Source code for lomas_core.models.exceptions

from typing import Annotated, Literal, Union

from pydantic import BaseModel, ConfigDict, Field, TypeAdapter

from lomas_core.constants import DPLibraries
from lomas_core.models.constants import ExceptionType

[docs] class LomasServerExceptionModel(BaseModel): """Base model for lomas server exceptions.""" model_config = ConfigDict(use_attribute_docstrings=True) type: str """Exception type."""
[docs] class InvalidQueryExceptionModel(LomasServerExceptionModel): """Exception directly related to the query. For example if it does not contain a DP mechanism or there is not enough DP budget. """ type: Literal[ExceptionType.INVALID_QUERY] = ExceptionType.INVALID_QUERY """Exception type.""" message: str """Exception error message. This is for exceptions directly related to the query. For example if it does not contain a DP mechanism or there is not enough DP budget. """
# Note: we duplicate the class docstring to show it in the openapi doc.
[docs] class ExternalLibraryExceptionModel(LomasServerExceptionModel): """For exceptions from libraries external to the lomas packages.""" type: Literal[ExceptionType.EXTERNAL_LIBRARY] = ExceptionType.EXTERNAL_LIBRARY """Exception type.""" library: DPLibraries """The external library that caused the exception.""" message: str """Exception error message. For exceptions from libraries external to the lomas packages. """
[docs] class UnauthorizedAccessExceptionModel(LomasServerExceptionModel): """Exception related to rights with regards to the query. (e.g. no user access for this dataset). """ type: Literal[ExceptionType.UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS] = ExceptionType.UNAUTHORIZED_ACCESS """Exception type.""" message: str """Exception error message. Exception related to rights with regards to the query. (e.g. no user access for this dataset). """
[docs] class InternalServerExceptionModel(LomasServerExceptionModel): """For any unforseen internal exception.""" type: Literal[ExceptionType.INTERNAL_SERVER] = ExceptionType.INTERNAL_SERVER """Exception type. For any unforseen internal exception. """
LomasServerExceptionType = Annotated[ Union[ InvalidQueryExceptionModel, ExternalLibraryExceptionModel, UnauthorizedAccessExceptionModel, InternalServerExceptionModel, ], Field(discriminator="type"), ] LomasServerExceptionTypeAdapter: TypeAdapter = TypeAdapter(LomasServerExceptionType)