasets_list": [ { "dataset_name": dataset, "initial_epsilon": epsilon, "initial_delta": delta, "total_spent_epsilon": 0.0, "total_spent_delta": 0.0, } ], } user_found = self.db.users.find_one({"user_name": user}) del user_found["_id"] self.assertEqual(user_found, expected_user) # Adding budget to existing user should raise error with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.run_cli_command( "add_user_with_budget", ["-u", user, "-d", dataset, "-e", epsilon, "-del", delta], )
[docs] def test_del_user_cli(self) -> None: """Test deleting a user via cli.""" # Setup: add a user user = "Tintin" self.run_cli_command("add_user", ["--user", user]) # Deleting user self.run_cli_command("del_user", ["--user", user]) expected_user = None user_found = self.db.users.find_one({"user_name": user}) self.assertEqual(user_found, expected_user) # Removing non-existing should raise error with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.run_cli_command("del_user", ["--user", user])
[docs] def test_add_dataset_to_user_cli(self) -> None: """Test add dataset to a user via cli.""" user = "Tintin" dataset = "Bijoux de la Castafiore" epsilon = 10.0 delta = 0.02 self.run_cli_command("add_user", ["--user", user]) self.run_cli_command( "add_dataset_to_user", ["-u", user, "-d", dataset, "-e", epsilon, "-del", delta], ) expected_user = { "user_name": user, "may_query": True, "datasets_list": [ { "dataset_name": dataset, "initial_epsilon": epsilon, "initial_delta": delta, "total_spent_epsilon": 0.0, "total_spent_delta": 0.0, } ], } user_found = self.db.users.find_one({"user_name": user}) del user_found["_id"] assert user_found == expected_user # Adding dataset to existing user with existing dataset should # raise and error epsilon = 20.0 with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.run_cli_command( "add_dataset_to_user", ["-u", user, "-d", dataset, "-e", epsilon, "-del", delta], ) # Adding dataset to non-existing user should raise an error user = "Milou" with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.run_cli_command( "add_dataset_to_user", ["-u", user, "-d", dataset, "-e", epsilon, "-del", delta], )
[docs] def test_del_dataset_to_user_cli(self) -> None: """Test delete dataset from user via cli.""" # Setup: add user with dataset user = "Tintin" dataset = "Bijoux de la Castafiore" epsilon = 10.0 delta = 0.02 self.run_cli_command( "add_user_with_budget", ["-u", user, "-d", dataset, "-e", epsilon, "-del", delta], ) # Test dataset deletion self.run_cli_command("del_dataset_to_user", ["-u", user, "-d", dataset]) expected_user = { "user_name": user, "may_query": True, "datasets_list": [], } user_found = self.db.users.find_one({"user_name": user}) del user_found["_id"] self.assertEqual(user_found, expected_user) # Remove dataset from non-existant user should raise error user = "Milou" with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.run_cli_command("del_dataset_to_user", ["-u", user, "-d", dataset]) # Remove dataset not present in user should raise error user = "Tintin" dataset = "Bijoux de la Castafiore" with self.assertRaises(Exception): self.run_cli_command("del_dataset_to_user", ["-u", user, "-d", dataset])
[docs] def test_set_budget_field_cli(self) -> None: """Test setting a budget field via cli.""" # Setup: add user with budget user = "Tintin" dataset = "Bijoux de la Castafiore" epsilon = 10.0 delta = 0.02 self.run_cli_command( "add_user_with_budget", ["-u", user, "-d", dataset, "-e", epsilon, "-del", delta], ) # Updating budget should work field = "initial_epsilon" value = 15 self.run_cli_command( "set_budget_field", ["-u", user, "-d", dataset, "-f", field, "-v", value], ) expected_user = { "user_name": user, "may_query": True, "datasets_list": [ { "dataset_name": dataset, "initial_epsilon": value, "initial_delta": delta, "total_spent_epsilon": 0.0, "total_spent_delta": 0.0, } ], } user_found = self.db.users.find_one({"user_name": user}) del user_found["_id"] self.assertEqual(user_found, expected_user) # Setting budget for non-existing user should fail user = "Milou" with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.run_cli_command( "set_budget_field", ["-u", user, "-d", dataset, "-f", field, "-v", value], ) # Setting budget for non-existing dataset should fail user = "Tintin" dataset = "os de Milou" with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.run_cli_command( "set_budget_field", ["-u", user, "-d", dataset, "-f", field, "-v", value], )
