Source code for lomas_core.models.utils

import json
import pickle
from base64 import b64decode, b64encode
from typing import Any

import pandas as pd
import polars as pl


[docs] def dataframe_to_dict(df: pd.DataFrame) -> dict: """Transforms pandas dataframe into a dictionary. Args: df (pd.DataFrame): The dataframe to "serialize". Returns: dict: The pandas dataframe in dictionary format. """ return df.to_dict(orient=PANDAS_SERIALIZATION_ORIENT)
[docs] def dataframe_from_dict(serialized_df: pd.DataFrame | dict) -> pd.DataFrame: """Transforms input dict into pandas dataframe. If the input is already a dataframe, it is simply returned unmodified. Args: serialized_df (pd.DataFrame | dict): Dataframe in dict format. Or pd.Dataframe. Returns: pd.DataFrame: The transformed dataframe. """ if isinstance(serialized_df, pd.DataFrame): return serialized_df return pd.DataFrame.from_dict(serialized_df, orient=PANDAS_SERIALIZATION_ORIENT)
[docs] def polars_df_to_str(df_pl: pl.DataFrame) -> str: """Convert a Polars DataFrame to a JSON string.""" return df_pl.write_json()
[docs] def polars_df_from_str(serialized_pl: str | pl.DataFrame) -> pl.DataFrame: """Convert a Polars DataFrame from a JSON string.""" if isinstance(serialized_pl, pl.DataFrame): return serialized_pl df_pl = json.loads(serialized_pl) return pl.DataFrame(df_pl)
[docs] def serialize_model(model: Any) -> str: """ Serialise a python object into an utf-8 string. Fitted Smartnoise Synth synthesizer or fitted DiffPrivLib pipeline. Args: model (Any): An object to serialise Returns: str: string of serialised model """ serialized = b64encode(pickle.dumps(model)) return serialized.decode("utf-8")
[docs] def deserialize_model(serialized_model: Any) -> Any: """Deserialize a base64 encoded byte string into a python object. Args: serialized_model (Any): Encoded python object. Returns: Any: Deserialized python object. """ if isinstance(serialized_model, str): raw_bytes = b64decode(serialized_model) return pickle.loads(raw_bytes) return serialized_model