Source code for lomas_core.models.responses

from typing import Annotated, Any, List, Literal, Union
from uuid import UUID, uuid4

import pandas as pd
import polars as pl
from diffprivlib.validation import DiffprivlibMixin
from pydantic import (
from snsynth import Synthesizer

from lomas_core.constants import DPLibraries
from lomas_core.models.exceptions import LomasServerExceptionType
from lomas_core.models.utils import (

[docs] class ResponseModel(BaseModel): """Base model for any response from the server."""
[docs] class InitialBudgetResponse(ResponseModel): """Model for responses to initial budget queries.""" initial_epsilon: float """The initial epsilon privacy loss budget.""" initial_delta: float """The initial delta privacy loss budget."""
[docs] class SpentBudgetResponse(ResponseModel): """Model for responses to spent budget queries.""" total_spent_epsilon: float """The total spent epsilon privacy loss budget.""" total_spent_delta: float """The total spent delta privacy loss budget."""
[docs] class RemainingBudgetResponse(ResponseModel): """Model for responses to remaining budget queries.""" remaining_epsilon: float """The remaining epsilon privacy loss budget.""" remaining_delta: float """The remaining delta privacy loss budget."""
[docs] class DummyDsResponse(ResponseModel): """Model for responses to dummy dataset requests.""" model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True) dtypes: Any """The dummy_df column data types.""" datetime_columns: List[str] """The list of columns with datetime type.""" dummy_df: Annotated[pd.DataFrame, PlainSerializer(dataframe_to_dict)] """The dummy dataframe."""
[docs] @field_validator("dummy_df", mode="before") @classmethod def deserialize_dummy_df(cls, v: pd.DataFrame | dict, info: ValidationInfo) -> pd.DataFrame: """Decodes the dict representation of the dummy df with correct types. Only does so if the input value is not already a dataframe. Args: v (pd.DataFrame | dict): The dataframe to decode. info (ValidationInfo): Validation info to access other model fields. Returns: pd.DataFrame: The decoded dataframe. """ if isinstance(v, pd.DataFrame): return v dtypes =["dtypes"] datetime_columns =["datetime_columns"] dummy_df = dataframe_from_dict(v) dummy_df = dummy_df.astype(dtypes) for col in datetime_columns: dummy_df[col] = pd.to_datetime(dummy_df[col]) return dummy_df
[docs] class CostResponse(ResponseModel): """Model for responses to cost estimation requests or queries.""" model_config = ConfigDict(use_attribute_docstrings=True) epsilon: float """The epsilon cost of the query.""" delta: float """The delta cost of the query."""
# Query Responses # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # DiffPrivLib
[docs] class DiffPrivLibQueryResult(BaseModel): """Model for diffprivlib query result.""" model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True) res_type: Literal[DPLibraries.DIFFPRIVLIB] = DPLibraries.DIFFPRIVLIB """Result type description.""" score: float """The trained model score.""" model: Annotated[ DiffprivlibMixin, PlainSerializer(serialize_model), PlainValidator(deserialize_model), ] """The trained model."""
# SmartnoiseSQL
[docs] class SmartnoiseSQLQueryResult(BaseModel): """Type for smartnoise_sql result type.""" model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True) res_type: Literal[DPLibraries.SMARTNOISE_SQL] = DPLibraries.SMARTNOISE_SQL """Result type description.""" df: Annotated[ pd.DataFrame, PlainSerializer(dataframe_to_dict), PlainValidator(dataframe_from_dict), ] """Dataframe containing the query result."""
# SmartnoiseSynth
[docs] class SmartnoiseSynthModel(BaseModel): """Type for smartnoise_synth result when it is a pickled model.""" model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True) res_type: Literal[DPLibraries.SMARTNOISE_SYNTH] = DPLibraries.SMARTNOISE_SYNTH """Result type description.""" model: Annotated[Synthesizer, PlainSerializer(serialize_model), PlainValidator(deserialize_model)] """Synthetic data generator model."""
[docs] class SmartnoiseSynthSamples(BaseModel): """Type for smartnoise_synth result when it is a dataframe of samples.""" model_config = ConfigDict(arbitrary_types_allowed=True) res_type: Literal["sn_synth_samples"] = "sn_synth_samples" """Result type description.""" df_samples: Annotated[ pd.DataFrame, PlainSerializer(dataframe_to_dict), PlainValidator(dataframe_from_dict), ] """Dataframe containing the generated synthetic samples."""
# OpenDP
[docs] class OpenDPQueryResult(BaseModel): """Type for opendp result.""" res_type: Literal[DPLibraries.OPENDP] = DPLibraries.OPENDP """Result type description.""" value: Union[int, float, List[Union[int, float]]] """The result value of the query."""
[docs] class OpenDPPolarsQueryResult(BaseModel): """Type for opendp Polars result.""" res_type: Literal[DPLibraries.OPENDP_POLARS] = DPLibraries.OPENDP_POLARS """Result type description.""" # order of PlainValidator and PlainSerializer matters in that case: # value: Annotated[ pl.DataFrame, PlainValidator(polars_df_from_str), PlainSerializer(polars_df_to_str), ] """The result value of the query."""
# Response object QueryResultTypeAlias = Union[ DiffPrivLibQueryResult, SmartnoiseSQLQueryResult, SmartnoiseSynthModel, SmartnoiseSynthSamples, OpenDPQueryResult, OpenDPPolarsQueryResult, ]
[docs] class QueryResponse(CostResponse): """Response to Lomas queries.""" requested_by: str """The user that triggered the query.""" result: Annotated[ QueryResultTypeAlias, Discriminator("res_type"), ] """The query result object."""
[docs] class Job(ResponseModel): """Scheduled Job Response.""" uid: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4) status: str = "in_progress" result: QueryResponse | CostResponse | None = None error: LomasServerExceptionType | None = None status_code: int = 200