[docs] def test_set_may_query_cli(self) -> None: """Test set may query via cli.""" # Setup: add user with budget user = "Tintin" dataset = "PENGUIN" epsilon = 10.0 delta = 0.02 self.run_cli_command( "add_user_with_budget", ["-u", user, "-d", dataset, "-e", epsilon, "-del", delta], ) # Set may query self.run_cli_command("set_may_query", ["-u", user, "-v", "False"]) expected_user = { "user_name": user, "may_query": False, "datasets_list": [ { "dataset_name": dataset, "initial_epsilon": epsilon, "initial_delta": delta, "total_spent_epsilon": 0.0, "total_spent_delta": 0.0, } ], } user_found = self.db.users.find_one({"user_name": user}) del user_found["_id"] self.assertEqual(user_found, expected_user) # Raises error when user does not exist user = "Milou" with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.run_cli_command("set_may_query", ["-u", user, "-v", "False"])
[docs] def test_get_user_cli(self) -> None: """Test show user via CLI. Does not verify output for not """ user = "Milou" self.run_cli_command("add_user", ["-u", user]) self.run_cli_command("get_user", ["-u", user])
[docs] def test_add_users_via_yaml_cli(self) -> None: """Test create user collection via YAML file via cli.""" # Adding two users path = "./tests/test_data/test_user_collection.yaml" self.run_cli_command("add_users_via_yaml", ["-yf", path]) tintin = { "user_name": "Tintin", "may_query": True, "datasets_list": [ { "dataset_name": "Bijoux de la Castafiore", "initial_epsilon": 10, "initial_delta": 0.005, "total_spent_epsilon": 0.0, "total_spent_delta": 0.0, } ], } user_found = self.db.users.find_one({"user_name": "Tintin"}) del user_found["_id"] self.assertEqual(user_found, tintin)
[docs] def test_get_archives_of_user_cli(self) -> None: """Test show archives of user via CLI. Does not verify output for not """ user = "Milou" self.run_cli_command("add_user", ["-u", user]) self.run_cli_command("get_archives_of_user", ["-u", user])
[docs] def test_get_list_of_users_cli(self) -> None: """Test get list of users via CLI. Does not verify output for not """ self.run_cli_command("get_list_of_users", []) self.run_cli_command("add_user", ["-u", "Milou"]) self.run_cli_command("add_user", ["-u", "Tintin"]) self.run_cli_command("get_list_of_users", [])
[docs] def test_get_list_of_datasets_from_user_cli(self) -> None: """Test get list of users via CLI. Does not verify output for not """ user = "Milou" self.run_cli_command("add_user", ["-u", user]) self.run_cli_command("get_list_of_datasets_from_user", ["-u", user]) self.run_cli_command( "add_dataset_to_user", ["-u", user, "-d", "os", "-e", 0.1, "-del", 0.001], ) self.run_cli_command("get_list_of_datasets_from_user", ["-u", user])
[docs] def test_add_local_dataset_cli(self) -> None: """Test adding a local dataset via cli.""" dataset = "PENGUIN" database_type = PrivateDatabaseType.PATH dataset_path = "some_path" metadata_database_type = PrivateDatabaseType.PATH metadata_path = "./tests/test_data/metadata/penguin_metadata.yaml" self.run_cli_command( "add_dataset", [ "--dataset_name", dataset, "--database_type", database_type, "--dataset_path", dataset_path, "--metadata_database_type", metadata_database_type, "--metadata_path", metadata_path, ], ) expected_dataset = { "dataset_name": dataset, "dataset_access": {"database_type": database_type, "path": dataset_path}, "metadata_access": { "database_type": metadata_database_type, "path": metadata_path, }, } expected_dataset = DSInfo.model_validate(expected_dataset).model_dump() with open( "./tests/test_data/metadata/penguin_metadata.yaml", encoding="utf-8", ) as f: expected_metadata = yaml.safe_load(f) expected_metadata = Metadata.model_validate(expected_metadata).model_dump() dataset_found = self.db.datasets.find_one({"dataset_name": "PENGUIN"}) del dataset_found["_id"] self.assertEqual(dataset_found, expected_dataset) metadata_found = self.db.metadata.find_one({dataset: {"$exists": True}})[dataset] self.assertEqual(metadata_found, expected_metadata)
[docs] def test_add_datasets_via_yaml_cli(self) -> None: """Test add datasets via a YAML file via cli.""" # Load reference data with open( "./tests/test_data/test_datasets.yaml", encoding="utf-8", ) as f: datasets = yaml.safe_load(f) penguin = datasets["datasets"][0] iris = datasets["datasets"][1] with open( "./tests/test_data/metadata/penguin_metadata.yaml", encoding="utf-8", ) as f: penguin_metadata = yaml.safe_load(f) def verify_datasets(): # Check penguin and iris are in db penguin_found = self.db.datasets.find_one({"dataset_name": "PENGUIN"}) del penguin_found["_id"] self.assertEqual(penguin_found, penguin) metadata_found = self.db.metadata.find_one({"PENGUIN": {"$exists": True}})["PENGUIN"] self.assertEqual(metadata_found, penguin_metadata) iris_found = self.db.datasets.find_one({"dataset_name": "IRIS"}) del iris_found["_id"] self.assertEqual(iris_found, iris) metadata_found = self.db.metadata.find_one({"IRIS": {"$exists": True}})["IRIS"] self.assertEqual(metadata_found, penguin_metadata) path = "./tests/test_data/test_datasets.yaml" self.run_cli_command("add_datasets_via_yaml", ["--yaml_file", path]) verify_datasets()
[docs] def test_del_dataset_cli(self) -> None: """Test dataset deletion via cli.""" # Setup: add one dataset dataset = "PENGUIN" database_type = PrivateDatabaseType.PATH dataset_path = "some_path" metadata_database_type = PrivateDatabaseType.PATH metadata_path = "./tests/test_data/metadata/penguin_metadata.yaml" self.run_cli_command( "add_dataset", [ "--dataset_name", dataset, "--database_type", database_type, "--dataset_path", dataset_path, "--metadata_database_type", metadata_database_type, "--metadata_path", metadata_path, ], ) # Verify delete works self.run_cli_command("del_dataset", ["--dataset", dataset]) dataset_found = self.db.datasets.find_one({"dataset_name": "PENGUIN"}) self.assertEqual(dataset_found, None) nb_metadata = self.db.metadata.count_documents({}) self.assertEqual(nb_metadata, 0) # Delete non-existing dataset should trigger error with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.run_cli_command("del_dataset", ["--dataset", dataset])
[docs] def test_get_dataset_cli(self) -> None: """Test show dataset. Does not verify output for not """ dataset = "PENGUIN" with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.run_cli_command("get_dataset", ["--dataset", dataset]) self.run_cli_command( "add_dataset", [ "--dataset_name", dataset, "--database_type", PrivateDatabaseType.PATH, "--dataset_path", "some_path", "--metadata_database_type", PrivateDatabaseType.PATH, "--metadata_path", "./tests/test_data/metadata/penguin_metadata.yaml", ], ) self.run_cli_command("get_dataset", ["--dataset", dataset])
[docs] def test_get_metadata_of_dataset_cli(self) -> None: """Test show metadata_of dataset. Does not verify output for not """ dataset = "PENGUIN" with self.assertRaises(ValueError): self.run_cli_command("get_metadata_of_dataset", ["--dataset", dataset]) self.run_cli_command( "add_dataset", [ "--dataset_name", dataset, "--database_type", PrivateDatabaseType.PATH, "--dataset_path", "some_path", "--metadata_database_type", PrivateDatabaseType.PATH, "--metadata_path", "./tests/test_data/metadata/penguin_metadata.yaml", ], ) self.run_cli_command("get_metadata_of_dataset", ["--dataset", dataset])
[docs] def test_get_list_of_datasets_cli(self) -> None: """Test get list of datasets via CLI. Does not verify output for not """ self.run_cli_command("get_list_of_datasets", []) self.run_cli_command( "add_datasets_via_yaml", ["--yaml_file", "./tests/test_data/test_datasets.yaml"], ) self.run_cli_command("get_list_of_datasets", [])
[docs] def test_drop_collection_cli(self) -> None: """Test drop collection from db via cli.""" # Setup: add one dataset dataset = "PENGUIN" database_type = PrivateDatabaseType.PATH dataset_path = "some_path" metadata_database_type = PrivateDatabaseType.PATH metadata_path = "./tests/test_data/metadata/penguin_metadata.yaml" self.run_cli_command( "add_dataset", [ "--dataset_name", dataset, "--database_type", database_type, "--dataset_path", dataset_path, "--metadata_database_type", metadata_database_type, "--metadata_path", metadata_path, ], ) # Test collection = "datasets" self.run_cli_command("drop_collection", ["-c", collection]) nb_datasets = self.db.datasets.count_documents({}) self.assertEqual(nb_datasets, 0)
[docs] def test_get_collection_cli(self) -> None: """Test show collection from db via CLI.""" self.run_cli_command("get_collection", ["-c", "datasets"]) self.run_cli_command( "add_datasets_via_yaml", ["--yaml_file", "./tests/test_data/test_datasets.yaml"], ) self.run_cli_command("get_collection", ["-c", "datasets"])